If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
He's saying that a stupid scenario, which should not be possible - and occurs only in turn based encounters - is stopped by a perk which will be taken by a small number of hand to hand specialists means that this perk will ruin combat on a global scale. None of that makes any sense whatsoever. In any way. Pointing this out is not trolling.
Okay, but only NOW are explaining this. If you explained this in the first place it would be fine but instead I see 3 posts and one from surf basically saying "stfu no one cares for your opinion".
EDIT: by the way why this and not preventing players getting 1h bursts with that perk (eg. being handled as if they were 2hex far)? It'd be far less random, and at least bursters would know to keep they distance, and not roll a lottery)
TB oriented
the only hope is that the perk gona have some funny requirments that would make it really impossible to take for TB oriented high ap BG tanks..
please read that sentence again...that mean requierments to taking that perk, so much inconvinient for [TB oriented highap builds] that in practic they just wont take it,for example requierment of having 150% skill in HTH or melee
I mean Melee damage was always just added to the top, rather than working like BRD. Post wipe *should* be a lot easier to do a low range char type.
It's always nice to see people "knowing better" or whining endless rivers of pain before a feature is even in the game. You can be glad that Solar gives a bit insight at all into the new feautures - seeing people moaning about it for sure doesn't make him share more stuff with the community.
I guess it's hth only (or else hth will hate it far the most) perk, but would be funny to see it countered by spear
The only exploit involved abusing your intelligence