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Author Topic: Fix Melee Damage  (Read 10959 times)


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Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #30 on: June 15, 2011, 11:50:04 pm »

I don't see why Rascal was being bashed.  He was giving clear and detailed explanation as to what he thought how the perk would affect gameplay...  and he get's trolled without any kind of reason for it?
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Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #31 on: June 15, 2011, 11:55:17 pm »

He's saying that a stupid scenario, which should not be possible - and occurs only in turn based encounters - is stopped by a perk which will be taken by a small number of hand to hand specialists means that this perk will ruin combat on a global scale.

None of that makes any sense whatsoever. In any way. Pointing this out is not trolling.
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Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #32 on: June 16, 2011, 12:06:27 am »

He's saying that a stupid scenario, which should not be possible - and occurs only in turn based encounters - is stopped by a perk which will be taken by a small number of hand to hand specialists means that this perk will ruin combat on a global scale.

None of that makes any sense whatsoever. In any way. Pointing this out is not trolling.
Okay, but only NOW are explaining this.  If you explained this in the first place it would be fine but instead I see 3 posts and one from surf basically saying "stfu no one cares for your opinion".
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Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #33 on: June 16, 2011, 12:14:53 am »

I said the exact same thing using different words, only clarfiying that it was even more stupid if he was talking about doing this to players and not NPCs.

In any event, the perk makes it so you are not dooming yourself to 3* damage by actually getting close enough to hit a burster when you are a hth guy. Useful to some, not game breaking.
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Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #34 on: June 16, 2011, 12:21:32 am »

I guess it's hth only (or else hth will hate it far the most) perk, but would be funny to see it countered by spear :P
EDIT: by the way why this and not preventing players getting 1h bursts with that perk (eg. being handled as if they were 2hex far)? It'd be far less random, and at least bursters would know to keep they distance, and not roll a lottery)
« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 12:25:27 am by Johnnybravo »
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Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #35 on: June 16, 2011, 12:23:52 am »

Okay, but only NOW are explaining this.  If you explained this in the first place it would be fine but instead I see 3 posts and one from surf basically saying "stfu no one cares for your opinion".

Oh and you couldn't understand that first time , someone needs to explain to you :)

Funny perk can't judge anything before I know requirements for the perk , anyway the perk should have a chance if it will be too " unbalanced "  that i strongly doubt it will , then just a minor update and everyone is happy again.

But still Rascal has a point hth/unarmed chars shouldn't be equal with other ranged builds , wouldn't make any sense i don't mind if they have a good chance to win ranged characters under certain circumstances and specialized perks but i don't want to see hth chars equal to ranged.

Just saying....


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Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #36 on: June 16, 2011, 12:34:02 am »

and as i can clearly see u still dont get it

its gona be a must have perk in turn base builds
its gona spoil whole buety of TB PvP couse now the danger/ the risk of 2x 1hex burst prevent player from acting like rambo, players are using walls, corners, trying to not get 2x 1hex bursted, and in the other way they are trying to catch  enemy in that state if its possible, thats why the whole gamplay of it is great couse its like chess when u have carefully plann every single Ap u spend. After implementation of that perk, all seroius TB builds gona have it ( i know my oppoents and most of them I respect and like and im know for sure they gonna take it couse even now every build fighting near sf is very similiar) and the fight is gonna be gutted out of whole tactic factor, now there is gona be just brute force, and who gets more chars into encounter wins....  the whole gameplay ruined no more skill-based gampeplay...

the only hope is that the perk gona have some funny requirments that would make it really impossible to take for TB oriented high ap BG tanks..


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Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #37 on: June 16, 2011, 12:37:28 am »

A guy in the best armour and armed with the best hth weapons should have just as reasonable a chance as a big gunner.

EDIT: by the way why this and not preventing players getting 1h bursts with that perk (eg. being handled as if they were 2hex far)? It'd be far less random, and at least bursters would know to keep they distance, and not roll a lottery)

Because it works against other weapons too.

Those Van Buren fans amoungst you may remember the old one:!

TB oriented

There will be no such thing. Perks work in both forms, or don't exist.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
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Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #38 on: June 16, 2011, 12:43:55 am »

the only hope is that the perk gona have some funny requirments that would make it really impossible to take for TB oriented high ap BG tanks..

please read that sentence again...

that mean requierments to taking that perk, so much inconvinient for [TB oriented highap builds] that in practic they just wont take it,
for example requierment of having 150% skill in HTH or melee


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Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #39 on: June 16, 2011, 01:03:12 am »

please read that sentence again...

that mean requierments to taking that perk, so much inconvinient for [TB oriented highap builds] that in practic they just wont take it,
for example requierment of having 150% skill in HTH or melee
Rascal dont be funny 150% its still to less :P 6 int 200 bg and still have enough points to get 150 skill. 2 burst and change to second slot for no weapon if work only with hth weaps. Funny ? Ridiculus.


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Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #40 on: June 16, 2011, 01:25:28 am »

yep it was just a hot thought, indeed it would be still doable with such reqirment...  maybe critical chance as the requiremnt, hth melee builds base on critichal chance (taking more criticals, 10 luck etc) so maybe 20% crit chance as a req ?
Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #41 on: June 16, 2011, 01:39:13 am »

TBH i want to see how that perk would play it, if it's found to make melee/hth too "powerful" (lol) Then perhaps it could simply be adjusted to 50% per bullet to miss.
Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #42 on: June 16, 2011, 03:43:24 am »

I mean Melee damage was always just added to the top, rather than working like BRD.

Post wipe *should* be a lot easier to do a low range char type.

Melee damage was always just added to top IN FONLINE, not Fallout 1 and 2, where that's a real "bonus", not just an add to max value. As I explained in the thread linked in signature, a real bonus damage should be added to both max and min dmg, as in F1/F2.

This is clearly showed even in FOnline Wiki on Bonus HtH Damage perk ( ):
"Note: This perk actually increases character's parameter "melee damage" by 2 points, which is added to Maximum damage value only (not to overall melee damage as it written)."

Over that, I'm happy you guys are doing something for HtH warriors  :D

It's always nice to see people "knowing better" or whining endless rivers of pain before a feature is even in the game. You can be glad that Solar gives a bit insight at all into the new feautures - seeing people moaning about it for sure doesn't make him share more stuff with the community.

That's exactly what I thought. HtHrs are the WORST fighters in PvP atm and people already start to complain about improvement to make us competitive ("decents") in players fight. Ridiculous.

I guess it's hth only (or else hth will hate it far the most) perk, but would be funny to see it countered by spear :P

I didn't get this at all  ???
Spear = melee, HtH = melee/unarmed; obviously the perk would work for both.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 03:45:04 am by Ombra »
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Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #43 on: June 16, 2011, 03:53:31 am »

Spear has 2 range.
Re: Fix Melee Damage
« Reply #44 on: June 16, 2011, 03:53:45 pm »

I dont see how you can call it a must have without seeing the other new perks anyway. If it was a current lvl 12+ perk i still think a lot of people would be taking lifgiver brof and action boy over it anyway.
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