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Author Topic: unbalanced  (Read 7952 times)


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: unbalanced
« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2011, 10:36:21 pm »

My game time is 50-50% so I have a really hard time trying to understand why would a guy that plays 99% in RT tells me about TB builds and even tryes to show me wrong when he doesn't even had an ideea about how the game works in TB. Except in the case, of course, that he is trolling, and that is exaclly what you do now.

This topic was about general (un)balance, not about TB balance, sorry to reply to the whole topic instead of talking about your TB builds.
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Re: unbalanced
« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2011, 10:39:33 pm »

stop all of you complaining!!!!!!!
My head hurts only by reding this topic!


speak about the balance of the game will never solve anything
this topic must be completely obliterated and mods must close any discussion that tends to this arguments
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: unbalanced
« Reply #32 on: June 07, 2011, 11:18:26 pm »

Hum, what? Againt a good crippler, a BG have absolutely 0 chance in TB. Crippler have more PE, which mean more sequence and range, enough AP to shot 2 times in the arm per trurn at long range and 3 at short, which mean at least a weapon drop and with a bit of luck cripple, and like you can't doc and TB, you win the battle.

This topic was about general (un)balance, not about TB balance, sorry to reply to the whole topic instead of talking about your TB builds.

Are you kidding me or you really are retarded?
Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do!

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  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: unbalanced
« Reply #33 on: June 08, 2011, 12:33:48 am »

Are you kidding me or you really are retarded?

Tell me, are you blind to quote the wrong post, or are you retarded?

And seriously, it's you who don't know anything about crippler powerbuild. A good one will shot two times in arm with a sniper rifle, 3 times with a 14mm (or any pistol except .223) with 25% crit chance (which means 55% crit chance in arms). Big Guns and energies have serious trouble with cripplers, RT or TB. Of course with P90 it's different, but it lack range, and in a town you will be slaughtered at long range.
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

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Re: unbalanced
« Reply #34 on: June 08, 2011, 02:04:11 am »

Quote from: Trokanis
Well basically this is the issue with taking a game not designed for uber builds, and letting them go up against eachother.  By the time they 'balance' this game, it's combat will be nothing like fallout, might end up like real time wow pvp fights, walk in, hit your attack button til other guy is dead.  Hell right now it's so funny that a small gun pistol does so much dmg because people whined about sg'rs in pvp.  Now sg's do as much as energy pistols, energy's are almost at the dmg of most rifles, and heavy guns are barely any higher.  Then people cry realism in every other part of this game...  WTF you expect the devs to do. A sniper bullet in the EYE is gonna be a ton more destructive than a spray of bullets in the armored chest at range, (where most may not even hit the target).
Hence why this game should emphasize other factors of battle instead of the battle itself.  

For example:  TC

1.  Some quests could require materials and affect static defenses like barricades, cover, etc.

2.  Quests would involve finding suitable fighters and ways of obtaining their srvices.

3.  Militia armament requires upkeep and questing decides what they are armed with.

Conditions for victory would be calculated by statistical analysis in regards to combined factors of 1-3.

Sure combat would be a far cry (no pun intended), from being fps action type twitch fighting.  However, this would provide balance and elinminate the attrition type style war that currently exists.

PVP combat will be handled by the already wasteland is harsh random encounters but also combat oriented "battlegrounds".  Maps will contain "positions", for diffferent combat builds.  Snipers will deal with other snipers.  BG tankers will advance assaults and deal with other their counterparts, defenders of the line.  Small gunners will provide rear-guard defense against spys, HtH, and other small gunner builds.  

Never did like RT combat as it was never intended for a game like Fallout.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 02:15:49 am by Keldorn »


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Re: unbalanced
« Reply #35 on: June 08, 2011, 07:58:45 am »

look, by BGners i mean tanks taht are good at close range like:plasma tanks, p90 tanks, trowing knife tanks...
and by Snipers i am refering to EW snipers too and weak launchers
and the sneaker bursters i mean all the builds that use sneak and do a shitload of dmg

and after wipe i wanna make a BG tank with trow as secondary skill(like Sanford im Madness combat without melle)


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Re: unbalanced
« Reply #36 on: June 09, 2011, 06:00:47 am »

EW cripplers are the biggest problem, at least with me.  4/5 times they shoot to eyes its either:  Insta kill or 200 HP knockout knockdown bypass blah blah.

Doesn't matter if it involves a "chance" if the chances are so high it's literally fullproof 95% of the time.

Honestly, from my own experience, Snipers are "balanced", it's just their auto-aim feature that breaks the balance.
I tend to agree with this, though the problem I believe is more in the crit table/chances than with the actual balancing of the weapons. ALSO, as Mich pointed out: the auto-aim that was introduced severely tipped shit in their favor.  Just group snipers en masse with cheap crap and now they can all one-click arm/leg/eye shot anything they even get a glimspse of. Its rather similar to the insta-hording of merc/slaves when you think about it: alpha-strike rush (Alpha strike is what you can do in a single turn/AP charge) which tends to be overkill in TB and with the auto-aim, fucks up RT now in snipers favor.
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Re: unbalanced
« Reply #37 on: June 09, 2011, 12:02:10 pm »

Maybe snipers should not be able to make two shots in a row, like in real life.
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Re: unbalanced
« Reply #38 on: June 09, 2011, 12:38:41 pm »

There is no such thing as a sniper who has two shots in a row. I know only one pure double shot sniper (14 AP) from TC but with very low hp. Nobody else uses this kind of sniper, from what I've seen, 13 AP sniper is pretty rare, too. Nowadays the most of the snipers have 11 or 12 AP, which is not the problem, still you have to wait a while for your second shot.

When we talk about energy class, of course you can have double shot build, but with low crit. chance compared to snipers. I don't mind plasma tanks doing damage over 200 hp, because they are supposed to be deadly at close distance. Keep in mind snipers can always kill plasma build at larger distance.

Honestly even in auto aim feature I can't see any problem. Every aiming build can use it and don't tell me it's imba in relation to big gunners. Rockets do 50-90 damage and they haven't had to aim ever. In times when scope was in use it was almost one click, so this step is just more comfortable for everyone, nothing changed.


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Re: unbalanced
« Reply #39 on: June 09, 2011, 12:45:18 pm »

There is no such thing as a sniper who has two shots in a row. I know only one pure double shot sniper (14 AP) from TC but with very low hp. Nobody else uses this kind of sniper, from what I've seen, 13 AP sniper is pretty rare, too. Nowadays the most of the snipers have 11 or 12 AP, which is not the problem, still you have to wait a while for your second shot.
 Regen is fast enough it is pretty much a double shot. :P
When we talk about energy class, of course you can have double shot build, but with low crit. chance compared to snipers. I don't mind plasma tanks doing damage over 200 hp, because they are supposed to be deadly at close distance. Keep in mind snipers can always kill plasma build at larger distance.
Insta kills at 25 Hex? (don't try to tell me it isn't!! :P)  Along with 2-3 shots in a row?   :-\
Honestly even in auto aim feature I can't see any problem. Every aiming build can use it and don't tell me it's imba in relation to big gunners. Rockets do 50-90 damage and they haven't had to aim ever. In times when scope was in use it was almost one click, so this step is just more comfortable for everyone, nothing changed.
Rockets don't knock you out, (They CAN but only 1% of the time, I have only seen it happen once in my lifetime) Rockets don't have as much range, rockets cannot cripple, rockets cannot insta kill (That i know of, depends on who they're shooting I guess) and finally, rockets take 10 AP just for one shot and to reload. whereas snipers it's only 8-9 AP to aim to the eyes and reloading is not required till 6 (or 12 if it's EW) are off.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 12:48:10 pm by Michaelh139 »
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Re: unbalanced
« Reply #40 on: June 09, 2011, 12:59:14 pm »

Rockets don't knock you out, (They CAN but only 1% of the time, I have only seen it happen once in my lifetime) Rockets don't have as much range, rockets cannot cripple.

Yes, and ? Rocket launcher have 40hex, knock down at each shoot, touch a group of players, its a really good weapon, and you can easily do a build with 2 shoot in a row.

Like usualy EW are the biggest problem of the game, WTF guys, a plasma tank can shoot only at 24hex, so alone against a sniper or a BG RL most of the time he die before shoot one time... A laser " sniper " most of the time to do a good damage have to bypass, but for the sniper its the same, so what ?

The solution is nerf sniper and EW, and let the BG be the king of the wasteland ?
" Low stuff on my 'cause I was tired of loosing BA " Caled

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Re: unbalanced
« Reply #41 on: June 09, 2011, 01:24:21 pm »

I dont get why you are talking about current balance if after incoming wipe whole pvp system would be different. Chillout girls.
Re: unbalanced
« Reply #42 on: June 09, 2011, 01:28:09 pm »

 Regen is fast enough it is pretty much a double shot. :P
I don't know how many snipers you have (I have 6 in total) but believe me, every AP makes a huge difference. For example when you shoot the first shot you need the second one to prevent enemy energy laser guy get to his range. You won't make it with lack of 2 action points. Only exception is a gauss build, we all know it's maybe the strongest build in this game.
 Insta kills at 25 Hex? (don't try to tell me it isn't!! :P)  Along with 2-3 shots in a row?  
yeah and...? They are simply that strong at 24 hexes. But they are also very expensive to equipe, you need CA or BA, plasma rifle, set of drugs including buffout and psycho... their weak side remains a range, they still can be killed by lsw build who has two bursts at 35 hexes.
   :-\Rockets don't knock you out
but they knock you down every time, so? Even stonewall won't help you.
The solution is nerf sniper and EW, and let the BG be the king of the wasteland ?
exactly, we had this before, immortal bg tank who can be killed only by another bg tank.


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Re: unbalanced
« Reply #43 on: June 09, 2011, 01:32:03 pm »

...we had this before, immortal bg tank who can be killed only by another bg tank.

That is not true... I had tank like that and psycho plasma tank was better ;)
Re: unbalanced
« Reply #44 on: June 09, 2011, 01:36:32 pm »

Did you wear Tesla armor?   :)
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