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Author Topic: important observation about the game  (Read 11170 times)

Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #75 on: May 11, 2011, 04:12:00 pm »

Fair enough, how about they are own user only like the day pass. You can get hold of them easy enough but you cant use it unless its tailored for you?
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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #76 on: May 11, 2011, 05:04:06 pm »

Anything that is obtainable is farmable in some way. Even Gauss Pistols, the rarest items in-game, aren't rare at all.

Yes they are. Never seen a full gauss team, never met a russian PK with a gauss, in fact, I never seen gauss at all except in TC battles, which represent max (in largest battle with more gauss than average) 6 players on 30/35 players.
Maybe they are not so rare (even if I think it's the case, when considering since how much time the session started), but they are rare enough.
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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #77 on: May 11, 2011, 05:08:04 pm »

Yes they are. Never seen a full gauss team, never met a russian PK with a gauss, in fact, I never seen gauss at all except in TC battles, which represent max (in largest battle with more gauss than average) 6 players on 30/35 players.
Maybe they are not so rare (even if I think it's the case, when considering since how much time the session started), but they are rare enough.

They are just too expensive to have a trip with them...


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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #78 on: May 11, 2011, 05:40:36 pm »

Yes they are [rare]
No, I just checked in game and there are several hundreds of gauss pistols in-game. Not exactly what I call rare. As KILL N DIE said, players just stack them inside their base/tent and let them rust there, waiting for the proper opportunity to use them - but they never will. Usual FOnline story about items :P

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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #79 on: May 11, 2011, 05:46:33 pm »

No, I just checked in game and there are several hundreds of gauss pistols in-game. Not exactly what I call rare. As KILL N DIE said, players just stack them inside their base/tent and let them rust there, waiting for the proper opportunity to use them - but they never will. Usual FOnline story about items :P

Sure so best to do with them is: Just sell it...or lose it in some battle,i was think one time like Izual says: They are in base and they will rust here,so in one TB battle i take my gauss and go figt,it was been 4vs us (3) i was been hited 3 times criticaly and knocked out so we just died and the best thing was been that i didn't manage to shoot.So i thin it's better to sell...Btw Crazy no so true i saw many TC's wher was been gauss guy's like CS or TTTLA...
Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #80 on: May 11, 2011, 05:53:04 pm »

This is quite an unsatisfying solution. Same rules should apply to every armors or every weapons: either all can be looted, or none.
The quest would just be farmed with alts, like it happens already in some way for the stranded tanker quest.
And how about em,you will need too much stuff to craft PA like 100Hq alloys 100hq minerals and 100hq Iron Ore
I think this will be more better then do some quest wher you can farm easly,to get those much HQ shits you will need big time yo craft 1 PA.Still there can be a Armorer 4lvl that will cost 20-50k and there can bee a Quest for gain that with this way i think it will be not soo easy to have PA )


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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #81 on: May 11, 2011, 06:13:16 pm »

No, I just checked in game and there are several hundreds of gauss pistols in-game. Not exactly what I call rare. As KILL N DIE said, players just stack them inside their base/tent and let them rust there, waiting for the proper opportunity to use them - but they never will. Usual FOnline story about items :P

Well check the number of BA now. Or even better, laser rifle. Yes, even several hundreds is rare. Andeven if there are plenty but nobody use it? It is still rare.

Kill N Die - Already said that TC was exactly the only place where I see gauss. I often play one there ;p

About PA : it should not require only big amount of usual material, there must be something else harder to get.

Anyway if it's all about stacking it, why not let players do it?
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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #82 on: May 11, 2011, 06:29:48 pm »

About PA : it should not require only big amount of usual material, there must be something else harder to get.

mayby 8 - magic ball ? ;D


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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #83 on: May 11, 2011, 06:43:46 pm »

There could be some plans in special encounters (some BoS caravan etc.) also this armor would be craftable only inside BoS bunker it dont have to be Lost Hills.
It could be some ad hoc location which will be created after conversation with BoS quartermaster (player will need to have this plans with him to create this location).
Location will be avaible for player as long as he wont craft PA, after he does it the plans will vanish. Location will disapper when player will left it with PA in his inventory.
Crafing can be done by some NPC or player (need some armor crafting skills and "A technical repair manual on the T-51b Power Armor")
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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #84 on: May 11, 2011, 06:53:52 pm »

If its just hard to get itl go the way of the gauss pistols and sit around never being used.
If you make the armour more common/purchasable but harder to use then you might manage to have  something that whilst being something of a status symbol doesnt discourage you from actually plodding around the wastes in it.

For example complete quest X for bos/enclave they then give you the perk Pa trained (required to wear pa) and will now sell you suits of their respective pa for X number of caps/mfc/5mmAp. If you make the quest hard as nails with some restrictions to discourage the current 1ch/1int powerbuilds you also encourage more balanced builds which might even reduce the number of alts as you can now play a character who can craft whilst standing a chance against the full on combat builds.

Edit: you could even scrap all the questy business and just make a Perk that lets you wear it to achieve the same result.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 06:58:08 pm by spears »
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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #85 on: May 11, 2011, 07:21:04 pm »

If its just hard to get itl go the way of the gauss pistols and sit around never being used.

The point is gauss ARE used. Only in big gang wars. Which sounds logical to me, and I thnik same should apply for PA.
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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #86 on: May 11, 2011, 08:05:08 pm »

What sense in Gaus a pistol if it never saw and did not hear about 98 % of all players in game. You would want that also was with PA (APA, etc.)???
So it is proper???
Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #87 on: May 11, 2011, 08:05:21 pm »

As someone else pointed out (I forget where), PA could be a specifically PVE armor.  The other person described it as usable only when going on BOS sanctioned missions (though these could be worked into faction wars/battlegrounds).  

Otherwise, the PA is returned to the BOS quartermaster and un-available until the next mission.  

I like the idea since in a controlled situation like "battlegrounds AKA super Hinkley", people can do battle with insane weapons and armor without those same items over-powering the wasteland.  As many others have stated, lets give folks more incentive to enter legit battles and lower the need for LULZ battles.

PS:  The damage re-work was meant to encourage a more varied build and playstyle in regards to weapons and armor.  At the same time, everything is re-balanced so who you run into and what they have on is pure luck ALA WoW.  Before the streamline (around BC), rogues could stunlock "squishies" (mages, priests, etc, but get fucked by plate users.  Whereas mages could "kite", plate users depending on their build.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 08:10:55 pm by Keldorn »


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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #88 on: May 11, 2011, 08:06:06 pm »

Ah yes, all the gangs of the Wasteland no matter big or small will have the most intelligent engineers with unlimited supply of resources and money to use Power Armors in gang fighting.


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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #89 on: May 11, 2011, 08:10:41 pm »

What sense in Gaus a pistol if it never saw and did not hear about 98 % of all players in game. You would want that also was with PA (APA, etc.)???
So it is proper???

Big gang players are probably something like 25% players. It is logical that in faction mod, strong faction can manage to get uber tier stuff, while a loner can't. But nothing prevent them to loose it/sell it to smaller groups.
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