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Author Topic: important observation about the game  (Read 11384 times)

Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #60 on: May 10, 2011, 03:08:34 pm »

There was a question in occasion of all types of the weapon and the armor - they will be in game??
I wish to tell that achievement of balance - probably not only way by withdrawing them from game process!


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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #61 on: May 10, 2011, 04:01:53 pm »

There was a question in occasion of all types of the weapon and the armor - they will be in game??

No. :'(
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #62 on: May 10, 2011, 05:12:11 pm »

Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #63 on: May 10, 2011, 05:21:35 pm »

OH GOD MERC TRAPS 10 TIMES IN 5 MONTHS OMG! end of the world.
Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #64 on: May 10, 2011, 05:34:05 pm »

OH GOD MERC TRAPS 10 TIMES IN 5 MONTHS OMG! end of the world.

Business not in quantities, and in that that against them I can make nothing!!
Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #65 on: May 11, 2011, 06:31:00 am »

Just my two cents even though its off-topic in regards to mercs.

I figure we could re-balance all armors, including, power armor.  

PA:  This would understandably be great versus conventional weapons like small arms and other weaker kinetic energy weapons.    Mid to high defence in regards to laser/plasma.  Strong versus flame(?)  Strong versus rockets unless its AP rockets.  Gauss would still be the ultimate weapon due to its penetrative capabilities. However, when it comes to EMP/Electrical weapons, its defence SUCKS.  Upgrades:  Unsure

CA/Variants:  Good kinetic protection all round except for AP.  Weak against energy as well.  Non-electronic so no effects from emp/electric (my idea for electric is not damage but more of disruption to electronic systems).  Can be upgraded/modified to provide flame protection (otherwise weak possibly negative dependent on materials but not as bad as MA.  Alternate upgrade for more protection against AP?

Metal Armor:  Miedium in regards to kinetic energy weapons (again except for AP).  Can be upgraded to provide defense against AP ammo (maybe?).  Negative protection versus flame.  Weak or no protection against energy since its not Tesla.

Tesla:  Strong against energy/but mid to low on kinetic energy( same as above with AP).  Negative in regards to flame type weapons for same reason as Metal.  Weak against emp/electrical for much of the same reason PA has.

Leather:  Could be done away with or maybe just evolved into a combat jacket/flak vest kind of defence against small arms fire.  Negative against flame (or an option to upgrade protection on either flame or additional ballistic protection).  Weak against AP.

As you can see I feel the idea of "AP", is a bit too IMBA since, in reality, AP works well against any attempt at kinetic energy protection.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 12:01:49 pm by Keldorn »
Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #66 on: May 11, 2011, 11:17:06 am »

I think PA is made from metalt parts.. and should not give strong protection against FIRE dmg..

Look at metal armor - it has weak protection against fire - its normal ( when u use fire on metal it is becoming hot!).

So  treated with fire ( wearing pa)  should feel like siting in hot metal can! :P
Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #67 on: May 11, 2011, 01:07:01 pm »

I think PA is made from metalt parts.. and should not give strong protection against FIRE dmg..

Look at metal armor - it has weak protection against fire - its normal ( when u use fire on metal it is becoming hot!).

So  treated with fire ( wearing pa)  should feel like siting in hot metal can! :P

Personally for me characteristics of this or that armor are not important, I only wish to have a possibility to see it in game and to use it)))
Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #68 on: May 11, 2011, 01:44:08 pm »

I still can't understud why players can't have PA if wiki says true PA have:
Dmg resistance
    * Normal : 40/12
    * Laser : 80/18
    * Fire : 60/12
    * Plasma : 40/10
    * Explode : 50/20
    * Electrical : 40/12

And BA

    * Normal : 40/8
    * Laser : 70/8
    * Fire : 50/7
    * Plasma : 60/7
    * Explode : 40/8
    * Electrical : 60/6

Whats the big deal then?If i have 2thougness+beer+psycho+BA i will have:

    * Normal : 70/8
    * Laser : 70/8
    * Fire : 50/7
    * Plasma : 60/7
    * Explode : 40/8
    * Electrical : 60/6

70dmg resistance....
and APAmk2 resistance:

    * Normal : 60/18
    * Laser : 90/19
    * Fire : 70/16
    * Plasma : 60/18
    * Explode : 70/20
    * Electrical : 75/15

I just think that PA should be craftable or can be gained from some quest...


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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #69 on: May 11, 2011, 01:56:20 pm »

The trick about the PA is the +3ST it give. But you're right, even that is not so OP (all drugs together give +4 SPECIAL after all). I really think there should be some way to get it: special encounters like gauss (and some other weapons too I hope), big quest, event, some reward for TC control allowing to craft it (though it would still be very expansive, and would need both luck and a long time controlling towns)...
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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #70 on: May 11, 2011, 02:42:24 pm »

The problem is that it looks way too hi-tech and cool for average gangster to own. And rare items do not work well in Fonline.
EDIT: They'd make perfect sense however, if there were repeatable quests/events for BOS and Enclave faction. It could make people forsake other factions, but I guess it wouldn't be hard for other factions to reward their members better, while BOS/Enclave just letting their members have more fun.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 02:44:32 pm by Johnnybravo »
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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #71 on: May 11, 2011, 03:26:55 pm »

The problem is that it looks way too hi-tech and cool for average gangster to own. And rare items do not work well in Fonline.

Of course a BA is not at all hi tech and cool ;p
And we're not talking about "average gangster" here, 30 IG would be already much, when seeing how hard they would be to get. And I don't know why you say rare item don't work well here.
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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #72 on: May 11, 2011, 03:56:43 pm »

And I don't know why you say rare item don't work well here.

Anything that is obtainable is farmable in some way. Even Gauss Pistols, the rarest items in-game, aren't rare at all.
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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #73 on: May 11, 2011, 04:03:14 pm »

What if it was obtained via a bos/enclave quest. Make it only removable by the specalists at the faction or by death (unlootable) afterall i imagine the wearer is kind of plugged into it.
If said quest requires reasonable intelligence/charisma then it could help balance out against 1special powerbuilds.
The only exploit involved abusing your intelligence  ;D


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Re: important observation about the game
« Reply #74 on: May 11, 2011, 04:05:57 pm »

Make it only removable by the specalists at the faction or by death (unlootable)
This is quite an unsatisfying solution. Same rules should apply to every armors or every weapons: either all can be looted, or none.

If said quest requires reasonable intelligence/charisma then it could help balance out against 1special powerbuilds.
The quest would just be farmed with alts, like it happens already in some way for the stranded tanker quest.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
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