There was a question in occasion of all types of the weapon and the armor - they will be in game??
OH GOD MERC TRAPS 10 TIMES IN 5 MONTHS OMG! end of the world.
I think PA is made from metalt parts.. and should not give strong protection against FIRE dmg..Look at metal armor - it has weak protection against fire - its normal ( when u use fire on metal it is becoming hot!).So treated with fire ( wearing pa) should feel like siting in hot metal can!
The problem is that it looks way too hi-tech and cool for average gangster to own. And rare items do not work well in Fonline.
And I don't know why you say rare item don't work well here.
The only exploit involved abusing your intelligence
Make it only removable by the specalists at the faction or by death (unlootable)
If said quest requires reasonable intelligence/charisma then it could help balance out against 1special powerbuilds.