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Author Topic: Unarmed Build  (Read 3946 times)

Unarmed Build
« on: May 01, 2011, 06:40:30 pm »

I'd like to create a unarmed+sneaker or unarmed+crit character...But i dunno where to start...Any build suggestion?
Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 07:26:28 pm »

I would go for maximum crits! So:
5 strenght for Haymaker(+15% critical chance); 6 PE for Better Criticals(must have for any crit build! maybe except bursters); 10 EN for hp and resistance; 1 CH(need explanation?); 1 IN(you don't really need many skill points for hth characters); 8 AG(3 armhits, 2 eyehits); 10 LK.
Traits: Small Frame for the SPECIAL, eventually Finesse for the Ultimate Crippling Troll.
Perks: 3x More Critical, Better Criticals, Lifegiver, Toughness/Awareness, Bonus HtH Attacks.
Skills: Unarmed at 140%(if you wanna fight 30 AC guys though, you would need 160% or so); FA 120%(standard value); Doc 80%(enough to heal your crippled leg).

On the picture:

Drugs of course, but for an unarmed build... Nah.

Maybe instead of 10 EN and 8 AG try 8 EN and 10 AG, then instead of 2x More Crits get 2x Action Boys for 12 AP(3 eyehits, 4 armhits). Etc...
Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2011, 08:00:28 pm »

Thanks a lot^^


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Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2011, 03:52:45 am »

8 AG(3 armhits, 2 eyehits)
Did u have any hth 21 lvl? What are u talking about? You have only 1 hit to do a crit in arms to disarm or to cripple, otherwise you'll be dead and actually such a high agility don't needed.
And as for me its much better to put 1 stat point from agi to str to get a Piercing Kick, so u'll have a very powerfull 1 attack with 100% crit chance in arms. Nuka-cola will give u 8 agi to get 9 ap for this attack.

i think this will be much better.
6 6 10 1 1 7 10, traits small frame + finesse ("must have" for ANY HtH build)
perks :
9-better critical
18-bonus HtH attacks
Unamed have to be 160% not less, not more. 80 fa and 80 doc.
With this build u will have 249 hp, a very good normal damage resists, and less chance to get knockdown. All this will allow u to have a chance of getting close and hit with piercing kick
« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 04:05:59 am by Gazzz »
Lux aeterna


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Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2011, 12:34:11 pm »

I would go for maximum crits! So:
5 strenght for Haymaker(+15% critical chance); 6 PE for Better Criticals(must have for any crit build! maybe except bursters); 10 EN for hp and resistance; 1 CH(need explanation?); 1 IN(you don't really need many skill points for hth characters); 8 AG(3 armhits, 2 eyehits); 10 LK.
Traits: Small Frame for the SPECIAL, eventually Finesse for the Ultimate Crippling Troll.
Perks: 3x More Critical, Better Criticals, Lifegiver, Toughness/Awareness, Bonus HtH Attacks.
Skills: Unarmed at 140%(if you wanna fight 30 AC guys though, you would need 160% or so); FA 120%(standard value); Doc 80%(enough to heal your crippled leg).

On the picture:

Drugs of course, but for an unarmed build... Nah.

Maybe instead of 10 EN and 8 AG try 8 EN and 10 AG, then instead of 2x More Crits get 2x Action Boys for 12 AP(3 eyehits, 4 armhits). Etc...

well the special contribution is good in this build i like it but i dont like the perks. Also if i were you i would take good natured trait. The perks i would take would be, 2x toughness, better criticals, gain strength, stonewall, bonus hth attacks and living anatomy. This build has 150% unarmed, 129% fa, and 81% doctor in the end.
This build also has one strong advantage of 10 endurance and stonewall, what makes you almost completely immune to head-eyes criticals yourself (well the damage you still take..) and with 10 luck + haymaker ability the chance of critical hit is more than enough.
Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2011, 01:05:14 pm »

Gain Strength? Haha, better make +1 ST -1 AG from beggining and take Action Boy atleast, Gain Ability is one of the worst perks ever, only cautious nature and quick pockets are even worse.


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Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2011, 01:10:57 pm »

by taking action boy you would lose 1 AC point .... In here you lose nothing. Also you get 1 hp :D
Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2011, 01:15:35 pm »

You'll lose perk if you take Gain Strength...
Action boy isn't good perk too, I just said an example to not lose anything, opposit, you'll gain +1 AP if you drink nuka, or you won't lose 1 AP if you eat buffout (you won't, because it's useless for you).
But better pick other perk, because both, Gain Ability and Action Boy sux.
Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2011, 01:20:20 pm »

You have only 1 hit to do a crit in arms to disarm or to cripple
Man, I've played so many fucking unarmed builds and disassembled so many weapons you can't imagine.
Why use Piercing Kick and waste Action Points when you already have 90% to crit in the arm(3x more crit, finesse, haymaker) using only 3 Action Points? Did you do ANY maths when creating your build?
And by the way, if you did not know, even if you get a critical you still have to make a good roll on the critical tables. Not every critical is a weapon drop/cripple. Don't tell me you did not know that? Heh :)
Also, you can't have 100% crit chance - 95% is max.

2x toughness, gain strength, stonewall,  living anatomy. (...)
Toughness: Maybe, or maybe not... These times one could say it's a waste of perk.
Gain Strenght: Don't even tell me...
Stonewall: That would be reasonable, I would take 1 point from Luck or Agility(if you want to use Nuka Cola) to put in Strenght and then take this.
Living Anatomy - useless IMHO. First what we have here is a crippler, not a damage dealer. If it was for making fast unaimed hits constantly to deal as much dps as you can, then additional 5 damage each hit would be indeed useful. But not here. You want to cripple and KO your enemy in the first place.


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Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2011, 02:20:15 pm »

Living Anatomy - useless IMHO. First what we have here is a crippler, not a damage dealer. If it was for making fast unaimed hits constantly to deal as much dps as you can, then additional 5 damage each hit would be indeed useful. But not here. You want to cripple and KO your enemy in the first place.

Living anatomy is much more than 5 damage every attack which is naturally good. With 1 in build, +20% to doctor skill sounds like very good addition while it also improve your combat abilities. It is one of the best perks.
Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2011, 02:23:03 pm »

Living anatomy is much more than 5 damage every attack
And wasting a perk for 20 skillpoints is good?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 02:24:47 pm by Floodnik »


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Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2011, 02:33:45 pm »

And wasting a perk for 20 skillpoints is good?

wasting the perk is taking more criticals for example. Without any perks in current situation you have 80% + 20% * 0.15 = 83% critical hit chance. If you take more critical you score critical just a little over 5% more what will make your critical chance 85% + 15% * 0.15 = 87,25% . This mean that out of 20 hits that were non critical in first place, only 1 will be critical in the second place. What makes this perk useless and living anatomy much more better.
Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2011, 03:22:38 pm »

I don't understand where are you taking your calculations from.
More critical is +5% crit chance. And that's always 5%. You don't do any multiplying or dividing, you add these 5%.
And you don't have 83% critical chance without any perks - you're doing something wrong.

Let me show you all the calculations.
10 Luck, finesse.
The formula is: (60+4*Luck)/100*AimBonus+BaseCriticalChance+OtherEffects, where AimBonus is 60% for eyes, 40% for head, 30% for groin, 30% for arms and 20% for legs.
Base Critical Chance is 10(Luck)+10(finesse)=20.
By "other effects" I mean Haymaker bonus etc.

So let's assume we aim for Eyes:
(60+4*L)/100*60%+20%+15% = 60%+20%+15%=95%
If we had 3x More Criticals(+15%, 35% base crit chance) there would be no change, because 95% is max.
Head is 75%, with 3x More Crit - 90%.
Groin and arms are 65%, with 3x MC - 80%.
Legs are 55%, with 3x MC 70%

Also about Living Anatomy:
+20% would be good when you have 200% Doctor, not when you have 60/80. It just adds 20 skillpoints here and they don't matter at all.
As I said, only 5 damage isn't much of improvement.


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Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2011, 03:38:36 pm »

True critical hit chance, is calculated like that (if you dont believe me, there is a topic explained by dev Atom ). Where if you have 10 luck and aim to eyes you get:
60% bonus from aiming + 10 % from 10 luck + then a rolled mystical number, which is 0-9% as a result. So total you get 70-79%, which i rounded to 80%. Then + you hit with haymaker attack which gives you 15% critical chance, the chance is given after the first calculations so it adds up only if we scored non critical hit. So 20% chance of non critical hit, and 15% of that being turned into critical makes it 80% + 20% * 0.15 = 83%. Same with more critical perk calculations i receive 87.25% chance.

Now a basic proportion is used to check differences between these two.

83% - 100%
87.25% - x

And we receive x as 105%. What makes our situation as said before, out of 20 non critical hits with first case, we will now have 1 critical because we took 1 more critical perk.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 03:51:49 pm by vedaras »


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Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2011, 08:18:51 pm »

Man, I've played so many fucking unarmed builds and disassembled so many weapons you can't imagine.
Why use Piercing Kick and waste Action Points when you already have 90% to crit in the arm(3x more crit, finesse, haymaker) using only 3 Action Points? Did you do ANY maths when creating your build?
And by the way, if you did not know, even if you get a critical you still have to make a good roll on the critical tables. Not every critical is a weapon drop/cripple. Don't tell me you did not know that? Heh Smiley
Also, you can't have 100% crit chance - 95% is max.

damn, man, i dont mean that u're bad hth, but my calculations are trully right.
40 % base crit chane hitting in the arms, +10% from fineese.=50% basical without any crit perks and haymakers.
we can get 3 MC. then we'll have 65% + haymaker = 80%. But God damn u can't get 95% in arms without piercing kick. This lost of 15% may cost u a life. Also Using a pirsing kick we have 3!!! more perks, coz we don't need to take 3 MC perks.
PS. of course i know that 95 i s max, but i prefer to write 100%. Dont make me laugh about talking that you have more than 1(sometimes 2 , if player lagging)attack to cripple\disarm , otherwise u'll be dead. Or u like to hide behind the walls all the time? If it's so , you'll better to play a minigunner

Toughness: Maybe, or maybe not... These times one could say it's a waste of perk.
it's a waste of perk fo snipers and sneakers. But 2 toughness for hth is a big advantage. 4 ND resist + 10 %, it can save your life. Anyway its much more usefull than awarness

wasting the perk is taking more criticals for example

+1, it may be usefull for a snipers, nor for hth. Hth can get 95% crit chance without any perks, so taking it 3 times is biggest waste for me.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 08:34:19 pm by Gazzz »
Lux aeterna
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