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Author Topic: Unarmed Build  (Read 3909 times)


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2011, 08:22:40 pm »

damn, man, i dont mean that u're bad hth, but my calculations are trully right.
40 % base crit chane hitting in the arms, +10% from fineese.=50% basical without any crit perks and haymakers.
we can get 3 MC. then we'll have 65% + haymaker = 80%. But God damn u can't get 95% in arms without piercing kick. This lost of 15% may cost u a life. Also Using a pirsing kick we have 3!!! more perks, coz we don't need to take 3 MC perks.
PS. of course i know that 95 i s max, but i prefer to write 100%

haymakers and piercing strikes adds up only after critical chance calculation so for example haymaker gives 15% critical hit chance only for hits that would be not critical normally. Same with piercing kick and its 50%. If you have 50% critical chance, and you hit with piercing kick it is not 50% + 50% but its 50% critical hit + 50% * 0.5 (or 50% ) what makes it only 75% total.


  • Fear the Fire
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Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2011, 08:36:32 pm »

haymakers and piercing strikes adds up only after critical chance calculation so for example haymaker gives 15% critical hit chance only for hits that would be not critical normally. Same with piercing kick and its 50%. If you have 50% critical chance, and you hit with piercing kick it is not 50% + 50% but its 50% critical hit + 50% * 0.5 (or 50% ) what makes it only 75% total.

so why i'm always critting when i use a pirsing kick?
Lux aeterna


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2011, 08:37:55 pm »

as i dont know neither your build and situation i cannot tell that.
Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2011, 09:19:59 pm »

Vedaras, that post of Lexx you gave is outdated. They changed into a simpler formula I posted before. I need a dev now to confirm though.
That would agree with my fighting experience and Gazzz' statement that he always crits with Piercing Kick.

This lost of 15% may cost u a life. Also Using a pirsing kick we have 3!!! more perks, coz we don't need to take 3 MC perks.
But 3 hits 80% each are worth much more than 1 hit with 95% chance. You can get a higher roll on the critical table in the second hit if you don't in the first one. Also the chance to crit at least once for 3 hits each 80% is 99,2%.

And yes, you think I won't be able to attack three times in a row, but believe me, I will. And ~230hp helps there.


  • Fear the Fire
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Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2011, 09:32:07 pm »

But 3 hits 80% each are worth much more than 1 hit with 95% chance. You can get a higher roll on the critical table in the second hit if you don't in the first one. Also the chance to crit at least once for 3 hits each 80% is 99,2%.

And yes, you think I won't be able to attack three times in a row, but believe me, I will. And ~230hp helps there.

i use a sneak build with 1 end. So i have only 1 attack.

I'd like to create a unarmed+sneaker
this is my char's build. U can change smth, but this one works good.
6 6 1 1 9 7 10
Traits: finesse, skilled
4-thief(or awarness)
8-silent running
12-better criticals
16-Bonus HtH attacks
160 unarmed, 290 sneak(without calculating ghost perk), 60 fa. Uses piercing kick to disarm from 1st attack, if it fails, u're dead

this is another type of unarmed sneaker, uses haymaker.
5 6 2 1 10 7 10
Traits : small frame, finesse
3- thief(or awarness, anyway both won't help u a lot)
6-more crit
9-better crit
12-more crit
15-bonus HtH attacks
18-silent running

as for me the 1st one is much better for sneaker
« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 09:54:50 pm by Gazzz »
Lux aeterna
Re: Unarmed Build
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2011, 10:33:30 pm »

That makes sense. If you have 1 endurance then I understand why you count on maximally 1 attack.
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