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Author Topic: "Realtume Rounds Based" Combat  (Read 8856 times)

Doctor Eex

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"Realtume Rounds Based" Combat
« on: March 18, 2011, 01:48:43 pm »

I'm pretty sure that something like that was suggested already. But please read carefully.
 It's a very simple idea and I would like to share it with you, my dear wastelanders.
I'm "old school" fan of Fallout 1,2 and like TB combat mode. RT is evil IMHO that we have to have ) to make 5 vs 5 or 10 vs 10 or 20 vs fights without getting old during 1 fight.
So many discussions about "turn based" vs "real time"

What is already discussed:
1) Fonline aspects (SPECIAL, AP, perks, interface and whatever) is not so great for RT. Many people love this game and hate RT. Because it's:
a)require mouse skills - to click exactly on running target
b)looks like CS 2D
c)it's pretty uncomfortable to reload, change weapon, use chems with current interface.
d)not so rich tactics. Run, 2 bursts, run-n-hide, reload, use SS and repeat.

2) Classic TB is bad bad idea for multi-player PVP. More players - more time wasted.
30 secs for 1 player. Assume we have 20vs20 fight - 40x30 = 1200 seconds. 20 minutes. And whole town is frozen during that (remember NCR TB fun??)
Was offered several times - system with TB plannig, then play action after end turn. let's say 30 sec for plannig - and few sec to play all actions. Nice idea, but requires HUGE engine change, so hardly possible.

What am I offering now - change RT to following rules:

1)All fights goes in RT mode. TB disabled.
2)To move, you spent AP
3)AP one by one regeneration is disabled. All AP is regenerated at once with start of new round. New round starts in 30 sec. So each 30 sec full AP regenerated.
So each turn last 30 sec (or less if all made actions|pressed end combat)
4)full AP gain happens with delay, depending on character SEQUENCE Maximum sequence = no delay and so on.
5)If your char is not in combat mode (not attacked or attacking) - you can run free. So no frozen towns during fights.
6)End combat cooldown is more than 10 secs.
7)Running in combat is possible. You can run twice fast then normal walking. I doubt game engine allows to spent 0,5 AP on each hex, so movement is scripted this way:
Lets say you have 10 AP. You want to make 1 14mm pistol  shot in the eyes (cost 5AP with BROF) and run to cover in 10 hex from you.
You make shot, 5 AP left. Then you RUN 5 hexes (0 AP left) and get 5 bonus move points (as you used running mode) and spend them.
To balance  this running, and make assaults possible, if character used running mode during this round he gets:
+20 AC class till the next round (running target is harder to hit) for any ranged weapon. (A benefit for melee and unarmed fighters)
-40% penalty for chance to hit with ranged weapon (you ran and you weapon is swinging) (Once again, a boost for melee-unarmed)
This can be modified with some perks in future

What we will get as result - All benefits of real-time, advanced tactics, usefulness of bonus move, earlier sequence without TB drawbacks (Each round lasts max 30 sec!).
And it's not so hard to implement, I believe (expect running scripting)

Honestly - it's ridiculous that 1AG bruiser char as mobile in combat as 10AG jet junkie.

As always, Dear developers, first of all I'm interested in your opinion

« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 06:32:45 pm by Doctor Eex »


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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2011, 01:55:49 pm »

I'd love to play in such mode. Though, I don't believe that it will be ever implemented, because it requires a lot of scripting, while there is a very few scripters among developers.

Doctor Eex

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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2011, 02:04:13 pm »

I'd love to play in such mode. Though, I don't believe that it will be ever implemented, because it requires a lot of scripting, while there is a very few scripters among developers.

All that need to be done at first stage (we taking existing RT):

1)spending AP on move in cmbt mode
2)refreshing AP each 30 sec + delay depending on sequence
Than some testing. I think many volunteers are ready for that.

Running can be scripted at stage 2

However I'm 0 at FOnline engine and scripting. So I want to hear developers comment on that.
I think this idea is very good compromise between RT and TB and a way to develop combat somehow.

And no more TB traps with 1 pk shooting 4-6 times on you :). You can fight back.
And still you can make maneuvers in city ruins. And no more 1 vs 5 or more farmable encounters. You want to fight a patrol? Get your friends with you.
Encounter will become much more dangerous (as it should) Oh, I want this system so bad.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 02:08:01 pm by Doctor Eex »


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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2011, 02:45:47 pm »

Combat would be awfully slow. Max 6 shot per 30s (and with a pistol fast shot)? Come on...
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Doctor Eex

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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2011, 02:52:27 pm »

Combat would be awfully slow. Max 6 shot per 30s (and with a pistol fast shot)? Come on...

If all combatants spent their AP (or pressed end turn), than start new round immediately. So not so slow. 30 sec is maximum
So it will be something like RT if all play fast. If not, kill that asshole first.


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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2011, 03:01:44 pm »

So it will be something like RT if all play fast. If not, kill that asshole first.

TB would be fast as well if everyone were playing fast. It's not the case either.
And what you do about the guy not in combat mode who rush you to burst you at point Blank? Or once all ennemies snipers are in combat and spent their AP, you make your big gun rush them, and burst as soon they're in range.

No really, i don't think it could work.
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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2011, 03:10:54 pm »

You would better make TB simultaneous rather than breaking RT.
That means everyone can play at the same time in TB mode, and their AP is reset when the last player ends the turn.
Problem is that it does not work with seqence...
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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2011, 04:25:55 pm »

you make your big gun rush them, and burst as soon they're in range.
How would you rush them, if there is a limited number of action points, and you are wasting 1 AP for moving each hex?

This idea would work very well, if it would be thought out well.


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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2011, 04:37:05 pm »

How would you rush them, if there is a limited number of action points, and you are wasting 1 AP for moving each hex?

They are not in combat, nobody can shoot them... Or all map is in combat every time someone shoot? NCR will be soooo good....
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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2011, 04:50:11 pm »


and then some... stupid... suggestion

7)Running in combat is possible. You can run twice fast then normal walking. I doubt game engine allows to spent 0,5 AP on each hex, so movement is scripted this way:
Lets say you have 10 AP. You want to make 1 14mm pistol  shot in the eyes (cost 5AP with BROF) and run to cover in 10 hex from you.
You make shot, 5 AP left. Then you RUN 5 hexes (0 AP left) and get 5 bonus move points (as you used running mode) and spend them.
To balance  this running, and make assaults possible, if character used running mode during this round he gets:
+20 AC class till the next round (running target is harder to hit) for any ranged weapon. (A benefit for melee and unarmed fighters)
-40% penalty for chance to hit with ranged weapon (you ran and you weapon is swinging) (Once again, a boost for melee-unarmed)

in your suggestion running snipers (who dont need such mobility) suffers, while BG/SG does not (and they are running ones), which is totally nonsense, as it in fact does nothing but anger you...

much more wise it would be to put walk on 0.5 AP/hex so you could move somewhere slow, but far; and 1ap/hex for fast but shorter running. With 10 AP you could walk slowly 20 hexes or run in fast way 10. That would give both movements advantage and disadvantage.

anyway this is not going to happen I think :(
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 04:53:31 pm by Imprezobus »
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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2011, 04:51:58 pm »

What is already discussed:
1) Fonline aspects (SPECIAL, AP, perks, interface and whatever) is not so great for RT. Many people love this game and hate RT. Because it's:
a)require mouse skills - to click exactly on running target
b)looks like CS 2D
c)it's pretty uncomfortable to reload, change weapon, use chems with current interface.
d)not so rich tactics. Run, 2 bursts, run-n-hide, reload, use SS and repeat.

2) Classic TB is bad bad idea for multi-player PVP. More players - more time wasted.
30 secs for 1 player. Assume we have 20vs20 fight - 40x30 = 1200 seconds. 20 minutes. And whole town is frozen during that (remember NCR TB fun??)
Was offered several times - system with TB plannig, then play action after end turn. let's say 30 sec for plannig - and few sec to play all actions. Nice idea, but requires HUGE engine change, so hardly possible.

All true,we need a more tactical combat system, but I doubt it can ever work in TB, or even with this suggestion (as was already explained by Crazy).

Honestly - it's ridiculous that 1AG bruiser char as mobile in combat as 10AG jet junkie.

Not quite, the 10AG character has a faster AP regeneration, and can "do more" with his AP.

I know it was previously suggested, but maybe have RT combat slowed down, and implement AP usage for movement.

Doctor Eex

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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2011, 08:20:40 am »

First of all, thanks to all who participating in discussion. Because TOGETHER we can develop very interesting combat system.

All true,we need a more tactical combat system, but I doubt it can ever work in TB, or even with this suggestion (as was already explained by Crazy).
With all respect, Crazy did not mention anything that makes such system impossible. Let me explain it further.

Not quite, the 10AG character has a faster AP regeneration, and can "do more" with his AP.
Yes, but it as agile as 1AG bruiser, considering MOVEMENT

in your suggestion running snipers (who dont need such mobility) suffers, while BG/SG does not (and they are running ones), which is totally nonsense, as it in fact does nothing but anger you...
Snipers already has their advantages - deadly on long range, pretty nice chance to DISABLE BG.
And in any tactics snipers need to be covered or unreached by enemy infantry. \
That would give both movements advantage and disadvantage.
Running and walking will have disadvantage - see AC bonus and CtH penalty.
Not sure still I got your point, appreciate if you will explain it further. Thank you.

They are not in combat, nobody can shoot them... Or all map is in combat every time someone shoot? NCR will be soooo good....

And what you do about the guy not in combat mode who rush you to burst you at point Blank? Or once all ennemies snipers are in combat and spent their AP, you make your big gun rush them, and burst as soon they're in range.
Crazy, thank you for really GOOD questions. Because answering these smart questions we can figure out perfectly interesting combat system.
Let me explain.
First of all, not all the map at combat once somebody shot.
Second, Round timing is 1 for all combat participants. I think 1 timer for all location, to make sure everybody's AP regeneration is synchronized and happens according to sequence.
Third, when entering combat, your BG will not shoot immediately. You will enter combat mode and with beginning of new round you will gain your AP, with delay according to your sequence. And by the way, if you are not in combat yet, you don't know when exactly those bunch of sniper will shoot, as you don't see yet the timer.

4th, better not leave bunch of snipers uncovered! (tactics, man!...)
By the way, I believe 30 sec will be unnecessary, may be 20 or 25 sec per round will be enough. 

As for running in combat, we can go even further! We can limit running, according to Char characteristics. I think running capability should depend on ST.
I got 2 ideas how to do that:

1)If you are carring more that 50% of your capacity, you cannot run. Makes sense. ST will be more important for STORMTROOPERS.
2)Number of HEX you can run in combat is 2xST. So 1ST jet junkie sniper 12 AP can use runnig only for 2 hex (and get 2 bonus move).
Maximum movement for him = 2run+2bonus move for that + 10 AP = 14
BG 7 ST 12AP
Maximum movement for him = (7x2=14) 12run+12bonus move for that  = 24

Imagine this choices -
more EN or runnig in combat?
More AP or better Sequence?
Also, would be cool to upgrade Dodge perk, giving +10 to AC instead.
So there will damagers. Not so fast in movement, but high seq, brd and so on. And tanks, HP, good runnig, dodging.
More variety to build, combat more tactical.
And this will add also TIMING aspect to your tactics
When to move or shoot? as soon as i got my AP. or to wait a bit, to make sure enemy moved and I can run safe?

You would better make TB simultaneous rather than breaking RT.

And please, don't be so pessimistic  about implementing new combat system. I think there's a lot of PVPer on server.
May be someone tired of having the same RT combats and want to have more depth in build and diverse tactics in combat?
And if this combat system is smart as TB and almost as fast as RT?
Together we can design all the details and come to developers with true tactical combat system. Thank you for your attention.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 08:47:10 am by Doctor Eex »


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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2011, 10:25:29 am »

I'd really love to see a change in RT combat. What we have now is very... em... silly.

30sec per turn is a bit much, 20 should do. Take a gunner or sniper that shoot once per turn, that's 2sec of clicking and 28 of waiting. A turn should be: time to walk 14 hex (14 ap is max?)+sequence delay (the delay betwen the max and min seq. chars)+5sec (for lag and planing).
The walking/runing based on strength is good and bad at the same time. A BG with a ton of ammo and heavy gear should be the fastes? I don't think so.

How will it work with the first shot? The one to fire first is the one to win in many situations, and the first shot is 'out of combat'.

Doctor Eex

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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2011, 12:03:00 pm »

Yes, 20 sec should be enough...

How will it work with the first shot? The one to fire first is the one to win in many situations, and the first shot is 'out of combat'.

Let's assume there's no fight on location yet. A wants to kill B to take his gecko pelts.
Mister A is typical 2xBRD 12 AP BG  and have not read last change log. He does not know that RT and TB is now "RT TB"
He run to burst at point blank mister B. Mister B is kamikadze smg burster.
Mister A comes to 0 distance and press FIRE!!! FIRE!!! FIRE!!!. But! He does not do burst, he just start 1 round and wait for his AP to come with delay according to seq. Mister B has higher seq and burst first.
Mister A should open combat from distance more then 20 to have advantage.

So this is solution for "first burst" Whaen you're not in combat, you don't shoot. You actually enter the combat and then act in order according to sequence.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 12:07:13 pm by Doctor Eex »


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Re: "Realtume Turn Based" Combat
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2011, 12:57:35 pm »

Second, Round timing is 1 for all combat participants. I think 1 timer for all location, to make sure everybody's AP regeneration is synchronized and happens according to sequence.
Third, when entering combat, your BG will not shoot immediately. You will enter combat mode and with beginning of new round you will gain your AP, with delay according to your sequence. And by the way, if you are not in combat yet, you don't know when exactly those bunch of sniper will shoot, as you don't see yet the timer.

Your friends in combat know exactly the timer, and tell it to you. And even if you don't burst the point blank this turn, you go to 1 hex, enter in combat... And at the beginning of new turn, burst (extreme situation, only be at range against snipers with short range DPS like plasma tank is enough to rampage) .

4th, better not leave bunch of snipers uncovered! (tactics, man!...)

So, do you mean a sniper line in open field with ennemy in front of them won't have any chance without tons of short range support? Nice tactic.

By the way, I believe 30 sec will be unnecessary, may be 20 or 25 sec per round will be enough. 

Will still be slow as hell for me.

As for running in combat, we can go even further! We can limit running, according to Char characteristics. I think running capability should depend on ST.
I got 2 ideas how to do that:

ATM movements is one of the most important thing in tactic. You will totally destroy that by replacing tactic by build. A team not able to move together is terrible.

Imagine this choices -
more EN or more AP?
More AP or more crit chance?
Resistance or damage?
There are already choices, and Solar promised us much more.


Like said, doesn't suit at all for TC. Farming would be awfully slow too though.

And please, don't be so pessimistic  about implementing new combat system. I think there's a lot of PVPer on server.
May be someone tired of having the same RT combats and want to have more depth in build and diverse tactics in combat?
And if this combat system is smart as TB and almost as fast as RT?
Together we can design all the details and come to developers with true tactical combat system. Thank you for your attention.

I really think it won't be good, and it will take a hell of time to code...
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