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Author Topic: New Level cap to 30 but with major changes  (Read 5925 times)


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Re: New Level cap to 30 but with major changes
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2011, 03:00:54 am »

One of the best movies ever made.
So in this case of fonline, it would be the best perk ever made?  Lets IMPLEMENT :D?
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Re: New Level cap to 30 but with major changes
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2011, 05:50:07 am »

So in this case of fonline, it would be the best perk ever made?  Lets IMPLEMENT :D?

Oh god no


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Re: New Level cap to 30 but with major changes
« Reply #32 on: March 24, 2011, 09:50:56 am »

Every one point endurance counts as 0.5 life gain per level.

Yes to that, yes to increasing the level cap, no to roughly everything else you've proposed.

All in all: NO.

Re: New Level cap to 30 but with major changes
« Reply #33 on: March 24, 2011, 06:22:53 pm »

One of the best movies ever made.

Makes it so all critical effects are ignored for your character. With 10 Strength and 10 Endurance, it is impossible for a critical to land on you.

I think that its not 100%, but 95% with 10 STR and 10 EN. Same with sniper perk, if you have 10 luck its only 95%.

Yes i know, its not difference but you know. I just trying to be smart  :P
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Re: New Level cap to 30 but with major changes
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2011, 06:36:32 pm »

I think that its not 100%, but 95% with 10 STR and 10 EN. Same with sniper perk, if you have 10 luck its only 95%.
It is a 100% critical chance for sniper and a 100% anti-critical chance for terminator. This is a game breaking perks and there is nothing else to discuss.
Here's a topic about of these perks on
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 06:40:24 pm by Graf »

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Re: New Level cap to 30 but with major changes
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2011, 06:39:08 pm »

I think that its not 100%, but 95% with 10 STR and 10 EN. Same with sniper perk, if you have 10 luck its only 95%.

Yes i know, its not difference but you know. I just trying to be smart  :P

100% AFAIK. Perks for Chosen One
Re: New Level cap to 30 but with major changes
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2011, 06:40:25 pm »

It is 100% critical chance for sniper and 100% anti-critical chance for terminator. This is a game breaking perks and there is nothing else to discuss.

Yeah these are stupid perks i know.

But if its 100% and not 95% how its possible that on requiem i rarely didnt make crit when i have sniper perk ? Of course 10 luck and everything. Or it works differently on TLA and Requiem ?

Btw, i didnt say that i like these perks. In fact i dont
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 06:42:13 pm by Hololasima »
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Re: New Level cap to 30 but with major changes
« Reply #37 on: March 24, 2011, 10:32:40 pm »

Nice thoughts.

I would change it a bit.

I would have diminishing XP starting at lv22.
(Maybe have it ramp up to full diminishing status at 20% of the old dimishment scheme per level, so 1/5 diminishing at 22, 2/5 at 23, 3/5 at 24, 4/5 at 25, full at 26 and beyond. This is not the amount diminished, but a proportion of the regular diminishment, to clarify.)

Also have xp requirement ramp up to regular amount plus 10%, cumulative. So 21-22 is +10%, 22-23 is +20%, 23-24 is +30%, 24-25 +40%, 25-26 +50%, 26-27 +60%, 27-28 +70%, 28-29 +80%, 29-30 +90%. Each of the +% is of the previous amount required to level, not the regular flat amount that it would have been.)

The bonus HP at start is kind of like the new D&D/DDO thing where you get the 20 point "hero bonus" at the start.
Not sure if I like it, but the logic is good for "Game Terms", not so much for simulation.

Perhaps perks gain at lower speed after 21.
Say for regular they would be at 25 and 30, for Skilled at 26.
Skilled would be able to pick Tag! at lv21, regular at lv 22 (squat it 1 level from 21 perk).

No Terminator, Sniper, Slayer unless at 1/2 or 1/3 strength.

HP gain beyond 21 could be at half amount (getting old...) including Lifegiver bonuses.

Also, skill point gain at half amount starting at lv22 or 24.

Make Educated available at lv4. (Squat 1 lvl if not Skilled). Requirements waived after lvl 9, so anyone can take it later.

I think this would be reasonable.
--PS Bring back Scrounger and Flower Child.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 10:41:48 pm by Swinglinered »
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.
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