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Author Topic: Make New Reno Guarded City  (Read 7038 times)

Make New Reno Guarded City
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:16:37 pm »

We are wasting a great potential of this city, boxing matches? Cassino? pve with families? a different way to create drugs? with The Wright for alcohol and cigs or the Mordine for jet

Buy or sell weapons to Salvatore, like improved plasma rifle, idk

million ways

think? I say that make a city guarded by families, but if you're in a family that other families get shot, but if you are not of any family you are not protected

new reno is a great city, let's use

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Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2011, 03:22:47 pm »

no, now reno is like pkers ground for solo players, like it was modoc before militia feature, i like that and i think at least single town should be like that :>


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Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2011, 03:32:05 pm »

This is imo more accurate, X_Treme.

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Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2011, 04:02:09 pm »

no, now reno is like pkers ground for solo players, like it was modoc before militia feature, i like that and i think at least single town should be like that :>

FYI, Modoc doesn't have militia.


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Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2011, 04:55:12 pm »

I would really, positivly, totally hate to see Reno guarded. I already don't like guarded towns, but RENO? NO please. It doesn't fit to the town, and it would destroy one of great PvP grounds.
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Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2011, 05:08:48 pm »

There will be czech server where will be only New Reno with new maps and other cool stuff.
Edit:Just click on the british flag button.


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Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2011, 06:21:00 pm »

FYI, Modoc doesn't have militia.

FYI, doesn't matter as long as it's controllable. Generally what he said is true, even though the details could be off a bit - any town that makes big gangs interested enough to stop sitting on their butts, gear up and get ready to roll with full force is immediately out of the free PvP realm and inside the sphere of "serious business" TC PvP. That means the only place for real, open PvP (Hinkley is a different story altogether) is Reno. Oh, and it has an interesting layout. You make it guarded, you erase 1/3 of 2238 PvP functionality as far as locations are concerned and more people leave. That said, it doesn't mean Reno can't be expanded with quests or family wars. All the things OP mentioned can be done without adding guards; you can add content while keeping the city quite violent and extreme - just the way it was in the original game.
Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2011, 06:30:57 pm »

but New Reno is owned by families, not players

in Fallout 2 if you shoot, got a death

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Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2011, 06:31:28 pm »

FYI, doesn't matter as long as it's controllable.

I don't understand what you mean, so what that it's "controllable"? Pipboy status gives you some advantage inside the town? Serious business? Like controlling a box? Don't make me laugh. Scenario is like that: a gang comes to Modoc, talks to TC NPC and sits in some shack without windows for 20 minutes. If enemies come, there is a battle. If not, they leave because there is no miliita to hide behind and camp on grid.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 06:44:19 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2011, 06:39:17 pm »

but New Reno is owned by families, not players

in Fallout 2 if you shoot, got a death

In FO2, IIRC, you could shot whores, addict and dealers freely, without consequences. In casino, you were killing someone guards were reacting, but that's all (and it's still the case for NPCs).
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Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2011, 06:49:03 pm »

Hmmm... This made me think about another idea... Let's make 2 type of gangs!
1. Factions
Same as now, control towns and stuff.
2. Families
Control New Reno parts. Controlling different parts may give you different rewards, mostly drugs (because New Reno is a junkie town). Mostly cigs, jet, beer and some mobster like weapons (like Tommy gun, .44 magnum revolver etc.)
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Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2011, 06:57:32 pm »

I don't understand what you mean, so what that it's "controllable"? Pipboy status gives you some advantage inside the town? Serious business? Like controlling a box? Don't make me laugh. Scenario is like that: a gang comes to Modoc, talks to TC NPC and sits in some shack without windows for 20 minutes. If enemies come, there is a battle. If not, they leave because there is no miliita to hide behind and camp on grid.

See? That's your problem. You don't understand the human factor. But let me help you with three keywords: prestige, custom and rewards. Prestige, because yeah, you're controlling a box, it's your box and your name comes up on pip boy for everybody to see. Oh, and it helps with psychological warfare and recruitment. Custom, because it is customary for big gangs to battle in the unguarded, controllable towns. Rewards, because you get stuff for controlling towns, meaning you don't have to get bored crafting, at least to a degree depending on your gang's current situation, how advanced the session is (ie. how much time has passed since the last wipe) and so on.

Now, Reno doesn't have any of the aforementioned traits, so it is open for lone PvP players, small groups and generally people who just want to get some trigger time no questions asked. Modoc has all of these traits, so it's a completely different animal. And militia... well, militia doesn't come into this equation at all. It comes into play when tactical decisions and risk assesment are involved, but it does not determine whether or not serious gang PvP is going to take place even in a slightest degree.

Actually, the best thing that could happen to Reno right now would be adding quests with NPC-based cooldown that give low-mid tier gear like assault shotguns or assault rifles more or less for free after you spend enough time inside the city. That way people could choose between low-risk, low-reward (slowly level up, hunt some mobs) way of equipping themselves or high-risk, high-reward (stay alive inside the city long enough, maybe kill some competition).
« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 07:02:23 pm by Nice_Boat »


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Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2011, 07:28:09 pm »

It doesn't fit to the town.

Fits almost perfectly. Not with the current "protected towns" system, but still. The point is that the Families need a minimum level of security in New Reno, otherwise nobody goes gambling.

Shooting another player inside a family's territory (their casino or house), will make you get shot by their guards. The streets however should remain dangerous. New Reno is a non-TC PvP. This is really fun and should not be stopped completely.
Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2011, 07:47:08 pm »

this is eter

guards into the casinos or box ring house

this is good idea

No le temo a nada....solo a la paz mundial. Sledge Hammer
Re: Make New Reno Guarded City
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2011, 08:09:50 pm »

Reno will always be a unique kind of place. Its streets will always be unguarded.

Sorry fellas.
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