Woah, my welding mask looks even better than I thought it would look!
It looks even better when combined with a more attractive looking armour

Anyway, hats are actually surprisingly easy to rig : Move it to right place, shift, resize, then attach ALL the vertices to the "head bone" = done. Unfortunately, some of the armours aren't quite so straightforward - the worst ones seeming to be those long coats that some idiot (me) decided to make
Duster Fail
This is using the extra skeleton from the NCR Combat Ranger guy - though it's proved to be quite difficult to get right. If you look on the images above, you should notice :
- Shoulders from main body "popping through" (shirt is white, so it's very clear).
- Big black patches in the folds of the coat
- Other bits sticking out all over the place
- Rogue shadows
- I completely forgot to attach the boots
- The upper section of cloth over the shoulders doesn't fold right
A fair bit of this is due to the original model (so it's still my fault

). Firstly, though I might be able to fix the shoulder bit with adjusting the rigging, it might be better to just move the faces a tiny bit further away from the main body. Alternately, as the arms are completely covered, I could "disable the subsets" on the arm, meaning that the arms on the main hero body are made invisible - so they won't stick through the coat.
The black patches are model related. The inside surface of the coat is too low poly - it doesn't "bend" in enough places - so when the outer surface bends round, the inner surface is unable to bend in the middle, and ends up sticking through, inside out. This should be quite easy to fix, but is a good lesson in how not to do low-poly modelling

Other bits will mostly need fixing in a similar manner to the shoulder - though the "extra material" on the shoulders may need remodelling quite a bit, or adding over the top as a separate object. One thing notable is that the "coat blowing" animation currently only covers idle, walk and run - in all other animations, there is no extra animation for the tails. This means they basically "stay still" during punch, shoot, fall over etc, because they're not rigged to any bones on the normal skeleton. Unfortunately this means that they will often end up clashing with the legs in some of these animations. There's no easy solution to this, other than to add the "tail modification" to a lot of the rest of the animations. Also, the texture will need quite a bit of work to look right in game - it heavily uses "painted shadows", and these are a little obsolete now that the engine shadows are working much better.
Hooded Rags partial Win
This one's a very similar model, except it's a lot more closed round the front, so I've treated it a bit more like a robe, and kept the bottom half attached to the legs i.e. rather than rigging it to the extra coat tails, I simply rigged it to the main skeleton. After a lot of messing around with the vertex weights on the legs, it's nearly there. There's a couple of minor clashes in the run animation, but I think I can solve this by changing the balance between how some of the vertices are weighted. There's also a slight problem with the arms slipping out of the sleeves, but again, that's quite easy to fix.
Obviously, it doesn't have the coolness of the coat tails flying back when running, or blowing in the wind, but it's almost usable. As with the previous, the texture needs quite a lot of work to blend in better. Certainly needs to be a lot brighter overall.