Author Topic: Armors and clothing  (Read 293100 times)

Offline Mr Feltzer

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Re: Armors and clothing
« Reply #690 on: November 25, 2012, 10:54:43 am »
These models are great work. :D
Founder of Fallout Online Australia

Re: Armors and clothing
« Reply #691 on: December 10, 2012, 02:00:34 am »
Ok, so I decided to mess a bit with Blender. Got a bit rusty, never used to be really good at it though. I know the project seems to be dead..ish but I've got some time to spend, so... yeah... Anyways:

Tweaked gasmask texture a bit - last time some of you guys decided it is to bright.

Also, managed to dig up female model, tweak it a bit. Theres one problem though - the arms - as you can see - seems to miss the texture. Chcecked UV and rendering options and it seems to be okay, still the arms are supposed to have body texture like the rest of the model. I also checked normals and they are facing the right way.

The last thing is my approach for a fatman bodytype. Although I'm not sure if I'm using the right model. Oh... And i dont have a texture for that one.

Oh - Just remembered - I used to try creating Mordino thug armor. Wonder if i still got the files...

Re: Armors and clothing
« Reply #692 on: December 10, 2012, 06:49:19 am »
The 3d project isn't dead, it just sleeps in a arcane underwater city and wake occasionally up to eat some cultists.

Offline Graf

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Re: Armors and clothing
« Reply #693 on: December 11, 2012, 04:33:59 pm »
The fat man version is absolutely brilliant, Tommy. Do you mind to send me these files? Although this isn't the priority now, I will add this to the repository, so it would be used later. Moreover, if you're up to remodeling of the gunsmith clothes, it may be a good idea to make a version of it for the weak peasant and normal civilian as well.

Regarding the fat man model texture - if you've got the latest model, then it should be using exactly the same texture, as every other human or ghoul model, thanks to Luther for that.

P.S. Is this the model for the Mordino's thugs clothes, which you have mentioned?

Re: Armors and clothing
« Reply #694 on: December 11, 2012, 07:39:24 pm »
Wow, thanks :) I will gladly upload/send all the stuff, I only need some info since I think i forgot more about whole 3d stuff that i knew form the start ;)

1) So - what format should i choose to import them? Is it .x or something else?
2) I would love to reshape it for all the other bodytypes, unfortunately I only found the fatman on my computer, so if theres any source for all of them, please let me know :)

Also - I mean the other mordino thug the one with red bandana and some sort of chain over the sleeveless jacket.

Offline Cyber Jesus

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Re: Armors and clothing
« Reply #695 on: December 11, 2012, 08:18:15 pm »
How much in % are all of the models done?

Offline Graf

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Re: Armors and clothing
« Reply #696 on: December 12, 2012, 03:58:02 pm »
You can import them to .3ds or .OBJ, whichever you prefer better.

As for the other body types - here they are. They also can be obtained from the test repository of Fonline 3D project.

Re: Armors and clothing
« Reply #697 on: December 13, 2012, 02:32:02 pm »
Hmm... So quiet here. Anyways:

the dwarf - i actually like this one, tried to make it so it seems like the clothes are to big for this poor little fella.


Damn you, junkie, you've lost your shoe!
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 02:58:48 pm by TommyTheGun »

Re: Armors and clothing
« Reply #698 on: December 14, 2012, 08:48:05 pm »
Looks good, Tommy, i would like to see the ghoul in the outfit, too.

Offline Karpov

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Re: Armors and clothing
« Reply #699 on: February 13, 2013, 06:16:16 pm »
I've been working on the alternative versions of the armors for death. I just have to make a hole on them and slice them along the waist, then save them as a separate file.

But I found the male robe was missing, so I made one. It looks quite good.

I think this is the last thing I have to do. Once I'm done with this, we can move on and port to the new SDK. Let's hope everything goes ok.

Offline Luther Blissett

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Re: Armors and clothing
« Reply #700 on: February 14, 2013, 03:05:03 am »
Excellent. Do you want me to get on with sorting out that stuff with the hair/subsets etc? (or is there anything else I've got half-done somewhere which needs finishing first?).

Offline Karpov

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Re: Armors and clothing
« Reply #701 on: February 14, 2013, 03:30:51 am »
Well...that's a non important task, but I can't think of anything else, at least for now. Go ahead if you want to do it. The idea is to separate the hair into 2 subsets; the top of the head, and the rest. Then you can disable the subset from the fo3d file. I think it works; I should check...
 There is also a way to disable meshes/objects inside the x. file. If you have 2 objects inside a file, you use Mesh 0, or Mesh 1, instead of Root, and then disable the subsets. I don't think this will help you but I find it very interesting.
 I was thinking of adding the power armor as an object with it's own skeleton. Which makes perfect sense since the Power Armor is actually an exoskeleton. But I had this problem with the head, where the height of the armor didn't match the height of the man, so the head was not totally visible. I guess I can add a fake head, now that I know how to select the different Meshes inside the fo3d file. The hardest part is that I need to convert all of the animations to the PowerArmor skeleton. Good thing is I don't need female versions for those.

 However, I'll stick to the power armors we have now for a while, there is nothing wrong with them, other than they don't look at all like the sprites, of course.

Offline Luther Blissett

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Re: Armors and clothing
« Reply #702 on: February 14, 2013, 06:18:03 pm »
If the power armour links to a separate fo3d file, would it be possible to separate the head with subsets (i.e. disable rest of body), then to reposition it with the scale/x/y/rotation coordinates like you have done with the weapons and other hand items? Not tested this of course, but in my head it sort of sounds like it would work.