It's totally random.
Some people had to search hours and hours for that thing, with a high luck character. Some people had the FCC at the second car. It's totally random. I find it good, its something other then "oh, take caps, go to seller, done". You aren't forced to use cockroach, you know.
I don't see what's the problem there?
you didn't spend nearly enough time there. throughout the course of my career this wipe i had found more than 12 FCC's, most were sold at the beginning of the wipe... it's completely random and there are better areas than others where city landscapes are... but of course anything that takes time and doesn't instantly reward you is complained about in fonline.
i use a 6 LK combat character. instead of hanging out in your cities and safe areas, try actually playing the game and locating yourself to one area.. somewhere like the boneyard? you'll see just how "random" FCCs are when you and an enemy are fighting it out over a car wreck that might not even have anything at all...
I believe it is entirely random, at least past a certain point of its structuring making a difference. Searching the wastelands SOLELY for an FCC is a little ... bland and redundant. I've found 2 so far, without ever really 'hunting' for them. Was doing my normal thing, and found a car in the wasteland. Sometimes junk, sometimes nothing. It happens. The FCC ... think of it as a special encounter. It might happen, it might not. I wish more things followed this type of pattern and was not so structured.
No, I don't see how that would solve it. If the location respawns and/or is static, then its not really randomized at all, is it? It's just a tank filled with certain levels of stuff, that slowly refills over time.