If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Straight damage comparison isn't fully justified because: LR has 5 less rangeLR requires 1 more STREW starts at a lower skill% then SG above 1 AGI (min/max +2%/-25%)MFCs are more expensive/rare then .223*EW shots have a "traceable animation"
Laser Rifle ignore psycho an Toughness and do 49 base damages on critical bypass (multiplie by 3 to 8 for final critt dams).So if the guy have a Tesla ok you are screwed (you still do 0-3) , your only way to do something is critical bypass, but for a sniper, don't think it's that hard ...On the other hand, even with a x3 critical you kill almost anybody 147 dam for the worst crit in the torso, i'd really like to do so, even only once per 10 shot ...Maybe laser sniper should simply not use Finesse to avoid the 100dr (but anyway bypass ignore finesse ...), and this is maybe why you have issues, since apparently players don't know how finesse work (Atom fixed the minds on another topic about that)
Atom just said it on the sg balance thread and it's written here http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_engine_calculationsSo crits bypass armor.
The only thing not ignored by bypass ar ammo modifier and DT (which is divided by 5 apparently) so that could make some slight differences toward base damages.