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Author Topic: FN FAL HPFA  (Read 18951 times)


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« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2010, 04:26:37 pm »

 Dont forget that EW Laser rifle has 2x bigger damage than SG rifle. Dont make from SG snipers rifles second class snipers...

I admit that EW are weak in PvP, but at least, they are more usable than non sniper small guns.

 If you lower the protection of EW in major armors, what will be the difference between SG sniper and EW sniper? please, dont tell me that the PRICE. Because in PvP, there are no poor people, PvP is group of people who have time to craft their favourite weapons.

 My suggestion is this. EW snipers should do bigger damages, but in every armor class, there should be 2 equal (by price) armours. One will little more reduce the EW, second will not. So SG snipers (and smallguners at all) will do more constant damage to this armors, but EW will do bigger damage to one kind of armor.

 You can admit, that this is current system, but my answer is: look at current pvp, almost nobody use EW snipers, only because they are bad now.

 Motto: Benefits from player ingame wealth, plurality of resources, should mean that player has bigger variety of choices, not that he has possibility to get more powerfull gun (in all or major attributes).

Energy weapon do have bigger damage than Small guns sniper rifle, however if you check ammo properties of .223 so commonly and mosty used you will see that it gives huge adventage over laser and plasma. .223 reduce targets AC and DR by 20. thats like HALF OF THE ARMOR. Suddenly sniper rifle with lower damage hits more than a laser rifle with 25-50. Why? because armors have crazy energy resistance combined with crappy hard to get MFC that do not even lower this resistance. Even if armors would have similar Energy and Normal damage resistance- sniper rifle still hit pretty much the same and will be a LOT MORE ACCURATE(-20 AC, Scoped). Solutions? Make MFC lower energy resistance or simply decrease the crazy resistance of armors to a reasonable level.  Sniper rifle will still remain superior at longest range(because AC) while laser rifle will hit a bit more but will most likely require a lot more skill to snipe effectively.

PS. have in mind that energy weapons should be superior to small guns, because of pain in the ass ammo and more skill % required to shot them. Also energy gunners dont have a lvl 1 quest that gives free 15% to small guns etc etc. Oh, and tesla armor, man :D(since its made from metal armor i think it should remain its normal armor properties... just like in FT... damn they had it all covered)
AC bonus:     15
Damage Type    Damage Resistance    Damage Threshold
normal:    35%    4
fire:    45%    7
gas:    0%    0
explode:    20%    4
energy:    85%    15
electrical:    10%    0
effects:    -20% Sneak
weight:    40 pounds
cost:    $11000
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 04:39:56 pm by Drakonis »
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"
« Reply #31 on: May 17, 2010, 04:39:18 pm »

"Also energy gunners dont have a lvl 1 quest that gives free 15% to small guns"

If i'm right you need to be equiped with a CA and low SG skill for this quest to triger right? You have seen many guys in CA with less than 45% in SG if they plan a sniper build?
But if it's the issue, yeah put this quest for energie too, it will so usefull ...


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« Reply #32 on: May 17, 2010, 04:40:49 pm »

"Also energy gunners dont have a lvl 1 quest that gives free 15% to small guns"

If i'm right you need to be equiped with a CA and low SG skill for this quest to triger right? You have seen many guys in CA with less than 45% in SG if they plan a sniper build?
But if it's the issue, yeah put this quest for energie too, it will so usefull ...

er no. you just go there with low Small guns (45 ish untagged, more tagged) and you get free 15%.

But I find it hilarious that you thought you need a CA to trigger that quest xD I mean come on man...
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« Reply #33 on: May 17, 2010, 04:41:23 pm »

PS. have in mind that energy weapons should be superior to small guns, because of pain in the ass ammo and more skill % required to shot them. Also energy gunners dont have a lvl 1 quest that gives free 15% to small guns etc etc. Oh, and tesla armor, man :D

 This is the different point of veiw. If EW will be superior to SG, in pvp there will be no SG sniper.. it is fact. Only best PvP chars are in PvP. If you lower this resistance, BG will protest, because they will not be so strong like now, and because nobody wants to nerf anything, they will raise BG power.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2010, 04:45:55 pm »

Anyway 45% is what i started with and i have the trait good natured that lower it ... And i don't really think it should be considered as an advantage for most of people.

And the original post was about FN Fal not energie weapon :/
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 04:51:08 pm by Midnight »


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« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2010, 04:48:19 pm »

This is the different point of veiw. If EW will be superior to SG, in pvp there will be no SG sniper.. it is fact. Only best PvP chars are in PvP. If you lower this resistance, BG will protest, because they will not be so strong like now, and because nobody wants to nerf anything, they will raise BG power.

ugh should players really care about whining Bigguners when they loose some of their ultimate supremacy?

And yes I actually i know what im talking about. 2 BIgguners lvl 21 now, 2 SG snipers(6 and 10 luck) and 1 energy sniper. I can easly tell that if you can afford your ammo(just ammo coz lsw is a caravan drop) then you have an utimate hitting power over long range, shitload of AP, AOE attack, Partialy resistant to blind/psycho effects(bigguns does not require that much % to max chance to hit, unlike other guns)

Right now we have a reverse situation. everybody uses Small guns because they are better than energy guns. If energy guns would be a BIT better than small guns(especially on medium distance), then some people would still use SG and some would use EW: why? EW are hard to get/hard to craft and ammo is shitty expensive. Well we at least would have SOME diversity :(. I know devs wanted to make EW rare, but this should not be achieved by making them worse in PVP in a PVP based game. Making them expensive with hard to get ammo?: YES. Making them shit: OH GOD NO
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 04:49:50 pm by Drakonis »
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2010, 06:39:10 pm »

This is truly a question and not in any way an attempt to prove anyone wrong.

I see alot of people talking about how well armors protect from laser and plasma damage, which it does very well, but whenever i encounter an energy weapon im shot in the head or the eyes.These hits usually result in loads of damage and i dont survive many of them.Since its pretty much like you guys say and everyone is going to do whatever is most effective in a fight i ask why everyone is so concerned about how resistant armor is to lasers when everyone is eye shooting anyway?Do the visors on CA actually offer the same protection for the head and eyes as the rest does for the torso and limbs?

Like i said, not an attempt to derail anyone, im just curious.


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« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2010, 06:48:47 pm »

This is truly a question and not in any way an attempt to prove anyone wrong.

I see alot of people talking about how well armors protect from laser and plasma damage, which it does very well, but whenever i encounter an energy weapon im shot in the head or the eyes.These hits usually result in loads of damage and i dont survive many of them.Since its pretty much like you guys say and everyone is going to do whatever is most effective in a fight i ask why everyone is so concerned about how resistant armor is to lasers when everyone is eye shooting anyway?Do the visors on CA actually offer the same protection for the head and eyes as the rest does for the torso and limbs?

Like i said, not an attempt to derail anyone, im just curious.

Because EW user have a chance only if he gets lucky enough to both crit AND armor bypass. Not all shots become critical, and not many bypass armor at all ;] All shots vs metal armor and up are lame. You might have been runing around in leather or something since it doesnt protect against lasers or plasma.
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"
« Reply #38 on: May 17, 2010, 06:55:07 pm »

Im aware of how well these armore protect Drakonis but im asking if they also protect the eyes and head.No one ever has any metal helmets on their heads and Ca has a visor but i wonder if it even works.


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« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2010, 09:11:20 pm »

Laser rifles are generally 10 worse vs Metal armours (25 worse vs Tesla), ~30 better vs Leather armours then +1 vs CA and -1 vs BA and CAII per 10 AP.

or from bluesuit to BoS CA a Sniper Rifle is (approx): -46.7% -40.0%   -48.1%   -51.1%   -49.1%   69.3%   104.9%   710.8%   -6.1%   5.3%   5.5%
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 09:19:26 pm by Solar »
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« Reply #40 on: May 17, 2010, 09:34:51 pm »

Let's compare it to sniper rifle which is good enough to kill a man with metal armor mk II and sometimes in CA in one shot what is almost impossible in laser rifle due to this horrible metal resistance.

So, even if the stats for sniper rifle shots to BA CA are extremally better than with laser rifle (I don't agree with that numbers but ok, I am not known-everything guy) notice that there are maybe 5 players per 100 wearing CA BA while more than half of them wears metal armor mk I or mk II.
That's why its totally imbalanced.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 09:42:06 pm by Pandemon »
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« Reply #41 on: May 17, 2010, 10:23:23 pm »

Give special ability to special (each?) weapon like energy weapon, plasma can irradiate you, laser have great chance to blind you. (with a gatling laser .. 10 radiated impulse can be nice, 2-3 burst with it and SPECIAL of opponent could be affected)

For the FN FAL HPFA, if we want respect the description, use all magazine why not but remove bonus damage and make it same as the fn fal (so make it like fallout 2). Final damage will be still better than actual version but you have to reload each time. (Full magazine and bonus in these damage is too much in my opinion)
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« Reply #42 on: May 17, 2010, 10:49:01 pm »

My next question would then be why does the reduced damage carry over for eye shots?Seems like lasers would be great if shooting the unprotected eyes didnt suffer the same reduced damage as shooting the torso.Why is it the same?Metal armor has no helmet and it could be reasoned that the visor on CA couldnt possibly be made of the same materials as the rest because it most likey wouldnt be transparent.


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« Reply #43 on: May 17, 2010, 10:54:11 pm »

Because when u shoot at me with a laser gun I hide my head like a turtle  :)
« Reply #44 on: May 18, 2010, 02:01:26 am »

Getting lasers to the eye should give you a reverse crit that heals blindness and increases your PE just like at the laser eye surgery in the mall.
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