Here is 6 hour stream from what seems to be casual newbies: a few minutes might give some of you some perspective.
Yes, people like this play less and tend to come and go, but overall they
are still a significant part of the server. I think there might be more casuals
than pros, but pros play a lot more often and they are more visible, so on
the server at any given time it may appear like there is only same old PvP
apes playing. You may think their presence lacks any meaning, I think that
as long as they have fun playing, it doesn't.
I think the game for such people gets boring when they reach 24 level though.
They know very little about game, and have a lot of false informations (like
"you can pick people up, I just don't know how" - not about FA). The information
on the Wiki like quests etc is VERY helpful for them, they seem to check it
very often. So thanks a lot to all Wiki editors

It also shows some bad things in the game and interface, they struggle with
things that seem to be "obvious" for long time players and those who played
Fallouts, for example they have no idea about town/world button (no wonder,
most of the time it does nothing, the name is confusing and the placement of
the button is unfortunate, I think it would be better if the button would pop out
directly over town with preview, sadly there is a lot of "hardcoded stuff" in the
world map).