Editing Interface and Imagefiles to net you a faster and easier shoot in senseless PvP ins not about RPG.
Hmm. First of all, I don't like RT PVP. As I'm not a fan of CS, MW and all other shooters, I don't have excellent mouse control skills.
I do prefer fallout. But if take a closer look at default aiming screen, it is obvious it is designed for TB. You have all the time to point what body part you want to shoot. But not in RT combat.
So about this RPG quote. In cRPG all that should matter in PVP is character build, but not your mouse control ability. All that this mod does, it makes sniping PVP less mouse skill dependent. Which is good for SPECIAL based game.
As for true Role Play: I became a member of BHH. So it is 2 roles both requre RT PVP.
1) BH police officer and mine patrol
2) in case BH fallen to enemy - guerilla warfare
So if i fight against sniper guy which has good mouse/mouse pad/mouse skill I'll lose. Because I dont have those.
(skip the fact all top PVP players use FOCD or even worse things)
And I don't want to be SUDDENLY banned. So Bantz' solution is what I needed.
For those who calling it aimbot - you know nothing about aimbots definetly.