...AimHeadProc=366 706 430 740AimLArmProc=0 0 0 0AimRArmProc=320 550 340 570+10AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0AimRLegProc=880 480 920 500+10AimLLegProc=0 0 0 0AimEyesProc=630 160 650 180+10AimGroinProc=890 706 950 736
;===============AimAimMainPic=Evilscope.pngAimMain=0 0 1024 768;AimCancelPicDn=nonexisting.png;AimCancel=402 340 432 357AimPicX=3000AimPicY=3000AimHeadText=100 0 924 60AimLArmText=924 0 1024 600AimRArmText=0 0 100 600AimRLegText=0 600 412 700AimEyesText=100 60 924 600AimLLegText=612 600 1024 700AimTorsoText=0 0 0 0AimGroinText=412 600 612 700AimHeadProc=500 30 530 60AimLArmProc=975 300 1005 330AimRArmProc=40 300 60 330AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0AimRLegProc=200 645 230 675AimLLegProc=830 645 860 675AimEyesProc=500 350 530 380AimGroinProc=500 645 530 675
It appears that when using this exploit-hax-cheat the new radio doesn't work well. Just try it. It's impossible to push radio interface buttons.
Radio works fine for me with this interface. I am using 1024:768 resolution.