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Author Topic: Spawn weapons and ammo as reward for TC  (Read 2071 times)

Spawn weapons and ammo as reward for TC
« on: September 23, 2010, 05:29:06 pm »

Ok, here are the facts:

As many PvP players can confirm, TC is very boring at the moment. In 90% situations it looks just like that:
- spawning at the grid,
- killing militia,
- standing in the capture area for 15 minutes doing nothing,
- going outside the town.

It looks like that because the defending gang doesn't even bother to come and fight.

In 10% situations the defending gang comes to the town to fight, sometimes there are really good battles, which many of us enjoy a lot, but, to be honest, it happens 1-2 times a day (sometimes even 0), which is, in my opinion very low number, considering the time needed for players to assemble in the base, get ready for TC and move to the town, which is much longer than actual fighting time. I don't even mention the time, which is consumed on activities such as crafting, farming and repairing equipment for TC.

When i think about the reasons, why gangs don't bother to come to fight, i come to the conclusion, that there is practically nothing to fight for. Sure, you can fight for the loot and for the caps and junk spawned in the container. But in fact, when doing it, your gang risks losing the fight and being looted by enemy, so because you must minimize this risk, you go to fight only when you are in quite large numbers. If you can't assemble a horde of soldiers in 15 minutes (timer of TC), you either stay in the base and continue to do your everyday activities such as gathering, crafting and exping new alts. And if you are a real PVP player, you probably are sick enough of these activites. You don't go to fight in small group, because you will just give your equipment to the enemy, even if you manage to kill some, or even stop the TC timer. You gain nothing, only lose. So you stay in the base and craft, craft, craft, exp, exp, exp...

Caps are quite useless spawned in such tiny numbers. Just compare it to the prices of rocket launcher mutant mercs, which are, in my opinion, the only PVP useful thing to buy at the moment. And have in mind, that you can't protect the town for 24 h, so the caps spawning multiplicator gets zeroed regularly.

But the caps are not the issue here.

I suggest spawning PVP useful equipment as a reward for Town Control such as weapons, ammunition, armors and drugs.

Also, i suggest, that the quality and quantity of the spawned equipment should rise with the time, just as the quantity of spawned caps rises at the moment.

I think this would give PVP players the reason to actually fight in the towns. And with this reason, there would actually be more interesting fights, because with such a good reason as getting free fighting stuff and not having to craft, people would really fight, no more running away if enemies are 12 when we are only 8, no more endless camping on the world map waiting for the occasion to hold enemy inside the town, real pressure on holding or stopping the TC timer, more action, more adrenaline, more fun!

In my humble opinion, it will bring plenty of action to the towns and plenty of enjoyment for all PvP gang members.

I can think about some enhancements of this idea. You can get more variety, if you make different rewards for holding different towns. Here is my suggesion:

Modoc - armors (leather), drugs
Den - small guns + ammo
Broken Hills - big guns + ammo
Gecko - energy weapons + ammo
Redding - armors (metal), HQ crafting resources
Klamath - ... i don't really know ... crafting resources? melee weapons? (useless in pvp atm), other useful stuff?

It is just optional idea, the main is general spawning of PvP equipment.

I look forward to hear the opinion of other players, (and hopefully, developers) about those ideas.

PS. I really enjoy playing Fonline.


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Re: Spawn weapons and ammo as reward for TC
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2010, 05:35:40 pm »

agree, but this is noting new - we suggested that very long time ago ;/


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Re: Spawn weapons and ammo as reward for TC
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2010, 07:37:47 pm »

IMO this is a great idea. TC is currently based only on the fight between two gangs - if the second gang show up.
Some great rewards would increase a prestige of taking city.
Currently retired.
Re: Spawn weapons and ammo as reward for TC
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2010, 08:26:55 pm »

You write nice suggestion , i saw same many time ... Devs still dont want change boring tc


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Re: Spawn weapons and ammo as reward for TC
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2010, 10:26:37 pm »

While it could indeed reduce annoyance by such preparation to fight it could also be a lure for aspiring factions. There should be one-time rewards for defending and taking over a city.

Modoc - armors (leather), drugs
Den - small guns + ammo
Broken Hills - big guns + ammo
Gecko - energy weapons + ammo
Redding - armors (metal), HQ crafting resources
Klamath - fibres, golden gecko pelts?

They should spawn at the end of TC but every after 8hr cooldown for a city, that way it wont be abused and the risk will actually be worth it and in the same time mobilizing for the defending faction
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Spawn weapons and ammo as reward for TC
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2010, 07:30:00 am »

I took gecko recently and it basically went like this, show up, kill militia, take town, get camped by VSB in the reactor for 20 min until everyone died. The gear we lost was all crap and even then it's worth about 20 times more than the TC reward. It was fun, I just wish vsb had rushed us so I could have gotten more than one flamer shot off before being melted by plasma.
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