Another reason to grief? If it was just for the XP, ok, but making crafting even more fail is just not right
I dont get that "Wait, someone else has posted something while you were typing"-message when im on work for some reason.
this topic is a big double edged sword i think. I would say we just say we don't see any reason to boost crafting.
I feel you bro. But its mostly to prevent someone to gain a level from crafting 40 sharped sticks.In my Fonline beginning i always seen level as a minor thing, i just liked how many things get me xp even its just >40xp. So i could just play and i was rewarded for doin usefull things, while levels came from alone. I think some of us (including me) should get back to that attitude. Nowadays its all about getting to 21 quick quick quick or having a powerbuilt char that can cause as much havok as possible.