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Author Topic: Rework PVP  (Read 11851 times)


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #30 on: October 07, 2010, 02:29:29 pm »

I strongly agree with this idea: this way they would not be changing the PvP system itself, but only NPCs' reaction. That's a smart thing and way better than PvP invitation and all that.

If reputation was added tomorrow and nothing else was changed, it wouldn't change much. Those who pk blindly are often fighting builds designed for fighting. They don't need to travel in safe cities or have anything to do with npcs. Such builds are backed up with trader/crafting builds that provide the fighters their items.

Even if every random pk got -10000 rep in every faction they might just get randomly killed by BoS, unity and patrols but that's it. It's not like those patrols would be assaulting their bases or appearing in their controlled towns or encounters.

So if alting was somehow cured, players wanted to play just one char and this char cannot randomly kill everyone if he wants to trade with npc traders. He could join in a faction that has shopkeepers and kill its enemies and this would be totally okay. If this npc faction was also the only place to craft certain hight tech gear, even better.

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #31 on: October 07, 2010, 06:34:55 pm »

If reputation was added tomorrow and nothing else was changed, it wouldn't change much. Those who pk blindly are often fighting builds designed for fighting. They don't need to travel in safe cities or have anything to do with npcs. Such builds are backed up with trader/crafting builds that provide the fighters their items.

Even if every random pk got -10000 rep in every faction they might just get randomly killed by BoS, unity and patrols but that's it. It's not like those patrols would be assaulting their bases or appearing in their controlled towns or encounters.

So if alting was somehow cured, players wanted to play just one char and this char cannot randomly kill everyone if he wants to trade with npc traders. He could join in a faction that has shopkeepers and kill its enemies and this would be totally okay. If this npc faction was also the only place to craft certain hight tech gear, even better.

While I agree that they would be safe in their homes / bases, it would still discourage a lot of the Newb Pking.  Admitedly my experience in this game is still as a newer player, but I don't think a lot of Pker's would want to fight every patrol they come across just to kill the occassional newb they can find. Even if they can take out entire patrols of NCR / Rangers / or whatever by themselves, it would just become annoying for them to constantly be attacked on site, at least for me it would be.

I find it pretty rediculous right now when I have a random encounter with Rangers and some brahman, and while trying to capture the brahmin another wastelander enters the ecounter, shoots me in the back, and loots my things all the while the Rangers stand there and do nothing. 

Why would the rangers stand there an allow somoene to be slaughtered?  I don't think so, for me it totally takes away from the Fallout atmosphere.

Even better would be if they automatically added a bounty on Pkers for each PK, this would discourage PKing even further, due to the fact that it would give other players a reason to kill said Pker for financial gain.  

It wouldn't have to be a lot, but for each mindless PK the PKer would be racking up a bounty that would eventually make it worthwhile for others to want to collect on it.

As I stated already, as of now, the Game enourages anti social, bad behavior because there is very little discouragement not to do it.  Alll it needs is a very tools to discourage it, but not make it impossible because obviously it should be possible.  

« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 06:43:40 pm by Cascinova »


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #32 on: October 07, 2010, 07:29:19 pm »

If reputation was added tomorrow and nothing else was changed, it wouldn't change much. Those who pk blindly are often fighting builds designed for fighting. They don't need to travel in safe cities or have anything to do with npcs. Such builds are backed up with trader/crafting builds that provide the fighters their items.

You do have a point, but how would you change the PvP system?

Even better would be if they automatically added a bounty on Pkers for each PK, this would discourage PKing even further, due to the fact that it would give other players a reason to kill said Pker for financial gain. 

It wouldn't have to be a lot, but for each mindless PK the PKer would be racking up a bounty that would eventually make it worthwhile for others to want to collect on it.

The idea is cool but there is a problem: a player kills another player and becomes a PK with a bounty on his head. Then A non PK player hunts down the PK, kills him, gets the caps... but becomes a PK because he just killed a player. A possible solution could be that you are not considered PK if you kill a player with a bounty on his head. And this could apply to other kinds of players and not only PK's (for example, thieves).


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #33 on: October 07, 2010, 07:58:30 pm »

Admitedly my experience in this game is still as a newer player, but I don't think a lot of Pker's would want to fight every patrol they come across just to kill the occassional newb they can find. Even if they can take out entire patrols of NCR / Rangers / or whatever by themselves, it would just become annoying for them to constantly be attacked on site, at least for me it would be.

They could just run away from them. It's pretty easy to run away from encounters. They could also just leave ncr area and continue killing in northern towns where encounters aren't so bad.

I find it pretty rediculous right now when I have a random encounter with Rangers and some brahman, and while trying to capture the brahmin another wastelander enters the ecounter, shoots me in the back, and loots my things all the while the Rangers stand there and do nothing.

Even though I agree that Rangers should do something, this is also a case of "Why can't I defend myself?". Wouldn't it be a bit fairer if you had a chance to turn around and return fire instead of just dying instantly? Just because someone stumbled in your encounter and was located behind you randomly doesn't mean he deserves a kill. This is also about matter of how combat works in general. 

You do have a point, but how would you change the PvP system?

Now that you ask lol. I'd make players more equal in terms of hitpoints, ap, chance to hit and field of view. Stats, skills and perks would only decide what you do, not how well you do it when it comes to influence towards other players. For example high sg skill would only provide you an option for profesion and some perks, not additional accuracy. Accuracy would mainly depend on distance, your equipment and how many aps you want to invest in aiming. Later we could add AC, darkness, movement and enviromental cover. This way achieving success in pvp is more dependent on your micromanagement skills and gaming experience rather than build. I'm not going to rant more but you should get the picture.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #34 on: October 07, 2010, 09:10:33 pm »

Now that you ask lol. I'd make players more equal in terms of hitpoints, ap, chance to hit and field of view. Stats, skills and perks would only decide what you do, not how well you do it when it comes to influence towards other players. For example high sg skill would only provide you an option for profesion and some perks, not additional accuracy. Accuracy would mainly depend on distance, your equipment and how many aps you want to invest in aiming. Later we could add AC, darkness, movement and enviromental cover. This way achieving success in pvp is more dependent on your micromanagement skills and gaming experience rather than build. I'm not going to rant more but you should get the picture.

What? you do know that goes against the whole idea of a Fallout character, right? or would that just work for PvP?
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #35 on: October 07, 2010, 10:22:40 pm »

If  people want non-stop pvp action the solution is simple.

Eliminate full loot drop.

If some jackass thinks its the lulz to ambush me then fine I die.

I come back to look for him and LETS GET IT ON.

Right now it IS the simulator of waiting.  Someone kills you, you gotta waste a boatload of time dealing with all sorts of cooldowns just to get back into the fight.

Eliminate the FRIGGIN middle man.  This game is already a Call Of Duty wannabee.

People bitch so much about how there isn't enough pvp.  Well, if people didnt lose their ability to fight so often then there will be fights everywhere.
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #36 on: October 07, 2010, 11:24:54 pm »

You have a point, if it didnt take so long to get equipped and to level 21 there would be a lot more PVP and a lot more challenging PVP.


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #37 on: October 08, 2010, 11:18:11 am »

What? you do know that goes against the whole idea of a Fallout character, right? or would that just work for PvP?

Fallout was singleplayer game. Certain parts of its rules cannot be fit into multiplayer game. In this case it's about character build. In fallout you could become very good at something and very bad at something else. This encourages making atl-builds that specialize in certain areas but can't do anything else. Just because we change how some mechanic works it doesn't ruin the feeling that we're in wasteland. So the way accuracy is calculated doesn't mean that the wasteland's sand suddenly turns pink and Hub turns into alien colony.
If this reasoning wasn't enough there's more.

If  people want non-stop pvp action the solution is simple.

If people want non stop pvp action they can gtfo. It's still game set in fallout universe, there was no "constant pvp there". But there was fighting for reasons and goals which this game lacks.
First thing to take into account before starting a fight is to think whether you really need to fight, what happens if you don't fight and what happens if you win. If the game doesn't have sufficient answers to those questions there's no reason to fight in first place and nobody should be complaining about not getting to fight in first place.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2010, 07:26:15 pm by avv »
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #38 on: October 08, 2010, 06:42:00 pm »

Well so far its pretty clear who the devs plan to cater to and thats the folks in CS ,RDA and the like.

Afterall 90% of folks respond to any and every problem with the classic phrase:

wasteland is da harsh



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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #39 on: October 09, 2010, 12:09:07 pm »

Well so far its pretty clear who the devs plan to cater to and thats the folks in CS ,RDA and the like.

I think a more likely response from any of the ones who aren't me would be - Who are CS and RDA? :P
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.

Phallus Erectus

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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #40 on: October 09, 2010, 03:43:13 pm »

justify taking advantage of other people because you're too lazy to make something for yourself

This is a MASSIVE excuse. How do you justify not being able to defend yourself(GOTCHA)??!?!?!?!!?

Anyways, the whole maniac-shoots-players-cause-he's-bored-and-we've-seen-this-1,000-times is not good RPing. I request a trial by Elder at registration. When people submit their characters, they will have to detail their character's personality and their WILL TO POWER. If deemed suitable for Fonline, they are allowed to play(that's it, they do anything after that). This reviewing of PCs will be done by dedicated folks on the forums who care about the population of Fonline. These reviews must be under extreme scrutiny. The person submitting their PC must pour their soul into their PCs description so that their would be NO doubt in an Elder's mind that this person is right for Fonline. No amount of regulation in programming can weed out these soulless maniacs and if soullessness is found in the wastes, then a PC will swiftly kill it and report the soulessness to an Elder for renunciation of Registration and BLOCK THE DAMN IP. Of course, we welcome free will, but we'll kill you and ban you if you fail to our standards. I think it would work.


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #41 on: October 09, 2010, 03:52:14 pm »

Anyways, the whole maniac-shoots-players-cause-he's-bored-and-we've-seen-this-1,000-times is not good RPing. I request a trial by Elder at registration. When people submit their characters, they will have to detail their character's personality and their WILL TO POWER. If deemed suitable for Fonline, they are allowed to play(that's it, they do anything after that). This reviewing of PCs will be done by dedicated folks on the forums who care about the population of Fonline. These reviews must be under extreme scrutiny. The person submitting their PC must pour their soul into their PCs description so that their would be NO doubt in an Elder's mind that this person is right for Fonline. No amount of regulation in programming can weed out these soulless maniacs and if soullessness is found in the wastes, then a PC will swiftly kill it and report the soulessness to an Elder for renunciation of Registration and BLOCK THE DAMN IP. Of course, we welcome free will, but we'll kill you and ban you if you fail to our standards. I think it would work.

Or the game could just encourage us to play like real wastelanders.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #42 on: October 09, 2010, 03:59:07 pm »

Welcome to the dynamic IP and proxy world, my friend. Would you like a cup of tea?

I'm afraid you have to run your own server to set these rules you are mentioning.

This is my 666 post. I feel weird.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #43 on: October 10, 2010, 03:47:44 am »

Chosen Soldiers and Red Dot Army

This game so far is geared towards the principles of:

1.  Zerging

2.  PVP (oh wait sorry not pvp because pvp is about just fighting)

3.  Griefing (theres where full loot drop comes in)

4.  Expensive stuff is caps only (and who happens to have the most caps in the wastelands again thanks to roleplaying a radier lifestyle without the downsides of being shot on sight bby all civilised folks).  Keep in mind being in radier faction causes exactly that.

5.  Cars need secure parking lots that means organisational skills (either a base or group made tent).

6.  Simulator of waiting.  (Well waiting for those who craft.  CS simply jsut kills people for the majority of their loot).

So how does this game not cater to big zerging bands of raiders whos only thought is to krush kill n destroy??
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #44 on: October 10, 2010, 04:03:23 am »

You do have a point, but how would you change the PvP system?

The idea is cool but there is a problem: a player kills another player and becomes a PK with a bounty on his head. Then A non PK player hunts down the PK, kills him, gets the caps... but becomes a PK because he just killed a player. A possible solution could be that you are not considered PK if you kill a player with a bounty on his head. And this could apply to other kinds of players and not only PK's (for example, thieves).

There is an easy solution for that, which has been implemented in other MMOs, once said player becomes an outlaw, other whatever and has a bounty on his head, any person can kill them outright with no consequences.  Actually this rule was a fact during the middle ages in europe. 

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