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Author Topic: Rework PVP  (Read 12257 times)

Rework PVP
« on: September 13, 2010, 12:11:17 pm »

Please do something about PVP.  The way it's setup now is a huge design flaw.  The biggest threat in the game is other players and if changes can't be made, it should be renamed to FOnlineDM.  Look, I understand it's supposed to help put you in the role of a wastelander and give a real world experience of what the dog eat dog world would be like if civilization really did fall and that only the strong survive and natural selection means survival of the fittest and all those other phrases that justify taking advantage of other people because you're too lazy to make something for yourself.  But the problem is, if you can get the same tools and resources as someone who's been working at it for hours just by buying a handful of grenades and blindsiding people in mines, then the entire game will be everyone grenading each other and tugging on the same dollar as everyone else.  The greedy and skill-less are rewarded for oppressing the working man.  Sound familiar?  Wasn't it already decided a long time ago that communism just doesn't work?  Guess who won the great war here.

If disabling PVP is asking too much, and in some cases it is since sadly some problems can only be solved with a jolly good smack across the lips, then why not change things up a bit?  Force PVP to be turn based and force the challenger to go last.  This will help the person being challenged to initiate a fight or flight strategy and give them at least some chance for survival.  With the right weapons, skills, traits and player positions it can still be easy to harvest the hard working noobs but it at least gives them a fighting chance.  Or better yet, make PVP fights by invite only and give the option in fonline configuration to automatically reject PVP invitations.  Or, for a more extreme solution, you could make an entirely different server for those who don't want to PVP and leave the other for the lazy.  Now I know all of this could be circumvented with a timed explosive dropped near someone in the shadows but it would make me feel worlds better if I knew someone just used an expensive timed explosive on me to get my 3 flints and my primitive tool.

All in all, these are just a few ideas to help fix this obviously huge problem.  It's not hard to come up with a solution, you just have to want a solution.  If this game is ever going to be taken seriously and be a credit to the true Fallout games then it has to start taking it's self seriously and do something about the number one problem that's making it unplayable to the very same people who appreciate an online Fallout game.  Other players shouldn't be the biggest threat unless it's a deathmatch game.


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2010, 12:32:49 pm »

Pvp is good. It keeps players at their toes. It's just the reasons of pvp are way out of place. You can't be a robber if you already have everything. Robbing is caused by desperation, our robbers are nothing but.

Another issue is that pvp doesn't favour as much skill and cleverness as it favours choosing the right character build. It's like throwing dice and if you have stronger character, you get more dices.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2010, 01:19:02 pm »

Force PVP to be turn based and force the challenger to go last. 

Real-time or turn-based should be left to the player who was at the map first.
PvP is part of the game.
Other people are a thread in the wasteland, no matter if they're npc like marauders and raiders or pc.

Another issue is that pvp doesn't favour as much skill and cleverness as it favours choosing the right character build. It's like throwing dice and if you have stronger character, you get more dices.

Or simply have a group large enough to outpower random opponents and target loners and blue suits.

Only thing that would be a solution would be to have some kind of system that other players can only encounter you if they're roughly equal to you (someone already suggested something like this in another thread).
Getting a message someone entered your encounter would also be nice.
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2010, 01:55:19 pm »

Pvp is good. It keeps players at their toes. It's just the reasons of pvp are way out of place. You can't be a robber if you already have everything. Robbing is caused by desperation, our robbers are nothing but.

Another issue is that pvp doesn't favour as much skill and cleverness as it favours choosing the right character build. It's like throwing dice and if you have stronger character, you get more dices.

I wouldn't say PVP is "good", it does have it's uses and can be entertaining to all parties if they all give their consent but I still agree to a point.  To that same point this PVP system is just giving the game personality and a sense of individuality, however, not all personalities are likable.

My biggest disagreement is not everyone robs because they're desperate.  It's the most logical reason but it's not the only one.  Too many to ignore rob for the thrill, out of spite, for social acceptance, or just because they're bored.  Having an abundance of resources can't break us of our core motives.  Believe it or not, there's billionaires who still save empty mayonnaise jars.  No matter how desperate a person may or may not be, there's still a reason to act like a fool.  It's much easier to regulate or just eliminate the means to carry out this behavior rather than trying to reason with the person's motives.


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2010, 09:11:16 pm »

an other noob bites the dust

man, PvP in FOnline is the best in the world, there is no other PvP sistem that whoud beat it

look, find some frends, make a gangs and when you will have some experience under the belt, you will see the wasteland other way

the post above was not spell checked


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2010, 08:23:43 am »

Best? nah. It would need a big overhoul in mechanics to make it more tactical and entertaining.

But still I don't think that a following situation shold occur.. EVER:

- Hi, man
* Hi
- Up for some shooting? I wanna put some led in your stomach 'Sends PvP invite'
* sure! 'PvP invite accepted'

eehh... nahhh...
"But... Isn't Betty a womans name...?"
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2010, 09:35:27 am »

look, find some frends, make a gangs and when you will have some experience under the belt, you will see the wasteland other way

That's exactly the problem.  You can only do well in this game if you're part of a gang or have mastered the art of being unseen.  It shouldn't have to be that way.  No one should be forced to reason and socialize with overpowered 13 year olds just because they're hunting in packs now.  Fallout was a single player rpg.  It was turn based and you didn't have to side with anybody.  You could make a party if you wanted but it wasn't necessary for survival.  Does that sound anything like FOnline?

But still I don't think that a following situation shold occur.. EVER:

- Hi, man
* Hi
- Up for some shooting? I wanna put some led in your stomach 'Sends PvP invite'
* sure! 'PvP invite accepted'

eehh... nahhh...

Actually a lot of MMORPGs work that way.  Anarchy Online, Dofus, I think Maple Story, I don't know for sure because I don't play it but I think WoW would use a similar situation.  All of them have PVP but it's a little more fair.  For example, in AO only certain areas of the world map allow PVP and as long as you have a desktop graphics card that was made within the last 5-10 years you should be able to see a great deal into the distance and would see if someone was heading your way.  You would be given more time to run or prepare.  You don't have that luxury here.  You're bartering or making something and suddenly someone appears 2 feet behind you.  You frantically try to close the window and switch cursors and then they use burst on you and you're dead.

Now that I think about it, this whole problem would be history if you didn't lose everything after you die or if they just made your body unlootable.  Or better yet made your body unlootable to everyone except yourself, implying if you can get to your body before your stuff disappears after a certain amount of time you'll get it back.  If someone kills you after that they're just doing it for entertainment and it would really be more of an annoyance.  All in all that would be the perfect solution.  The 13 year olds get to keep their role at annoying everybody and everyone who can get to their body in time don't lose their progress.  It's a semi-win-semi-win situation.

Mars Sultan

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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2010, 09:50:54 am »

You appear to be a well-read, well-mannered individual with a good head on your shoulders. Why are you wasting your time with this game? It's literally just foreigners singing rain dances and man-babies playing grabass. I wish I was joking, too. To be fair, there are also the major PVP gangs, but I'd wager they fall under both of the categories I mentioned.

I logged in just to say this.
Igor Dolvich, Mars Ulrich, Girth Gamer, HOOPWISE98, Bobby Kotick

ARWH. Scummers.
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2010, 09:55:09 am »

That for sure...

PvP by invite is definetly not something that would be fun or entertaining but there ARE good ideas here... ]

1) only encounter people who are +- of a level range ie no lvl 1 meeting a level 10 but a level 7 can meet a level 10 etch... and no level 10 happy guy who just got his mark II leather armor and brand new combat shotgun meeting the level 21 maxed out guy!

2) Give a warning when someone enters your "instance" as it has been quite a few times that I am happily blasting away at TB against raiders and suddenly... BAM you were critically hit on the head for 199 damage and were killed" comes from nowhere with no warning etch...

3) The many times mentioned World Karma for the mass murderer

4) City Guard changes etch...

Strength through unity,
unity through Faith.

brad smalls

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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2010, 11:15:06 am »

 i think a better way is you should all stay at ncr and vc
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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2010, 12:10:10 pm »

i think a better way is you should all stay at ncr and vc

It's really hard to barter with people in NCR and VC if you have charisma of 1.

You appear to be a well-read, well-mannered individual with a good head on your shoulders. Why are you wasting your time with this game? It's literally just foreigners singing rain dances and man-babies playing grabass. I wish I was joking, too. To be fair, there are also the major PVP gangs, but I'd wager they fall under both of the categories I mentioned.

I logged in just to say this.

I hope I'm not being too arrogant by assuming you're talking to me but if you are, it's because this is Fallout.  It always seemed a little multiplayer is the only thing Fallout 1 and 2 were missing.  Building a character and coming up with strategies would seem the most fun when you're working with other people, sharing in other's builds and strategies, learning how to work with other's strengths and weaknesses and in general, everyone working together, enjoying Fallout as one.  But this game is just one big frantic rush to get what those who can be caught off guard have.  After what Bethesda did to the Fallout series I guess I should learn to just give up on anyone actually trying to keep it true to it's roots but when I saw FOnline was using the original artwork and what appeared to be the same engine I was delighted by their efforts and assumed the creators are true fans and would try to make something of substance and quality, making genuine efforts to add something worthy of having the name Fallout to the Fallout series.  Is there really no hope for that here?


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2010, 12:12:53 pm »

PvP is good now, but one think are wrong... players that whine about PvP and change it.
Get more levels before you do anything.


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2010, 02:13:24 pm »

I was delighted by their efforts and assumed the creators are true fans and would try to make something of substance and quality, making genuine efforts to add something worthy of having the name Fallout to the Fallout series.  Is there really no hope for that here?

This is such a simple thing to say, maybe even in your own head its easy to do. Now apply thousands of players, each with their own opinions of what is "worthy". These people range from people who will shoot you in an encounter just to see your bones melt away, to people who will spend hours standing in a modoc church worshiping the rat god and many people inbetween who each have their own diverse views on what should be done.

For some people the best thing is that there is nowhere safe. The uncertainty of what that wastelander will do when you meet them defines the atmosphere for these people. Stopping free PvP and full loot would ruin it for them and then you'd see corresponding threads spring up about how we're ruining the game for them.

We do try to add things for everyone as we go and literally every change we do or don't do will upset someone or other - expectations must be reviewed in accordance with this fact of life ... as have our lofty goals from when we started :P
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2010, 03:35:28 pm »

For some people the best thing is that there is nowhere safe. The uncertainty of what that wastelander will do when you meet them defines the atmosphere for these people. Stopping free PvP and full loot would ruin it for them and then you'd see corresponding threads spring up about how we're ruining the game for them.

We do try to add things for everyone as we go and literally every change we do or don't do will upset someone or other - expectations must be reviewed in accordance with this fact of life ... as have our lofty goals from when we started :P

That's true.  If it exists, someone hates it and every change comes with a lifetime guarantee to displease someone in the world.  You really can't please everyone.  I also understand wanting to preserve the atmosphere.  It's a complexed situation for two people to meet alone in the desert where anything goes.  In a real world situation, if you happen to come up to someone's camp, how would you show you were friendly and just want to barter?  How would you know if they are friendly?  Would there be some sort of special symbol or mark people could wear to show it?  If so, what's to stop the raiders or cannibals or other hostile people from wearing the same thing to gain a target's trust?  The only reasonable thing to do is watch that camp for a couple days and see if anyone gets shot or someone takes a bite out of someone else or something of that nature but by doing so you also risk getting caught while you sleep or those few days you spend watching could be a huge waste of water and supplies which could ultimately make the difference between life and death since you may not know how far it is to the next settlement.  I've thought all this through before and it's all a very complicated and delicate situation.  There's nothing wrong for wanting to put the player in that situation since he/she could really gain something from it and kudos for the valiant effort.  But the problem is in this game, I already know what people are going to do in that situation because they're doing it an average of 3 times every 20 minutes.  I manage to escape less than half of the times I come across another player.  Wasn't trying to socialize with them, wasn't trying to barter, hell I'm not even in the desert most of the time when it happens.  I could be in a bar, in the middle of a trade and I'll get blindsided by someone.  It's just because I happened to be within sight of them.  And you're saying the developers are in favor of keeping it this way?  It's unplayable the way it is now unless you're apart of a group.  If there's no way this is going to change in the future then I honestly would like to know.

John Ryder

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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2010, 06:01:52 pm »

Fonline 2238 was meant to be called Faction Mod so I guess you have to be a part of a group/gang. If you don't want to, well then you have to suffer consequences of being alone.
 - It's intended!
Typical FOnline roleplayers
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