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Author Topic: Rework PVP  (Read 12258 times)


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2010, 06:41:30 pm »

It's unplayable the way it is now unless you're apart of a group.

Its not unplayable. Its actually pretty easy to play as a loner, once you know what you're doing. Its always going to be easier to play in a group, nothing to do with the game, just the way society works - its why we have countries ;)

Will it be easier to be a loner? I guess it depends on what you're struggling with.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2010, 12:17:30 pm »

it depends on what you're struggling with.

I'm struggling with not dying at the hands of other players every five minutes.

Fonline 2238 was meant to be called Faction Mod so I guess you have to be a part of a group/gang.

I didn't know that.  They should really think about keeping that name.  It would really clear up a lot of confusion and keep people from posting rants and suggestions about PVP.  I know I wouldn't have.

Well since that's the case good luck with your game.  PVP aside it's a very good game and has a lot of potential.  If things ever change or if anyone makes a standard online version of FO2 then let me know.  I would be happy to take part in any of it.


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2010, 06:40:07 pm »

I think your suggestion simply goes against the whole idea of unguarded mines, unguarded towns, and the like. PvP works perfectly as it is now. Well maybe it could be better, but the point is: changing PvP the way you say would ruin it.

And yes I know some can work a lot just to get shot by another one who loots his body. But once again, that was the idea of unguarded mines in the first place. And I'm not a PK myself. I too hate getting killed. It has happened to me.

Oh and that thing about the lazy opressing the working people. Yeah it does sound familiar. It happens every day in the capitalist world.
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2010, 09:50:46 am »

I wouldn't say PVP is "good", it does have it's uses and can be entertaining to all parties if they all give their consent but I still agree to a point.  To that same point this PVP system is just giving the game personality and a sense of individuality, however, not all personalities are likable.

My biggest disagreement is not everyone robs because they're desperate.  It's the most logical reason but it's not the only one.  Too many to ignore rob for the thrill, out of spite, for social acceptance, or just because they're bored.  Having an abundance of resources can't break us of our core motives.  Believe it or not, there's billionaires who still save empty mayonnaise jars.  No matter how desperate a person may or may not be, there's still a reason to act like a fool.  It's much easier to regulate or just eliminate the means to carry out this behavior rather than trying to reason with the person's motives.

NEVER disable pvp. What would fallout be without PVP? Probably something like farmville - FAWRK THAT! Just because you aren't smart enough to avoid trouble doesn't mean the game should be ruined for your sake.
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2010, 10:58:06 am »

The biggest dissapoitment for me is general behavior of players in random encouters. It's either insta-run or insta-shooting. People learn to play this game like this or else they will suffer from PK, thiefes and griefers. There's no place so say something more than "Hi" "Peace", not even talking about "you need help with those aliens?" , "need FA?" , "got some hides to trade for ammo?". Never. Why? Becouse most of the time you'll end up dead. I do the same, even when facing seems-to-be-weaker guy I run behind corner and set burst on, waiting for him or standard red "PEACE". Ask yourself how many friends in Fonline you first met in encouters.

I like PvP when I'm on my combat char. The thrill when you get rushed by some "crazies". With same chances for win, loosing is not even painfull having so much fun. But c'on there's nothing else to do in wasteland:
 -  You can't work your way to a car/caravan bussiness going becouse you will either lose it in encouter to othet players or your passanger has a radio and some friends with guns waiting.
 - You can't work your way to getting a shop in a city. Besides barter comes to standing and waiting for customers, sometimes dodging thiefs.
 - Most of time you'll get wasted if you set a foot in unguarded area. Doing quest or some RPG-stuff is kinda difficult.
 - The only option we get is top stuff for PvP (armors/ammo/guns/bases).

PVP invitation is prolly the worst idea ever for fonline. It would get exploited and we don't really need it. IMHO what we need are some other goals in game. Personally I'm looking forward for NPC faction overhaul and changing unguarded cites from PvP arenas and bringing some life there.


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2010, 12:28:43 pm »

The biggest dissapoitment for me is general behavior of players in random encouters.

That's because we die so fast when someone attacks, unless it's turn based. In addition there's no way to tell in advance if someone is hostile or not unless you have a bigass list of rednicks. But new chars are made daily.

I like PvP when I'm on my combat char.

And when you're not on your combat char? Is it still fun and thrilling when you got 100 hps less, do 50% less damage and see 10 squares less than your opponent? 
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2010, 01:37:00 pm »

Mouse, I agree with you that Fonline is like no other usual MMO concerning PvP (no PvP requests, enforced PvP, one true arena and a couple "arenas" with almost no fight at all). The best idea for PvP would be some arena system, like fights in unguarded towns at 12 am game time lasting real 30-minutes (server would balance teams, with no item loot + town respawn) where players would actually get some "points" to spend on rare stuff. Instead of that the faction gets everything regardless if you participate or not and some thief may steal it all.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 01:59:18 pm by kraskish »
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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2010, 01:02:23 am »

well said jhon if you want to be a lone wander then feel my 223. pistol to the eyes
Brad Smalls is back
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2010, 06:04:29 am »

Best? nah. It would need a big overhoul in mechanics to make it more tactical and entertaining.

But still I don't think that a following situation shold occur.. EVER:

- Hi, man
* Hi
- Up for some shooting? I wanna put some led in your stomach 'Sends PvP invite'
* sure! 'PvP invite accepted'

eehh... nahhh...

Yea lets not make this a game for 13 year olds like rune scape.
If ye don't like PVP, perhaps play an easier game :)
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #24 on: October 01, 2010, 03:05:33 pm »

People likes to pvp even without the risk of loosing hours of time in stuff. I like the thrill of real combat with real stuff but I and some of my friends would also appreciate chance to fight just for teh lulz another way than just killing bluesuits. Like we would really appreciate Hinkley. ;-)
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2010, 07:25:04 pm »

I am a very new player I, just started last night. But after reading these forums for about 6 hours, it really seems there is a problem with unbalanced PVP. Which I experienced first hand last night, getting slaughtered 6 times in 3 hours or so, and starting over each time with nothing, was not my idea of fun. However eventually I was very lucky to meet 2 nice players that were looking to help new players, and they got me a tent and frankly if it were not for them I was very seriously thinking of quitting the game and not coming back.

Anyway the point I was going to make is that for all those saying about PVP, well this is the wasteland, and its tough, and deal with it, really its kinda total B.S.  Because seriously you cannot draw comparisons between thieves and murderes in this game, and how it would really be in the wasteland.  Because if we were to say this is how the wasteland would be, then actually you are totally wrong.  The reason it is unbalanced now, is because you give all the tools to murderes, gankers and theives and non to the people trying to be fair and honest.  You give fair and honest people no tools to protect themselves with, other than to stay in a protected town all day.

In all reality if we are drawing comparisons to a real wasteland, then the fact is that the powerful towns / factions such as NCR, Vault City, Brotherhood, etc would be out hunting down murderes and theives.  Why do you think there are no longer any Pirates (real pirates, not somalis) trolling around the carribean? Because they were hunted down and killed.  Which is exactly what would happen in the wastes.  Theives would not be allowed to enter towns / cities because they would be well known, and probably shot on site.   Highly travleed routes such as between the mines and shady sands would be heavily patrolled and protected.

Basically there would be a lot more 'Good Guys', militias and patrols around, and a lot less theives and murderers simply because they would be getting killed constantly. Do you think a powerful city or faction would be content to let a known murderer or robber to simply "hang out" right outside the gates of the town? which is basically what happens now.  Fuck no, they would be sending out patrols, talking to villagers, etc, and hunting the person down.  But In this game there is nothing to stop a player from murdering whoever they want, as long as they are stronger.

As of now, its far to easy to prey on weaker players, it needs to be rebalanced, and a bit more realistic.  IMO

One good idea, which has already been mentioned I think, is to make a bounty system.  Which would represent the factions / towns seeking justice.  Any player who kills innocents should incur a bounty, which goes up with each killing, or robbing.  They can pay their bounty off at certain areas, and it should be expensive, or at least expensive enough to make it worthwhile.  And if they dont pay it off, then anyone else should be able to collect it, by bringing in the perpatraitor's head.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 07:32:30 pm by Cascinova »


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2010, 04:43:58 pm »

The problem is not the PvP system, in my opinion, but the attitude of a lot of players. Like someone already said, finding another player in the wasteland can only make you be shot OR see the other one run away...

I can't think of any way to make PvP better, it would only end up being more unbalanced.


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2010, 05:12:22 pm »

The problem is not the PvP system, in my opinion, but the attitude of a lot of players. Like someone already said, finding another player in the wasteland can only make you be shot OR see the other one run away...

I can't think of any way to make PvP better, it would only end up being more unbalanced.

The attitude is caused by how the game encourages us to play. People find the best way to succeed and that reigns.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2010, 08:36:57 pm »

some people fınd pvp necessary to give a realistic atmosphere to the game. it is true in a way, what's how the world would be like. every man for his own, the strong will survive etc. but it also destroys the sense of reality too. no matter how uncivilized the world becomes, people wouldn't let murderers roam freely in their towns or (as one commenter also said) wait for victims at town gates. they wouldn't even let them near their towns.

so if you want to make pvp (i prefer saying pk) more realstic, make a reputation for pks. after a certain level of pk rep, the player may become a criminal and they won't be allowed in guarded towns and mines. and city patrols (like scouts, brotherhood etc) attack them on sight in random encounters. this would make the game more realistic, if realism is what you want. in real world, even in post-apocalyptic ones things would work this way.


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Re: Rework PVP
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2010, 03:27:29 am »

The attitude is caused by how the game encourages us to play. People find the best way to succeed and that reigns.

Heh. Sounds a bit like Marx's materialist invertion of Hegel's idealism. I have to say you are right, but I don't think I am completely wrong... or at least I gotta say I can't think of a better PvP system.

so if you want to make pvp (i prefer saying pk) more realstic, make a reputation for pks. after a certain level of pk rep, the player may become a criminal and they won't be allowed in guarded towns and mines. and city patrols (like scouts, brotherhood etc) attack them on sight in random encounters. this would make the game more realistic, if realism is what you want. in real world, even in post-apocalyptic ones things would work this way.

I strongly agree with this idea: this way they would not be changing the PvP system itself, but only NPCs' reaction. That's a smart thing and way better than PvP invitation and all that.
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