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Author Topic: Increase XP for basic crafting  (Read 5732 times)

Increase XP for basic crafting
« on: September 08, 2010, 10:43:57 pm »

4xp for making any item is pathetic. Stuff like sharpened poles, and the like. To reach level 2 I'd have to churn out 250 primitive tools. To get to level 2. That's overkill. I appreciate they're the most basic items, but I think it'd be a nice way to build up a little bit of cash and get a nice bit of experience points at the same time.

I don't think there's a real danger of people levelling up super fast grinding basic crafting. Especially not when you can get at least 80xp for avoiding encounters.

My suggestion:

At least 20xp for making any item. At the very minimum. That's fifty primitive tools. To get to level 2. Stuff like mausers, BB guns, 10mms, somewhere between 40-60. I think that's a reasonable reward that's not gamebreaking but not pitiful, either.


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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2010, 10:49:30 pm »

Especially not when you can get at least 80xp for avoiding encounters.

Yes, that's a good point. Why one would have less experience with /gathering the resources/gathering the tools/meeting the requirements/going to the workbench/ than another player that just sits in front of his computer with outdoorsman tagged and clicking "Cancel" on encounters?


Edit : That's also a major point with the alts problem. Powerbuilds can tag outdoorsman and get free experience, and still be death machines. Crafters don't get free experience and suck at fighting (against the powerbuilds, which are 80% of people in unguarded towns).

Anyway I don't see why someone would disagree with this suggestion.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 11:02:00 pm by Izual »
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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2010, 10:59:32 pm »

I don't understand why it was lowered anyway, it should be a main method to level up. Besides killing mutated molerats (when are those crit tables gonna be changed?)


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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2010, 11:28:51 pm »

I don't understand why it was lowered anyway, it should be a main method to level up. Besides killing mutated molerats (when are those crit tables gonna be changed?)

Because whole crafting is the cancer of 2238. Crafting should always come as 2nd but here its "craft or die". Its crafting requirements that make half of the community impotent in combat because they have chosen to be good gunsmiths. The other half have alts for this job but they play with their main chars.

Whole character development is rotten and it needs some serious rethinking. The original fallouts should serve as great example how it should be done. You choose your primary skills but its possible even in the middle of the game to switch to something else OR boost your secondary skills through books/quests/training...


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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2010, 11:29:53 pm »

Because whole crafting is the cancer of 2238.

I agree partly with your point, but leave such word-creations in your brain please.
Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2010, 12:17:45 am »

Whole character development is rotten and it needs some serious rethinking.

I agree. Crafting has been given too much focus. It should be a secondary gameplay element, and one of several options to equip yourself. The others being stores, quests and general PvE. Right now most stores stock a load of crap people don't want to buy. Traders barely get purged, and the hundred primitive tools and dozens of radios you see are proof.


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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2010, 09:58:47 am »

All the same really, xp doesn't mean anything to lvl21 dude.

I agree. Crafting has been given too much focus.

It's the second fastest way to get stuff after all (first one is farming encounters and selling their crap) and directly related to economy. Economy decides what sort of stuff we move around with. Surely crafting isn't fun, but it's rather balanced. I'm glad that it got the attention it needed to become balanced, now it just needs to made fun.
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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2010, 10:07:13 am »

Pancor Jackhammer now : 1015 xp

before 2 wipes : 4500 xp

I lvld my Smallguncrafter from 8 to 15 with crafting only in 2 weeks and i wasnt playin that much.
Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2010, 10:19:15 am »

Why should you decide what a person gets out of a game?

So you like PvP... someone else likes questing (tough luck to few quests with no real decent rewards), someone likes to only go for PvE... some other poor fool likes to actually RolePlay his character... and bob the builder likes to craft stuff and sell it. Why should he be barred or hindered from enjoying the game?? Its his right as much as yours to do what he wants with his real life time and enjoy it!

You get kicks out of shooting blue suits (you being general and not specific) they get kicks out of making stuff, selling them and then foraging for more materials. Unlike you they actually HELP the game by providing more high end gear in the long term!

Its like this in the majority of online games... even the shitty ones have some of crafting AND reward the crafters either with incredibly powerfull craftables that need the skill to be used (ie you can put on power armor unless you have science and repair 200 and armorer 3 for example) so as not to make these characters targets.
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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2010, 10:35:44 am »

Because whole crafting is the cancer of 2238. Crafting should always come as 2nd but here its "craft or die". Its crafting requirements that make half of the community impotent in combat because they have chosen to be good gunsmiths. The other half have alts for this job but they play with their main chars.

Whole character development is rotten and it needs some serious rethinking. The original fallouts should serve as great example how it should be done. You choose your primary skills but its possible even in the middle of the game to switch to something else OR boost your secondary skills through books/quests/training...

FO i multiplayer game. There is no another players in F1, F2 or FT. If you die in those games it's end and load game so it's not good exapmple. In FO some players can kill you and you lost everything. How do you get new stuff if you don't have any stuff in your tent? If you have 1 charisma (combat char) you can't trade. And even you can you don't have anything for barter.
Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2010, 11:06:10 am »

With the new gathering system you can gather a whole lot more materials.
xp for crafting stuff like sharpened poles is fine as you can gather more wood than you can carry in 1 crafting run.

For me crafting is working fine the way it is.

That the OP seems to do nothing but crafting to level is his problem.
Do quests, take on critters and craft to level.
Not having any other skills but crafting skills to level is a player's choice.


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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2010, 11:43:52 am »

I tried to play non-combat oriented character wipe ago and all I can say is that people (not talking about alts now) who like to create/build instead of killing are being kicked in groin. It's impossible to get reasonable amount of XP via crafting/quests and you need levels/skill points placed in skills to be good at what you are doing. Leveling character with tagged First Aid and Doctor (even not really specialized in those skills) or character with Steal by using only those skills is much easier than leveling character with skills like Repair or Science without using combat skills.
Getting 20 XP points for Repairing item and 20 XP for putting it into parts with Science compared to XP that you can get by using other skills is not really fair... I vote for more XP from crafting and re-thinking amount of XP you get from repairing items.
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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2010, 04:28:47 pm »

That the OP seems to do nothing but crafting to level is his problem.
Do quests, take on critters and craft to level.
Not having any other skills but crafting skills to level is a player's choice.

That's not my point at all. I'm saying that in relation to every other source of XP, and proportional to time taken, basic crafting is way off. It should be a viable source of experience points, and it isn't. I can kill five rats near NCR, who have uh, 6hp if I remember right, and get 25xp each. That takes me a couple minutes if I'm playing in TB, less in RT. I get 80xp for murdering a cow.

Killing one rat is apparently a more constructive learning experience than constructing a handgun out of logs and junk. It doesn't matter that it's the worst handgun in the game. Especially when you take into account that building a mauser isn't useful for actually shooting anything. You'd be better off throwing it at them, Superman-Bad-Guy style.
Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2010, 05:14:01 pm »

Mausers are useful for people with high critical chance to xp on mutated mole rats.

I'm estimating that depending on the encounters with small critter you can make at roughly 300 xp per encounter at most.
That's about equal to what you can make with 1 trip gathering resources (depending on your carry weight and the stuff you gather).


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Re: Increase XP for basic crafting
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2010, 07:58:27 pm »

XP were lowered few seasons ago, because people just camped their hideouts and crafted all night long. Gathering was static and highly abused.
It was not a big deal, because we had diminishing XP, so it was more or less equal. But then XP for killing were drastically improved and making a lvl 21 character was a matter of days(hours). Alas, crafting XP remained the same.

Im for improving XP for crafting in order to match them with XP for killing.
Moreover, Im for improving XP for using skills. Its ridiculous to receive 5 xp for steal, how can someone lvl up with it ? Same goes for lockpick, science, repair. I dont want to have only one viable option to lvl up a character - through fighting  :'(
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