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Author Topic: 2238 is simulator of waiting  (Read 39523 times)

Ned Logan

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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #75 on: September 04, 2010, 03:45:16 pm »

I don't think the slow travelling speed is a problem itself.
The problem is, how could lvl 1 newbie get weapons to be able to kill brahmins and get a tent.
For total newbie, it is very hard to make mining trips, because of encounters like others have said...
You can get a free gun at some places, but that is usually just 1x.

For any other than unarmed and melee builds the game is just too difficult at start. Even if you invest some points in unarmed and melee you still probably wouldn't be able to kill brahmins...
I think brahmins should be made weaker - less AP, weaker attacks, slow movement speed in RT. This way every newbie should be able to kill them even hth with a hit n run tactic.
About getting a weapon, there either should be some repeatable quest for the basic ones, or just make sure there are always some at the vendors and people can do the box carrying...

That you can farm stuff at random encounters is very good, but I don't expect lvl 1 newbie who never played the game to do that, nor know where to find such nice encounters...
Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #76 on: September 04, 2010, 03:49:48 pm »

Whats your outdoors and where are you walking round? should be quite easy to skip encounters now.
Btw, I heard from friends that ~80% outdoorsman is enough to avoid most encounters now, before wipe it was really sucks. But I read changelog again... and there is no word about outdoorsman working other way.
So is it true that outdoorsman reworked and you don't need 180% anymore to be able to avoid encounters properly?

But anyway my 22% is enough to avoid encounters from time to time, and my friend when had ~88% outdoorsman got only 5 XP per avoiding, while I got 133-150 XP or something like that.


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #77 on: September 04, 2010, 03:50:40 pm »

I have ~115 outdoorsman and it's really enough to avoid nearly every encounter. Also, I noticed a slightly faster Worldmap Travel.


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #78 on: September 04, 2010, 03:53:13 pm »

Outdoors is the same as before - Zone difficulties were redone. It depends where you are, but ~100 will allow you to skip most encounters in easy areas, up to ~180 being required in difficult areas. (Theres a lot more easy areas than hard ones)
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #79 on: September 04, 2010, 03:55:50 pm »

We had 116% outdoorsman, and Were still getting beat on, around NCR and I'm talking between the mine, the military base area, and the Train.  I just got dropped into another damn encounter no avoidance with 6 PC's thank god they just wanted me to do things like /blowjob, and then I could live.  I had just filled up at the mine.  Would have been the second time in 2 trips to lose everything.
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
Blueprints:  8
Car Wrecks:  3
Fuel CC:  0
Special Encounters:  0
Data collection start: 1-24-13


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #80 on: September 04, 2010, 04:19:31 pm »

I havent played after wipe yet but as I imagine people complaining about the traveling speed... I guess some pre-wipe not-worth-the-effort lvl 1 armors (esp. LAmk2) became even more redundant... generally making crafting even more boring and tedious.

Only thing to add to Fonline now to make it "second life" is to introduce food/water so to spend even more time to maintain your character.

For me the change is towards even more grieving, but I'll see after the exams  :-X
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #81 on: September 04, 2010, 04:22:49 pm »

I dont get it.

 You dont want hi-tech (bases), but you support cars fueled by MFC.. In Fallout universe, there was only 1 car that was usable for traveling.. Now you support situation that every player will need a car.

 Instead of traveling on world map, where you can find scavenge places
 Instead of adding caravans as a semi secure way how to travel among cities, even unguarded, and earn some basic/big money depends on destinations.

 ==> this was Fallout, caravans, not car moving and trains..

 But tell me developers, what can you do in 2 hours per day, how many PvE, NPC could kill, if you want i.e. craft gun/ammo from HQ resources, how many quest you can finish..

 This is the major problem.

 Constructive criticism: is that, where you add possible solution, not that one, where you introduce your post with sentence: I realy enjoy your work, you immortal gods, ..."
« Last Edit: September 04, 2010, 04:35:26 pm by DonGizmo »


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #82 on: September 04, 2010, 04:34:01 pm »

Constructive criticism: is that, where you add possible solution, not that one, where you introduce your post with sentence: I realy enjoy your work, you immortal gods, ..."

Right, and that last part is called sarcasm.
Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #83 on: September 04, 2010, 05:30:05 pm »

i think they have built up a foundation that is very solid, as opposed to most developers of games like this throw flashy half-done "features" at you to distract from the fact theres no content. in fallout, the game is the content, the pvp-driven full loot system incorporates forced PVE which is better done in small groups, and then you go looking for pvp after you have gear and levels. i mean, that is not everyones desire in fallout, but the game is amateur-developed, these guys are not paid for their ideas. they are of course aware of the sandbox element with limited sand but as it stands there is much to be polished with current features before more things like caravan travelling should be added.

that is just my opinion. i prefer quality polish of old features over barrage of new toys.


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #84 on: September 04, 2010, 05:52:41 pm »

Well said zato!


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #85 on: September 04, 2010, 06:31:05 pm »

that is just my opinion. i prefer quality polish of old features over barrage of new toys.

 You dont understand us.

 We dont whine because we have not here new feautures that we want in time we want. We know that it takes a very long time. I can personaly understand that there are not any real changes after 5 month long era, no new content. (expect reworking drugs and guns that we suggested in 09/10).

 Problem is that this games go sometimes backwards, sometimes to dead end. And it is because of changing attributes that takes 5 minutes from developers !!! you need 5 minutes to change speed of world map travel if most of players dislike this. Because you CANNOT DO NOTHING ENTERTAINING in 2 hours per day, and this is normal game play.

 You need 5 minutes to set down TC cooldowns from 25 minutes to 15, but i takes 2 months after dozens of reactions in that kind.

 There are other possible improvements, that could possitively affect the game play, that are not as hard to time to implement, but they are blind to this.

 Why devs dont disable requirements for TC (at least lvl 2 stuff). Now look, only rogues are gathering res., others are boring because the space between them and us is longer. Also other, new gangs would get their chance and try to capture some cities.

 No, intead of this, they add arena near HUB. It is near HUB, because nobody visited HUB, so they implemented this arena there. They did not though about this: there is no train station so regular players are taking risk of one ghoul - sniper knock out, PvP players spending their time by leveling crafters and pvp chars, so who the hell is using this arena. Of course, that 5 people will now say, i am, but rest of that 400 players playing online??

 If devs would talk before their changes implementing, we could help them. Why the hell we cant set up the numbers of round we want to play in that arena? We dont need to test it to implement this suggestion.

 And others:

 Now, we have cca 20+ VSB/Hawks members talking about our future on 2238. We are part of PvP community with TTLA, Rogues, RDA.

 Because we dont know nothing about future pvp domination changes, we dont know, if we want to do same like previous eras: gather res./level crafters/lel those few pvp we need join gang PvP.
 Me and many others are very skeptic about future: we have experience with previous PvP system (TC) and we dont realy trust that people, who made TC with so many mistakes on gameplay would be capable to create some fresh entertain gameplay that will result in this:

 Tuesday evening, i have to craft/gather res. for 1/2 of hour and me and other players (10-20) on our mumble have fun for another 1 and 1/2 hour. I dont believe they will do this.

 They will implement some shit, that could play only same, limited numbers of players on each side, so others would be bored, or there will be some other anti good gameplay element, like in others.. Of course this is a beta, but it will take half of a year until they will solve that problem.

 So i dont see any reason why to stay here, except i like team play with my members. But i can same teamplay in TLA. So if we leave this, i dont think that many enemies will stay, if they would not have any challenge and they will know that we are on TLA.

 So i know, they are not paid for entertain us, but i dont  understand, why they dont listen us absolutely. Give us lootable stuff that could be enough for PvP, because if i dont use anti alt, i have to gather/craft more that 2 hours to get enough equip i could lost in one combat after one minute of play (or even less). THIS FEAUTURE was already here, nothing new is need to add, only change little stats and stuff in some caravans.

 Damn, no, dont do this. We have to suffer during playing.


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #86 on: September 04, 2010, 06:42:29 pm »

I agree with you DonGizmo: some adjustments are done far too long after zilions of complaints like said TC time from 25 to 15. The Hub area... yeah, Hub is pretty deserted and sometimes dangerous with bootleggers I hope some encounter adjustments will improve this
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #87 on: September 04, 2010, 08:29:09 pm »

Because we dont know nothing about future pvp domination changes, we dont know, if we want to do same like previous eras: gather res./level crafters/lel those few pvp we need join gang PvP.
 Me and many others are very skeptic about future: we have experience with previous PvP system (TC) and we dont realy trust that people, who made TC with so many mistakes on gameplay would be capable to create some fresh entertain gameplay that will result in this:

TC System is now, almost entirely a player designed system. Designed by the common agreement of those very same PvP players.

The 25 Mins
The equipment requirement
Even the zones where you have to reamin

All were agreed by several of the large gangs.

When everything had been redone to those specifications we explicitly said, make sure you're all happy because we won't be changing anything for a while (At which point summer took over and free time became limited for a while)

I also have to wonder at what outdoorsman you are walking around with. 125% should allow you to skip most encounters, 180% certainly will. At that point the speed is slower than it was, but its not so long that it will take forever to do anything.

EDIT: Just tried walking from Modoc to New Reno (Accross mountains) @150% Outdoors. 8 Encounters, 7 skipped,1 just ran from. Took 4 minutes dead on, including the time it took to run away.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2010, 08:46:04 pm by Solar »
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #88 on: September 04, 2010, 10:04:23 pm »

I don't think the slow travelling speed is a problem itself.
The problem is, how could lvl 1 newbie get weapons to be able to kill brahmins and get a tent.
For total newbie, it is very hard to make mining trips, because of encounters like others have said...
You can get a free gun at some places, but that is usually just 1x.

For any other than unarmed and melee builds the game is just too difficult at start. Even if you invest some points in unarmed and melee you still probably wouldn't be able to kill brahmins...
I think brahmins should be made weaker - less AP, weaker attacks, slow movement speed in RT. This way every newbie should be able to kill them even hth with a hit n run tactic.
About getting a weapon, there either should be some repeatable quest for the basic ones, or just make sure there are always some at the vendors and people can do the box carrying...

That you can farm stuff at random encounters is very good, but I don't expect lvl 1 newbie who never played the game to do that, nor know where to find such nice encounters...
I like these suggestions.


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #89 on: September 04, 2010, 10:21:34 pm »

Do cars still use small energy cells as before?
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