Personally as a new player I dont mind the speed at all.I have tagged outdoorsman and hence I am at about 50% on it while being lvl 2. If my speed will increase as I increase it then all the better.Frankly speaking slow speed makes sense to me since as a new player I try not to venture to far away from Shady Sands and the surrounding areas. I guess thats what trains are for when you are still new.From the point of realism... er... who the heck cares about realism? We are playing a post-apocalyptic world were on one hand you eat lizards and on the other you have laser guns and there are cows with 2 heads walking about. So realism is of no real concern the way I see it. So people walk faster eh? "Background radiation has mutated the human gene into giving increased speed" tadah! In 2 seconds I found a (rather silly sure) explanation. Give it a day and get me a biology book and I can right you a page for it.As for the encounters... I think that since the wipe they did drop down a little bit I think. The first post wipe days I would indeed have that 2-3 encounters per hex occuring. Now ussually one, max two but thats rare.As for the diffuclty of the encounters, thats another matter. IMHO around civilised-guarded cities the 8 surrounding tiles to a city should NOT contain anything but animal encounters, patrols and players and very rarely raiders/slavers. I find it hard to think of the wiki entry about NCR army, rangers and police forces and then meet well armed mauraders next to the city.In the 16 hexes around the first circle I would expect once again animals, patrols,players the occasional raider/slaver and on extremely rare occasions marauders.After that its fair game for anything walking about.
your speed does NOT increase when you increase outdoorsman.
181% outdoor no path finder VS 210% outdoor +2x pathfinder location NCR to V13 no enc.Result:181% no pathfinder = 56.9 sec210% +2xpathfinder = 53.3 sec
+50% speed from two perks would imply you halve the first number to get the second one, not arbitrarily subtract a number :Oseems like the devs might need to take a look at how pathfinder is working
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.