Other > Suggestions

Better Crafting

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If I understood right WySzO means that there's some beneficial randomness in crafting results depending on your character's status. I'd like that aswell, it's boring to craft 10 identical magnums, what are we - A copy machines?
It could go like in real life: sometimes you pull out a succesful work, sometimes just average.

Repair skill and LK can be effect this.. right?


--- Quote from: runboy93 on August 24, 2010, 01:54:54 pm ---Repair skill and LK can be effect this.. right?

--- End quote ---
Hell yeah, let's make another pain in the arse, not for PvP, but for crafters now.
To get an advantage in PvP, char has to have 1 CH, so you can put points elsewhere, EN or PE for example - disadvantage is char can't talk to most NPCs.
To get an advantage in crafting, char has to have 1 LK, so you can put points in IN to get more skill points - disadvantage is char lames in combat, often misses critically or his weapon does funny things.

So after make related LK and repair or crafting effects crafter chars should put some points in LK. Fine, shall we all aim at 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 SPECIAL then? Make sniper-kind-repairman? Hello alt my old friend, I've come to talk with you again: god damn you.

If something works, do not try to fix it. "Better" is an enemy for "good".

 There exist many ways how to get weapons and armor: NPC trade, player trade, PvE loot, PVP loot and of course, crafting. Why not make crafting more individual. I understand that because of game/database code, any new information can cause lags/unstability, but i will try to forget this difficulties and focus on main idea.

 Why not to support crafters roleplaying too? If you are in gang, crafter is boring cha =, with skilled trait and 10 IN, no problem (except quest) to have char on adequate level in few hours.

 If you are loner or you are not gang player, you have hard work to do, because you can not afford skilled trait and 10 luck build and crafting items is more harder. So i wiould like to see implementation of kind of weapon modding. Player should be able to modify their weapons by some perk/trait. You would get this opportunity, if you finish some quest or if you kill enouth critters,.. . I think that this will add basic players (non power builds) benefit that player with many powerbuilds could not have, because he will not have time to level his crafter to level 21.

 Examples of this weapon traits: -4 max dmg, +2 min dmg => you will do more constat damage  , or reduce DT and boost DR of your armor, ... .

 In general, awarding players (even on level 21) by minor perks (i.e.: you have cleared 500  caves, your perception is +1 because you learned how to better see in the dark) on your character, or possibiity of modify weapon attributes (if finish quest of 100+ killed centaurs, you will be able to modify weapon that it will does +5 percent damage to NPCs, but -10 to players), could be reason why players will still play their one main char and they will get bonuses that 4 days leveled up powerbuild could not have.

Of course it is only a suggestion and I know that every change has its pros and cons. Personally I see nothing bad in having an alternative char witch would do really good items, rare and wanted by everyone. You can't really have a char that is good in everything, a bit like in life ;) You have chars specially designed for PvP and they are concentrated on fight, power, lots of HP etc. Imagiine a culturist; no doubt he's strong and resistant to pain but who said he would be able to construct e.g. Sniper Rifle out of some strange metal parts (ofc stereotype ;]). Some specialist has to do it for him.

It is no secret that my idea is inspired by Diablo's crafting systems (which are a bit complicated yet really great) but still I think it is a good idea to diverse crafting in some way. It doesn't have to be perfectly as I suggested. Crafting can't be just sth like "yeah, alright, i'm a proffesionalist. I have third degree in Armor crafting and I ALWAYS craft armors from the same parts in the same way" etc. That is in my opinion really unrealistic.

DonGizmo's and Ned's suggestions are very good too imho. Crafting must be special and hard to achieve ;)

Btw, Alt in my opinion is nothing bad as long you are not exploiting the game system and use some hacks.

One last thing. I haven't said that Luck would have CONSTANT bonus to the chance of better craft. You know, it's just your luck. Even with 10 LCK u can still craft some average shit. 10 or 20% for example is still a lot if we are talking about failures. Still its better than 30 or 40. The biggest impact would still be your skill/trait/special perk or sth that is making your crafted item the one and special.


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