The critical tables were reworked, but even before that, uncalled critical shots were unable to cripple any limb (at least for most common body types, like men and women).
Damn, we really need to get a section up in the wiki that highlights the differences between fonline and the fallout 2 combat system.
If they would do that I wouldn't fuck up my Energy Gunner with useless Finesse perk
so finesse gives penalty to energy/plasma/laser damage too now?
all damage
allright thanks.. so it's not worth it to create a sg/energy weapon fastshooter. Unfortunely only way to go now is bigguner, Sniper or a granadier(granade bursts ftw?)I mean people complain bout granades for its low range, but look at the damage of plasma type. 50-90ish per granade and you can throw like 7-8 in a ROW.Best fast shoting singleshot weapon you can get is a .223 pistol 20-30 or a plasma pistol 15-35... That will never compete with nades and people still complain.I guess only way to enable fastshoting not aimed chars is to enable turboplasma. there is like 4 energy weapons and pretty much just 2 useable ones(plasma pistol, laser rifle). Meh just thinking out loud, I just wish we could have some high tier energy weapons. I mean BG have avengers/improved flamer/m60/LSW. SG have Sniper rifles/ P90c, pancor and more. Can't energy gunners get at least craftable Pulse pistols so becoming singleshot fast shoter would make sense? Im tired of build clones in this game and I think it needs MORE DIVERSITY
Oh wow, "MORE DIVEESITY", really? By the way, pancor shouldn't be on your list in my opinion, it's crappy and unpopular, or the other way around (unpopular and crappy) but anyway, as far as I understood the DEV's have more important things to do than balancing/reworking weapons, formulas and perks, leaving uss with just a couple of builds available and I guess we won't see any new weapons in the nearest future.
whats more important than balancing the gameplay?
SM guns fast shot builds are usually based around 12 ap/ brof p90c bursts.
are they any good?
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.