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Author Topic: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons  (Read 17144 times)


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Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #30 on: August 17, 2010, 10:00:12 pm »

Wow. I mean realy I'm impressed. That might work. Finaly have a use for those skills such as science or traps besides crafting. And they can differ between cities. Why not need gambling in New Reno?
Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #31 on: August 17, 2010, 10:07:14 pm »

Why not need gambling in New Reno?
If Gambling skill will be passive skill check without player involving, then: Gambling-Alts with 10 LK and 300% gambling.
If gambling will affect only reputation boost from win of game and on max bet, but game itself depending only on player himself, and having X% in gambling will allow to character to unlock quest to have unique perk/possibility/unlock something/give some benefit, then it can be used by some characters, like... main characters. But this benefit shouldn't simply compensate skill points spent on gambling, because everyone will have this X% in gambling then.


  • Violent Pacifist.
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Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #32 on: August 17, 2010, 10:21:55 pm »

I do not see Gambling being used in-game much.  Because frankly, as it was mentioned, it will just be alt'ed out of existence.  Kinda sad, but so far, that is the type of MMO that this is at the present time.  If we are lucky, there will be an interesting use for it in the future... far, far future.  :P

Yes, another 'nerf weapons' idea: Bg bursting makes no sense to me.  You have an uber skill at BG, lol, who doesn't... but standing up, and managing to keep your gun on target to make 95% of your bullets always hit ?  That... is just No.  BG either needs a different to-hit formula, or something inherent to the weapon that increases it's spread/gives it a flat-max to-hit %, dependent on range.   The downside will not matter if you are firing into a mob (any missed bullets on the actual target might hit other targets on their way, or miss and hit beside/behind that) ... which to me is what something like a BG is more meant for.
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"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."- Rorschach
"It's what people know about themselves inside... that makes them afraid." -The Stranger


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Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #33 on: August 17, 2010, 10:37:16 pm »

I think this idea didn't come from TC experienced player because anyone who fights in TC fights can't support this idea... Because you have 2 sides in TC. You have attackers and defenders. In 99% od fights defenders are camped in some building so if you want attack them you need some big guners and if this big guners run into building they need to shoot imediately. If they have 2 seconds run-shoot cooldown they are probably going to die before they can shoot more than once because they got knockouts and bursts from camped miniguners which can shoot imediately... This 2 seconds means difference between life or death... I can shoot 3 bursts in row so most of not psycho chars are dead before their run-shoot cooldown ends.

I don't know why all players hate miniguners... Miniguner can be killed by sniper too. Sniper can easily take down miniguner by 1 long knock out... Most of miniguners are on psycho but they wear CAs so they can be killed by lasers or rocket launchers. It's only about players inteligence... If you are asshole sniper you stay in building and wait for enemy. If you are clewer sniper you find some area where you can use your long range... If you are asshole big guner you are running around all town and looking for enemy. If you are clewer big guner you find some building and camp inside.

Great power build isn't everything... Thats all folks.


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Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #34 on: August 17, 2010, 10:42:09 pm »

This makes rather alot of sense: Camped weapons that are there before hand are supposed to have the upper hand.  The fact that people camp  en masse is not the issue of the weapon mechanics themselves, but are a result of the players attitudes and current situations in-game.
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"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."- Rorschach
"It's what people know about themselves inside... that makes them afraid." -The Stranger
Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #35 on: August 17, 2010, 10:55:24 pm »

*Cough* i am seriously curious...what is it?
"The eternal Tao is many paths to the same goal...."
~The player of Shih L'ung
Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #36 on: August 17, 2010, 11:11:49 pm »

*Cough* i am seriously curious...what is it?

currently with the use of some plugins its possible to avoid the aiming interface and insta eye shoot somoene.
Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2010, 01:23:43 pm »


A Set-Up-Timer will not solve the problem entirely that's why i posted my other ideas itself that people tend to just use the best gun avaible not taking into account that some guns are better in close combats some in medium and others in long range combat, that would lead to the situation that people would use tactic to get into perfect firing range and avoid the weaknesses of the guns. At the moment the closer the better is a fact, and thats sad somehow..


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Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #38 on: August 18, 2010, 01:40:20 pm »

I do not see Gambling being used in-game much.  Because frankly, as it was mentioned, it will just be alt'ed out of existence.  Kinda sad, but so far, that is the type of MMO that this is at the present time.  If we are lucky, there will be an interesting use for it in the future... far, far future.  :P

Yes, another 'nerf weapons' idea: Bg bursting makes no sense to me.  You have an uber skill at BG, lol, who doesn't... but standing up, and managing to keep your gun on target to make 95% of your bullets always hit ?  That... is just No.  BG either needs a different to-hit formula, or something inherent to the weapon that increases it's spread/gives it a flat-max to-hit %, dependent on range.   The downside will not matter if you are firing into a mob (any missed bullets on the actual target might hit other targets on their way, or miss and hit beside/behind that) ... which to me is what something like a BG is more meant for.

Machine guns are used for taking over and holding sectors by forcing enemies to duck or die under the superior firerate. What this means ingame is that burst fire big guns should be able to fire longer without the need to reload. It could be used to effectively kill one person or cause damage to a group in small area.

currently with the use of some plugins its possible to avoid the aiming interface and insta eye shoot somoene.

And as far as I understood it's going to be a feature sooner or later so that players don't have to aim and shoot manually.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #39 on: August 18, 2010, 01:48:42 pm »

Machine guns are used for taking over and holding sectors by forcing enemies to duck or die under the superior firerate. What this means ingame is that burst fire big guns should be able to fire longer without the need to reload. It could be used to effectively kill one person or cause damage to a group in small area.
This is Fallout... holding sectors by supressive fire? From who? For who? Wasteland around, these 15v15 fights at towns isn't supposued to be normal, BG is one of classes of weapon to kill.


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Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #40 on: August 18, 2010, 02:17:52 pm »

This is Fallout... holding sectors by supressive fire? From who? For who? Wasteland around, these 15v15 fights at towns isn't supposued to be normal, BG is one of classes of weapon to kill.

Yes machine guns hold areas. From who? Your enemies. For who? You or your friends.
I don't know what's exactly going to be the future of pvp but it will most likely contain invidual or groups of players fighting in various enviroments. Enviroments have areas which you can look over and those are called sectors. A sector is an alley, a room or a clearing. Machine gunner works so that he positions himself in places where he most likely gets the best benefit from his superior firerate. Like keeping his gun fixated in a tunnel or doorway. When the situation seems most suitable he moves on and takes over a new sector. He certainly doesn't run all the time, kick doors in, storm rooms alone or instantly turn 180 degrees and fire with perfect precision.

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #41 on: August 18, 2010, 02:29:02 pm »

Yes machine guns hold areas. From who? Your enemies. For who? You or your friends.
I don't know what's exactly going to be the future of pvp but it will most likely contain invidual or groups of players fighting in various enviroments. Enviroments have areas which you can look over and those are called sectors. A sector is an alley, a room or a clearing. Machine gunner works so that he positions himself in places where he most likely gets the best benefit from his superior firerate. Like keeping his gun fixated in a tunnel or doorway. When the situation seems most suitable he moves on and takes over a new sector. He certainly doesn't run all the time, kick doors in, storm rooms alone or instantly turn 180 degrees and fire with perfect precision.

Well it's better to stay near doorway and burst in pointblank everything that comes from it, then lay (only dead and unconscious do it in Fallout) somewhere in "position" (simple ground which doesn't provide any cover, because this is Fallout) and burst from long distance at target, not at ground at its direction (because you can't shoot at ground, because it's Fallout). And why do someone need to sit (noone can sit in Fallout, except for Gizmo and Overseer) somewhere with minigun and camp, if BG can be used as alternative to aimed shots from SG/EW as bursting at short distance and throwing rockets at long distance at couple of enemies.
And yes, a guy with minigun should run all the time, but not kick doors (you can't kick doors at Fallout), storm rooms alone and instantly turn 180 degrees and fire with perfect precision, because it's Fallout!


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Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #42 on: August 18, 2010, 03:02:08 pm »

And yes, a guy with minigun should run all the time, but not kick doors (you can't kick doors at Fallout), storm rooms alone and instantly turn 180 degrees and fire with perfect precision, because it's Fallout!

And if this remains snipers and big guns will be the only suitable options. We're here to think of new roles for weapons and unfortunately this means that machine guns have to give away some of their abilities.

It's not fallout, it's fonline. It means that we only need to follow the background story of fallout and even this can be bent when needed. How a minigun works ingame has nothing to do with fallout's storyline. 
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #43 on: August 18, 2010, 04:00:13 pm »

Well it's better to stay near doorway and burst in pointblank everything that comes from it, then lay (only dead and unconscious do it in Fallout) somewhere in "position" (simple ground which doesn't provide any cover, because this is Fallout) and burst from long distance at target, not at ground at its direction (because you can't shoot at ground, because it's Fallout). And why do someone need to sit (noone can sit in Fallout, except for Gizmo and Overseer) somewhere with minigun and camp, if BG can be used as alternative to aimed shots from SG/EW as bursting at short distance and throwing rockets at long distance at couple of enemies.
And yes, a guy with minigun should run all the time, but not kick doors (you can't kick doors at Fallout), storm rooms alone and instantly turn 180 degrees and fire with perfect precision, because it's Fallout!

also keep in mind that because the "balance" we have now just a handful of guns are viable for combat, others are never used.. isnt this a shame ?


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Re: Introduce Minimum Range to Weapons
« Reply #44 on: August 19, 2010, 09:08:35 am »

I don't know why you guys so hate miniguners...:-\  Miniguners should be greatest fighters because most of miniguners need avenger minigun, BA, 1000 5mm AP, psycho, jet and super stims. So this miniguners in one unsuccessful action loose equip which has value from 40k to 45k of caps... (15k avenger, 15k BA, ammo 10k-15k and drugs and stimps 3-4k) so this big gunes are most expensive in game... In 1 action this guy fire out ammo for at least 10k caps...
So if you want nerf miniguners, you should do cheaper miniguns and ammo because playing big guner is not fun, if you play alone with fast relog and craft all your stuff alone you need 1 day work for 1 action (if you loose)...

And small guns aren't useless, you can use small guns for sneakers, sneaker with P90 with AP ammo can easily kill lonely sniper. Only thing why P90 is useless now is small cartridge-maybe this is one of options to make small guns more useful?  But it doesn't matter I saw like grease gun sneaker killed sniper. So there isn't problem in weapons. Yes, they are weak, but attack costs less AP then BG, so you can without jet shoot 3 bursts... BG needs for 3 bursts drugs and without drugs they are useless-e.g. my BG can shoot 1 burst without jet...
I saw guy with pancor jackhammer defending Gecko reactor, staying in door, defending from sneakers-this is how can be weapon with cheap ammo used.
I think there isn't so big problem in weapons, I think some part of this problem is in players, cause they see only one way in using weapons.

And there is plan of nerfing drugs and fast shot after wipe... Fast shot will not affect big guns and drugs will be weaker so BGs will be for 1 burts weaker...
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