2) bazaars at towns... - there will be some man or men at every town, lets call him "auctioneer" for example... you will give him the stuff you wanna sell and name the lowest price you want for it, then every player who comes to him can see the items and make a bid for the price... after some period the player with highest bid can withdraw his stuff...
Don't need to create auctioneer or someone.
Hub (merchant city):
Dwarf (that small guy, can't remember his name) at General Stores, if you have normal reputation with Hub, you will have additional options:
1) "I want to sell this item to anyone."
Then barter screen opens and that dwarf has very very very much caps in his window, you place one item, then pick any number of caps from his window and press "offer", you'll lose that item from your inventory and of couse won't get these caps, because you just placed its price by this way.
2) "I want to sell this item to one person."
then it'll say "press "Say" and write his name", then press "Done".
It will work the same as 1st. It can be even merged, simply, if you don't write anything it'll be offered to every player, if you write anything in "Say", then only to current player.
Then anyone will have an option, probably depends of reputation too:
"Is there any items for sale from other wastelanders?"
It'll show barter window with all these items offered to all players + items that offered only to your player and they will have the same worth in caps as were placed by player, the only problem is if it's possible: all items, except for caps, will have worth of 0 at that window, so you can pay only with caps.
Then option:
"Can I take all caps gained by trading?"
1) Noone have bought you crap yet, so you haven't earn anything.
2) Yeah, someone bought your items, here's your caps, I took X% for trading (depends on reputation with Hub, with high reputation you'll get 95%-100% of caps).
And atlast:
"I want to remove all my items from sale"
You getting back all your items.
This can be also done with some other NPCs in NCR (at Sha Enin) and may be Adytum (at scavengers).
So you'll post on forum in trading section:
Dwarf (His name) in Hub has 5 BAs for 14k caps each, later I'll craft more, thanks.
And then come there and check if someone bought your BAs, so you can earn caps with, and NPC will take some % depending on your reputation with Hub.
well man... you just created an auctioneer
but yeah, this is a possible way to do this...
I meant don't create a NPC or something, just add this option to existed one NPC.