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Author Topic: The trading is rotten...  (Read 10255 times)

Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2010, 07:50:06 pm »

But if we will work with this suggestion, lets make it a bit more fallouty...
*snip snip snip*
Thats why the forum is for. My suggestion is flawed, but generally it pointed out the fact that yes, P2P trading sucks.

I was thinking about caravans too, but there i stopped, didnt knew how to involve them. So i kind of dropped the caravan part.
Then i also tought of an auctioneer, and that would be a perfect fix for the trading (i.e. just check the WoW auction system, 90% trades go trough it in that game), but then i again stopped; i recall some dev or GM saying something like: ''No need, leave this for players improvisation'' or smth like that. Aint gonna search for that quote now, but if its needed, i might dig it out. So yeah, imo auctioneer would be perfect fix for this, but i dont think the devs support it.
I give a fuck.


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Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2010, 08:29:39 pm »

I was thinking about caravans too, but there i stopped, didnt knew how to involve them. So i kind of dropped the caravan part.
Then i also tought of an auctioneer, and that would be a perfect fix for the trading (i.e. just check the WoW auction system, 90% trades go trough it in that game), but then i again stopped; i recall some dev or GM saying something like: ''No need, leave this for players improvisation'' or smth like that.

So yeah, imo auctioneer would be perfect fix for this, but i dont think the devs support it.

Why shouldn't they? Just because it looks WoWish? Or did they want the economics be controlled by the players, like you said?

i recall some dev or GM saying something like: ''No need, leave this for players improvisation'' or smth like that.

Perhaps there's a point why it's shouldn't been driven by players but by neutral party instead?


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Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2010, 08:58:22 pm »

we coud use runescape's "great exchange ideea"


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Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2010, 09:06:50 pm »

we coud use runescape's "great exchange ideea"
Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats wat I FRIKKIN hated about Runescape, everything is regulated, you cant price a rare item with the price YOU want its so fucked up.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2010, 09:20:51 pm »

Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats wat I FRIKKIN hated about Runescape, everything is regulated, you cant price a rare item with the price YOU want its so fucked up.
Chill, instead of saying what you dont want, try to say what would fix the broken P2P trading. So far an auctioneer seems the best idea, but i have no idea how to implement it witouth creating some special and specific trade screen for it.
I give a fuck.


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Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2010, 09:32:25 pm »

Lang why do you want fix trading anyway? Why not shovel shit instead as you said in another thread? Also trading isn't broken, it's the players that like more to rob each other than trade. The fix you suggested isn't a fix at all. Have you ever watched any crime film? There are sometimes such scenes of trading like they exchange huge amounts of money for drugs and such. This exactly ressembles how trading on wasteland looks - anything can go wrong and a peaceful meeting meant for trading can turn into bullet festival and THAT'S RIGHT, BECAUSE IT'S A GODDAMN WASTELAND.
Developers, developers, developers, developers...

Winston Wolf

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Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2010, 09:36:22 pm »

Right, thats something what makes trading interesting. Scouting, gathering your people who protect you and perhaps even a little fight in the wastes.
Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2010, 09:40:27 pm »

Shoveling shit isnt really my call, but trading right now isnt just right. Why should i even bother with looking for someone who sells, lets say, metal armors if finding, meeting, trading takes more time in best scenario than relogging to crafter alt, one run to mining site, back to base and voila. Meanwhile, in case of auctioneer being in this game, i find it very beleavable that MA would be something very common at it. Also, it doesnt have to be an AUCTIONEER/AUCTION HOUSE, just something that works as third party trading mechanism for fast shopping.
I give a fuck.


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Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2010, 09:58:15 pm »

Quentin, I have to agree with you, that trading is pretty fucked up (and I think I am one of people, who know the most about it)... but your suggestions doesnt solve it too much... with this solution we will have thieves and other griefers just camping those "mail terminals", where will people withdraw their stuff or caps...

But if we will work with this suggestion, lets make it a bit more fallouty... the suggestion you have made is working in many online games, in one or other way, and we just need to rework it for fonline... so I have two ideas how to make it fitting into fonline universe:

1) train or caravan delivery... - it will work only at train stations or at towns with caravan outposts... you will speak with caravan leader or some trade officer at train station, give him your item and name the price... then the other player can withdraw it at any train station or caravan at town after handing the named amount of caps...

2) bazaars at towns... - there will be some man or men at every town, lets call him "auctioneer" for example... you will give him the stuff you wanna sell and name the lowest price you want for it, then every player who comes to him can see the items and make a bid for the price... after some period the player with highest bid can withdraw his stuff...

First or second idea, or some combination of them should really be implemented in the game, as it will make the game good for every type of crafter as they will have finally opportunity to sell their stuff properly...

so far so good but since fonline economics isnt about hard cash whats the purpose of buying from a player when:
A- all items are  sold almost everywhere

B- cash is already pretty rare in the game, most players trade items per items and if in luck items per cash
basic economics: when theres more goods then money there is no possibleway to sustain an economic system
Aku Soku Zan


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Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2010, 12:46:40 am »

God no, where are all these RuneScape suggestions coming from!?!?

Also from wow. Id rather have a non pvp trade zone
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2010, 07:28:27 am »

Lang why do you want fix trading anyway? Why not shovel shit instead as you said in another thread? Also trading isn't broken, it's the players that like more to rob each other than trade. The fix you suggested isn't a fix at all. Have you ever watched any crime film? There are sometimes such scenes of trading like they exchange huge amounts of money for drugs and such. This exactly ressembles how trading on wasteland looks - anything can go wrong and a peaceful meeting meant for trading can turn into bullet festival and THAT'S RIGHT, BECAUSE IT'S A GODDAMN WASTELAND.

wrong... at this time, trading in wasteland (a.k.a. map trading) is much more safer, than trading in towns... which is obviously wrong, because towns should protect the trade as much as they can and it is one reason, why towns are mostly empty...

Right, thats something what makes trading interesting. Scouting, gathering your people who protect you and perhaps even a little fight in the wastes.

nonsense... even if trading will work this way, it makes trading impossible for solo players, who will be beaten every time by gangs...

so far so good but since fonline economics isnt about hard cash whats the purpose of buying from a player when:
A- all items are  sold almost everywhere

B- cash is already pretty rare in the game, most players trade items per items and if in luck items per cash
basic economics: when theres more goods then money there is no possibleway to sustain an economic system

I have to disagree... just tell me which vendor is selling huge amounts of CA or 5mm APs or Sniper Rifles, etc... (by huge amounts I mean, that it can satisfy all players in the game)... the answer is "none"... and thats the reason, why people are buying stuff from other players... the second reason is, that they wont use alts for crafting or dont have time for it...

and the second part of you post, wrong as well, there are big amounts of caps among players... for example, it is possible to sell stuff for caps to vendors and many players do this... when I was saving money for my base, I earned 130.000 caps in a few days, just by selling crafted stuff to people...
Enzo Wolf
former President of Fenix Trading company
former Trading counsellor of former Gray Rock village :D


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Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #26 on: August 16, 2010, 10:11:05 am »

ur talking about a small portion of search and profit disregarding all system economics that affect general players.

i never said trading wasnt possible, there will be always someone looking for something ofc

i HAVE seen all those items u claim to be sold between players in npc vendors at a mediocre quantity, not enough for every1 but more than enough for the majority..
as for those who dont have crafters most of them will find a faction wich will have them

"and the second part of you post, wrong as well, there are big amounts of caps among players... for example, it is possible to sell stuff for caps to vendors and many players do this... when I was saving money for my base, I earned 130.000 caps in a few days, just by selling crafted stuff to people..."

 caps in this game have WAY more ways to be spend then earned, most of players will often save money for something WAY more important then craftable items..

again its not that its not possible to earn money in this system, but the system itself is a HUGE fail compaired to basic economics

we had a better economic system in stoneage then in this game.. ( yeah am overreacting, but not as much as u may think)
Aku Soku Zan
Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #27 on: August 16, 2010, 11:30:50 am »

A gang could specialize in trading !

Seller contact Trading Gang, give them the items plus extra money for delivery. Trading gangs with their heavy guards members travel through the map to the buyer place, and deliver the item. Buyer give the money with an extra that the trading gang deliver to the seller. If the package is lost/stolen during delivering, the Trading Gang give a compensation to seller/buyer.

The gang would have to make itself a real reputation to be reliable and they will never take a really good payment but it could be really fun to do this job. And it will create great Role Play and make the Wasteland more alive.

Praise Abitbol, Praise HIM !
Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #28 on: August 16, 2010, 05:07:50 pm »

2) bazaars at towns... - there will be some man or men at every town, lets call him "auctioneer" for example... you will give him the stuff you wanna sell and name the lowest price you want for it, then every player who comes to him can see the items and make a bid for the price... after some period the player with highest bid can withdraw his stuff...
Don't need to create auctioneer or someone.
Hub (merchant city):
Dwarf (that small guy, can't remember his name) at General Stores, if you have normal reputation with Hub, you will have additional options:
1) "I want to sell this item to anyone."
Then barter screen opens and that dwarf has very very very much caps in his window, you place one item, then pick any number of caps from his window and press "offer", you'll lose that item from your inventory and of couse won't get these caps, because you just placed its price by this way.
2) "I want to sell this item to one person."
then it'll say "press "Say" and write his name", then press "Done".
It will work the same as 1st. It can be even merged, simply, if you don't write anything it'll be offered to every player, if you write anything in "Say", then only to current player.
Then anyone will have an option, probably depends of reputation too:
"Is there any items for sale from other wastelanders?"
It'll show barter window with all these items offered to all players + items that offered only to your player and they will have the same worth in caps as were placed by player, the only problem is if it's possible: all items, except for caps, will have worth of 0 at that window, so you can pay only with caps.
Then option:
"Can I take all caps gained by trading?"
1) Noone have bought you crap yet, so you haven't earn anything.
2) Yeah, someone bought your items, here's your caps, I took X% for trading (depends on reputation with Hub, with high reputation you'll get 95%-100% of caps).
And atlast:
"I want to remove all my items from sale"
You getting back all your items.

This can be also done with some other NPCs in NCR (at Sha Enin) and may be Adytum (at scavengers).
So you'll post on forum in trading section:
Dwarf (His name) in Hub has 5 BAs for 14k caps each, later I'll craft more, thanks.
And then come there and check if someone bought your BAs, so you can earn caps with, and NPC will take some % depending on your reputation with Hub.

well man... you just created an auctioneer  :P ;D but yeah, this is a possible way to do this...
I meant don't create a NPC or something, just add this option to existed one NPC.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 06:51:03 pm by RavenousRat »


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Re: The trading is rotten...
« Reply #29 on: August 16, 2010, 05:27:38 pm »

Don't need to create auctioneer or someone.

well man... you just created an auctioneer  :P ;D but yeah, this is a possible way to do this...

A gang could specialize in trading !

Seller contact Trading Gang, give them the items plus extra money for delivery. Trading gangs with their heavy guards members travel through the map to the buyer place, and deliver the item. Buyer give the money with an extra that the trading gang deliver to the seller. If the package is lost/stolen during delivering, the Trading Gang give a compensation to seller/buyer.

The gang would have to make itself a real reputation to be reliable and they will never take a really good payment but it could be really fun to do this job. And it will create great Role Play and make the Wasteland more alive.

its interesting idea, but only gangs with powerbuilds for PvP can do this, because no other players will stand a chance against professional PKers (for example those ones farming jet around Hub)... and I dont think that PvP gangs will be interesting in this way of trading (there is no real profit in it for them, and they have a lot of work with alting and farming to maintain their chars for PvP I think...)
Enzo Wolf
former President of Fenix Trading company
former Trading counsellor of former Gray Rock village :D
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