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Author Topic: New drug aproach  (Read 1999 times)


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New drug aproach
« on: August 13, 2010, 08:18:56 pm »

1) Drug usage should not harm the PvP (it is at the moment, because their bad effects cause more waiting than fighting)
2) Drugs should support of variety builds and gameplays, not the uniformity like now (250 HP and 16 AP)
3) There should exist 3 cathegory of drugs: weak without or with small bad effect, with moderate bad effect and with 100 percent chance of bad addiction
4) Less drugs you use at one moment => more predictable effects, more drugs at the moment => less predictable
5) Preserve 2 reason why use drugs: fight and if you dont have attributes and you want profession

 Drugs are something like traits: it gives you some advantage and some disadvantage.

 Current drug system is designed for Fallout OFLINE game, not online. Their bad effects appears after the boost. In ofline game, you spend that time by traveling on world map, chatting with NPC, in general, you tried to avoid the situation, where your char with bad effect will be affected by this.  In Fonline, this means, that you are waiting even if you want to fight.

 So drugs should be remade to be Fallout ONLINE combatible.


 1) Each drug should raise only one SPECIAL skill atribute (except mentat-charisma and int.)
 2) Moderate and strong drugs should cause drop of another SPECIAL attribute, but bigger than positive effect of that drug => good and bad effect of addiction at same time
 3) Drugs should exist in 2 forms.. natural and concentrate (destiled/purified)

 Drugs specific:

 A)  Effects:
      * weak without bad effect (or with equal like positive one)
      * moderate with bad effect + possibility of addiction
      * strong  (heavy? )with bad effect + 100 percent chance of addiction
 B)  Economy:
      * natural: cheaper, but time effect is quicker
      * purified: expensive, time offect is longer  (i.e.: you will need 5x more basic drugs (or similar res) than purified, but only 2x longer effect)


 STRENGHT:      Weak and Natural :) : Booze + 1 ST, -1 PE *note: best booze, longer effect
                         Moderate and Purified: Buffout +2 ST, -3 AP
 PERCEPTION:  Weak and Natural: Ciggarets +1 PE


 CHARISMA:      Weak and Natural: Whiskey +1 CH
                         Moderate and Purified: Mentats +2 IN 2+ CHAR - 3 PE

 INTELIGENCE:  Weak and Natural: Coke(Guaranna) +1 IN
                         Moderate and Purified: Mentats +2 IN 2+ CHAR - 3 PE

 AGILITY:          Weak and Natural:  Nuka Cola +1 AG

 LUCK: Sex?.. Trading card minigame?

 other effects:

 Action Points:    Strong and purified: Jet +3 AP - 25 percent of chance to hit (with maximum of 95 pecent, after jet you will have 70 percent, after 2 jets only 45, does not depends on distance of your victim)

 Resistance:       Moderate and Purified: Psycho + ... DMG resistance but - 1/3 damage you will do

 D) Drug combination:

 1) Max 2 same drugs at one moment (third, fourth,.. will be without effect) = like current state
 2) Hangover: If you take 2 or more drugs (except weak ones), it will have this consequences:
  2 drugs: HP fluctuating in range of 5-15  and -1 AP
  3 drugs: HP fluctuating in range of 16-29 and -2AP
  4 drugs: HP fluctuatng in range of 30-50 and -3 AP
  5 drugs: HP f. 51-75 and -4 AP

 E) Traits:

 Current junkie traits should be remade:
 a) shorter effect of drugs but you can use one more free drug in "hangover" calculation (so instead of 1 free drug you will have 2 without effect)
 b) longer effect of drugs but you will have not free drug in calculation of hangover effect


 This changes  will (i hope) change aproach of using drugs - instead of creating powerbuilds, you will be able to use special drug in special situation..

You need to run away from enemy? take psycho, but you will lost your firepower.
You want to be quicker twice as you enemy? Ok, but your hands will shake like 80 old man's hands.
etc. etc..
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 08:37:38 pm by Lordus »
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Re: New drug aproach
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2010, 08:30:39 pm »

This you suggestion sounds great
3) There should exist 3 cathegory of drugs: weak without or with small bad effect, with moderate bad effect and with 100 percent chance of bad addiction
Yeah there should be categories for drugs, but any drugs got something effects..


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Re: New drug aproach
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2010, 09:19:51 pm »

Devs are already working on a new drug system. What the point of multiplicating post about it? Be sure their modifications will join your want? They already know what all of us think about it, and they work on it.
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Re: New drug aproach
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2010, 09:38:38 pm »

Devs are already working on a new drug system. What the point of multiplicating post about it? Be sure their modifications will join your want? They already know what all of us think about it, and they work on it.

 I dont know what changes they want to implement and of course, i cant order them to make it as i want. I think that one role of Game Masters is to give competent feedback to developers about current game state, problem, possible solutions etc. But problem is, that from many posts of GM and even DEVS shows, that sometimes they miss the point what is the real problem of current pvp, because they are separated from everyday action of PvP part of community.

 How else i can interprete their suggestions or opinions like Jovanka s suggestion about perma death, Izual thinks that pvp players are bored because of tons of stuff in their bases and even if i read posts of devs i realy respect, like Solar, Ghostshack, ..., i think that they are very separated from pvp (like today "Aimbotgate").

 I realy appreciate work they did, do and will do, but it is sad, if hours of work results in state, that does not solve the problem.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: New drug aproach
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2010, 09:47:47 pm »

Everytime I read these threads I thinking what this does with Fallout?

Easier and faster will be make totally other game where you can with other players tactically use environment, shoot from different balanced guns and even be not powerbuild.

Then FOnline should be renamed to something else, or people start say about it the same as about Fallout 3, because it has nothing similar except for "wasteland, 10mm pistol, bluesuit" and something that reminds fallout.

Other stats for drugs? Other stats for weapon? More armors? Be able to sit/lay to increase AC and accuracy? Barrels near provides a cover for you? Make JA2Online? Easier than make it in Fallout and then call it FOnline only because you can visit some towns from F1/2 and shoot from unique 10mm Pistol, which is only in fallout, but everything else is totally another. Fallout Coop is the only way to play this game "balanced" by 2-5 players. Right now almost everyone here only because it's still Fallout, not because they can eat drugs, get a gun and shoot someone. Really, if you want to fight 10v10 at some town using tactic, different weapon for different situations, drugs working like traits for special purposes, play something else, Fallout isn't about it.
Anyway that's the only reason I can understand devs don't want to change weapon stats and drugs much, because they want FOnline to be atleast "F" online, not something else. And I'm seriously, what bad in development of JA2Online separate from FOnline? May be even someone made it, you can try to google it and may be find something.


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Re: New drug aproach
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2010, 10:26:45 pm »

Everytime I read these threads I thinking what this does with Fallout?

Easier and faster will be make totally other game where you can with other players tactically use environment, shoot from different balanced guns and even be not powerbuild.

Then FOnline should be renamed to something else, or people start say about it the same as about Fallout 3, because it has nothing similar except for "wasteland, 10mm pistol, bluesuit" and something that reminds fallout.

 I understand that devs have hard work: Their aim was conversion of Fallout as a single player turn based game into the multi player realtime Fonline. They did not expect, that they will have to resist people who use Fonline as a multiplayer tactic simulator. But i will tell you thruth, Raven, 1/3 of active players on server are exactly from that par of community. And it is very permanent part of community.. Loners joins Fonline, play for some time, then left (everybody knows Vedaras). But i can tell you, that most of us, across all PvP gangs, are here from first day of open beta. So i think this is the reason, why PvP part of comunity deserves little attention.

 The second part is, that idea that Fallout will nicely work as a MMO without anything more than little game/mechanics changes fails. Nice example is today "Aimbotgate". Community takes this problem to their hands and now we have aiming system like in ten years old Fallout tactics.. You know, Fallout tactics had evoled too, from single player to multi one.

 And drugs are major problem for PvP.. Drugs are the cause of half of hour waiting from total one hour of waiting between 2 TC fights (but not only town control). The bad effect stage in current form could not be apply to online game, if you want set proper line between acion-fun-fight and duty-dead-waiting element. Only solution is to eliminate this state.

 Also i think, that Fonline will be still Falloutish, even if you change effects of drugs. I dont think that many players who joins the Fonline world will remember exact effects of drugs in Fallout or Fallout 2.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!


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Re: New drug aproach
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2010, 10:54:00 pm »

good idea

Ned Logan

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Re: New drug aproach
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2010, 01:54:59 am »

RavenousRat: I believe lot of things need overhaul, because the multiplayer element changes the game enormously... if you want Fallout 1/2 which you can play cooperatively, I don't believe FOnline 2238 will ever be like that... maybe when the SDK is out, someone would make it. I would be very interested in playing it, but also I want FOnline, which is harsher kind of MMORPG full of PvP. Such game mechanics are very different than those of single player games and temporary boosts like implemented by drugs in FOnline are part of that.


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Re: New drug aproach
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2010, 08:40:51 am »

 I understand that devs have hard work: Their aim was conversion of Fallout as a single player turn based game into the multi player realtime Fonline. They did not expect, that they will have to resist people who use Fonline as a multiplayer tactic simulator. But i will tell you thruth, Raven, 1/3 of active players on server are exactly from that par of community. And it is very permanent part of community.. Loners joins Fonline, play for some time, then left (everybody knows Vedaras). But i can tell you, that most of us, across all PvP gangs, are here from first day of open beta. So i think this is the reason, why PvP part of comunity deserves little attention.

And? Shall we need to create a badge for you brave people? Actually, most of the people from the "famous 1/3" of the playerbase you mentionend only caused stress the whole time. Be it on the forum with endless childish flamewars or insults, in the game exploiting, cheating, dual logging or on IRC, its the same. And then you ask here for "respect"?


And @ the topic, its not that I dont appreciate your work, but its already been said several times that devs are already working on a drug overhaul. Whats the point in this topic here then?


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Re: New drug aproach
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2010, 12:22:36 pm »

And @ the topic, its not that I dont appreciate your work, but its already been said several times that devs are already working on a drug overhaul. Whats the point in this topic here then?

i did not notice that in list of not to suggest, there is already this Drug Overdose, So my mistake. I apologize and wish (seriously) non stressfull weekend.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!


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Re: New drug aproach
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2010, 01:53:38 pm »

as i sad, BEST IDEEA EVA!!!!!!!
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