Sex Toy is in my team.Oh sorry.... what a pitty that a big gun with 10 in endurance and 6 in perception makes less criticals than a critical sniper. Critical sniper with a special build made for maximalizing criticals. But of course with lacks elsewhere.You should think about that before complaint.
too bad it's 5% for instakills whereas there is a 80% chance to be instakilled by a minigunner (3xbursts, 3 seconds to complete, 2xBRD, AP ammo, avenger minigun) whereas a sniper is lucky if he manages to land a deadly critical hit, a 5 instakills in a row against you is just freakishly good critical table rolls, they depend on "RL:The Game" luck rolls if you must know...
there's still a 20% chance to recover from it,whereas death has a 0% survivability rate...
You want to make small gunners even more useless? I just had a fight against a big gunner and I didn't stand a chance. Why? Because you can't really use your advantages as a sniper in a town. You need shitloads of APs to shoot one time and your damage is still pretty low. If you did not have the luck to cripple him he can shoot several times without aiming and a damage of 100 (minimum) per shot. And if you cripple him he's propably using his doctor skill anyway.
A typical sniper build with 10 PE and 10 LK, has like 120 hp? Maybe 140? That's about one minigun burst. TC as the name says take place in cities, there are no big cities really so biggunners usually have an advantage. The only place a sniper has advantage over biggunner is the middle of the desert and he still has to be lucky enough to don't spawn next to you. Anyway, when you fight in TC you do it alone or sth? Because you say you get instahurt to 0hp and then someone bursts you to death. I always thought that TC is like TDM and when one is on the ground, teammates try to help him, cover him or take the bullets on their chests to rescue a fellow soldier. You rush right ahead, get instakilled when your team didn't even entered the town then you moan on forums?
Here is the reason you get instakilled there: you PK "OCCASSIONALY" so if you would do it more often you could actually see how rare instakill crits are. You just ran to the New Reno, got killed few times and you made a baww thread. "OMG NERF SNOIPERS THEY KILLED ME BAAaaww"You woudn't even bother going on forums if you won't be killed right?