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Author Topic: Player-driven caravans !  (Read 13903 times)


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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #30 on: July 25, 2010, 08:03:43 pm »

Well, absolutely no gang has 300 miniguns and 100 combat armors, and you pretty know it. Screenshot or it doesn't happen =P Gangs have, at the maximum, 50 of each.

As a single force I have 40+ brotherhood armors, around 60 miniguns and avengers and HQ materials enough to double that amount.
Hence the rewards are way too high and the likeliness of players appearing to engage a caravan in fight at nightly hours is near zero, I'm going to have to say no to this idea ;)
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  • Chars: Perforator & Penetrator =D
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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #31 on: July 25, 2010, 08:24:42 pm »

As a single force I have 40+ brotherhood armors, around 60 miniguns and avengers and HQ materials enough to double that amount.
Hence the rewards are way too high and the likeliness of players appearing to engage a caravan in fight at nightly hours is near zero, I'm going to have to say no to this idea ;)

Thats whz I suggested the following:

1) specified routes (not free-based ones, somewhere near Glow, where nobody cares) simply from Town to Town or Town - smaller location

2) caravans would be available during peak time

3) caravans would be available for max 5 people per cart. max 2 carts so that 1 party could stand a chance to win

4) cart has definite space (not to abuse the system)

5) available caravan info would be displayed similarly like the TC with some countdown (with info about the cart no. 1 or 2)

6) countdowns should be longer 15mins for 30% 25mins for 50% something like that OR what would be even better - caravan would get reward appropriate to the caravan trunk (based on caps value (some formula needed) would provide different rewards)

7) travel speed issue - I think Izual meant that the speed wouldnt depend on the player... he proposed route times that means that the actual travel would be automated or decreased to such a degree that youd really need such time (min 6 min as in 1st post) to reach the destination

As for me, the caravan should settle somewhere on the line and do something to activate the countdown. And yes, its worth it. The trunk size would reduce abusing and yes it would be risky to attack it. Well its PvP suggestion but what would you rather like brahmin driven caravans or what :p
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #32 on: July 25, 2010, 08:43:36 pm »

There should be a speed limit of course because you have all the carts to carry. Besides it would be great if caravans could be only seen by people who are nearby.

deffinately that! it would suck if whole world can see where you move.


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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #33 on: July 25, 2010, 11:22:17 pm »

deffinately that! it would suck if whole world can see where you move.

Lol. Thats the point! Youre not getting something for free. Its rather something for experienced players not like a lvl 1 party... You risk your items for sake of multiplication of them OR some reward for defending them... plus you get the loot of other players...
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #34 on: July 25, 2010, 11:23:16 pm »

so, practically, rogues would get a fuckload of free items, being the biggest gang out there, they are the biggest still...
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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #35 on: July 25, 2010, 11:49:10 pm »

so, practically, rogues would get a fuckload of free items, being the biggest gang out there, they are the biggest still...
they already get a fuckload of free items by just going out in zerg swarms and raping everything anywhere.
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  • Chars: Perforator & Penetrator =D
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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #36 on: July 25, 2010, 11:54:24 pm »

they already get a fuckload of free items by just going out in zerg swarms and raping everything anywhere.
so, practically, rogues would get a fuckload of free items, being the biggest gang out there, they are the biggest still...

thats why I wrote:
3) caravans would be available for max 5 people per cart. max 2 carts so that 1 party could stand a chance to win

Of course if its possible to restrict
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #37 on: July 25, 2010, 11:59:25 pm »

thats why I wrote:
Of course if its possible to restrict

I was just saying it doesn't matter if they get alot of free items because they got more than they could burn off in a year of constant raping, even in ncr.
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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #38 on: July 26, 2010, 12:23:51 am »

I was just saying it doesn't matter if they get alot of free items because they got more than they could burn off in a year of constant raping, even in ncr.

Hm, well as Izual said caps could get multiplied and never enough of caps. Well if they would like to burn or risk items/caps in such way everyone who would beat them in caravan fight would benefit and game would benefit from more action in-game :p
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #39 on: July 26, 2010, 04:29:53 am »

Hm, well as Izual said caps could get multiplied and never enough of caps. Well if they would like to burn or risk items/caps in such way everyone who would beat them in caravan fight would benefit and game would benefit from more action in-game :p
minimum half of the player can not, cause there not high equipped drug users or in a big PVP or well organisazed gang.

Otherwise i like the idea, except multiplying. I see allready more traffic at night then on highway to hell :P. YEs you need a reason for caravan travelling but this is a very very bad one and one who dont come form the game itself, its just "magic".Hmh in reality there is no reason for doing caravan trading or trading for players between cities at all. i see the picture before me, you make a long caravan ride,, gettin at ncr and got bombed by the jerks there, youre hole stuff is gone and we have another thread full with complaints here. No no, you need real reason, and with this system only transport from faction base A to faction base b or to geting magically an half Brotherhood armor out of the caravan  brahmins ass :P. Some suggestions:

-- restrict the seize of caravans  to 2-3 brahmin cars with maximum 10-15 people and some npc
-- make it slow, very slow and not depening on outdoorskill
--Let the attacker see wiht high outdoorskill what expecting him inside the caravan, so you can avoid another sort of caravan traps with some powerbuilds who travel around and mix up mid skill wannaberaiders :P. also for allied gangs etc, would be nice ;)maybe single trader can also avoid encs with his outdoorskill-> more humans on caravan, more decectable it should be.

--no multiplying but safe cities to trade for the long travelled merchants. maybe VC, boneyard, NCR,San fran. Maybe we got not enough players for this free-willl-trade system, dont know. you also can make only good secured market place in the cities and let the rest on the prestep of civilization.make some oasis maybe :P , and let cities make some sort of specific good they need and paying good prices for it. Maybe NCR need lots of munition for their growing army, san fran of medical suplies fortheir high radiation of the sunken chinsese submarine, VC need technical stuff to keep their city going. Yeah there will be abuse, but everything need some stimulation :P. Just let them buy stuff from caravans maybe a specials trader npc

--make it usable for stand alone player. let them hire human or npcs mercs to defend their stuff. for the human Mercs, make it also possible that they can be hired by NPC carvans, whos goin from city a to b , and cut the rest of the caravan encounters. reward should be caps, or if you making 20 rides with the same caravan the daughter (or son :P) of the merchant chief and a solar enchancer :D
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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #40 on: July 26, 2010, 06:10:26 am »

-- restrict the seize of caravans  to 2-3 brahmin cars with maximum 10-15 people and some npc
-- make it slow, very slow and not depening on outdoorskill
--Let the attacker see wiht high outdoorskill what expecting him inside the caravan, so you can avoid another sort of caravan traps with some powerbuilds who travel around and mix up mid skill wannaberaiders :P. also for allied gangs etc, would be nice ;)maybe single trader can also avoid encs with his outdoorskill-> more humans on caravan, more decectable it should be.

1) I don't think a restriction would work. If you leave the caravan open to attacks, who's to say that they don't just have 30 of their friends 'attack' and really just stay as guards

2) I think 10-40 minutes is pretty damn long.

3) Just allow preview for these caravans.

4) If we want to prevent serious abuse with the multiplication, why not just put some kind of weight limit? I mean if you could take 20 miniguns and 10,000 ammo, I think earning 10 guns and 5k ammo is pretty reasonable.


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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #41 on: July 26, 2010, 10:07:00 am »

Why not let barter skill affect the multiplication amount of items?

Lets say your barter skilll is below 125% you will lose a small percentage of items.

If your skill is between 125-150% it will stay the same.

If your skill is above 150% you will gain items.

Obviously being a non combat char he would also have to buy mercs.
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  • Chars: Perforator & Penetrator =D
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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #42 on: July 26, 2010, 01:42:34 pm »

Why not let barter skill affect the multiplication amount of items?

Lets say your barter skilll is below 125% you will lose a small percentage of items.

If your skill is between 125-150% it will stay the same.

If your skill is above 150% you will gain items.

Obviously being a non combat char he would also have to buy mercs.

I dont like the barter req, because of more alting...  :-\

I think this should be max 5 player option (counting mercs and so on) - for bigger actions we have TC. Well if its possible to use some other mechanism, like it would all be available through caravan masters:

1) group of people or 1 person with 4 mercs takes a caravan quest from a caravan master. He gets the destination and so on. He travels through the worldmap.

2) caravan info is displayed like TC - "Valuable goods will arrive to NCR. Hurry! Speak to robbers leader in NCR" (etc. for every caravan master there should be robber leader whatever to give counter quests to kill caravan.)

3) the said caravan travells without encounters until a human counter encounter sent by robber leader spawns the 2 groups on a map. The caravan for the time of the fight is blocked, meaning that no other people can join to the fight from the robber leader.

4) if the caravan destroys the enemies, the quest from robber leader gets available again, if not the countdown stops and of course the quest is unavailable

5) caravan cant be affected by outdoorsman - why? - No alt spawning - equal chances - the time is fixed lets say 10, 15, 20 minutes for multiplication or some prizes depending on the item worth
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #43 on: July 26, 2010, 06:17:52 pm »

3) the said caravan travells without encounters until a human counter encounter sent by robber leader spawns the 2 groups on a map. The caravan for the time of the fight is blocked, meaning that no other people can join to the fight from the robber leader.

Why not make it where the only place you can get the quest is to join the Raider's faction?
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  • Chars: Perforator & Penetrator =D
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Re: Player-driven caravans !
« Reply #44 on: July 26, 2010, 06:22:16 pm »

Why not make it where the only place you can get the quest is to join the Raider's faction?

Could be why not. Something to be proud of being a raider rather than just acquiring lvl 3 SG and leaving raiders. Sounds good.
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
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