I think that current PvP (TC,..) is more accident than intetion. And i offer some solutions..
Devs retake Fallout universe, special, perks, skills, weapons, no major review of transforming combat from TB to realtime (biggunner runs by same speed like unarmed,..). Also organized PvP is result of accident, or at lest without any deep intetion, why?
1) Description of current PvP:
Current PvP consist of 2 stages.
a) sneaker stage
b) full equip junkie fight stage
ad a) sneakers (nade - majority , big gun, p90 - minority) playes their roles: checking enemy number and strenght, avoiding enemy of buying militia or buying militia, looting, killing loners and retreaters. It is very funny enrichment of pvp, fresh air, absolutely.
ad b) full equip junkie fight : we have to wait: 25 minutes (TC cooldown) + 5 minutes /sometimes 5 second/ (fight) + 15 minutes bad addict and wc/joint/glass of whine/beer/frogs legs pause + 25 minutes (TC cd) for another fight = 70 minutes (ok, sometimes it take less time, but i.e. in Gecko is best tactic wait for moment of enemy team left reactor), so 40-50 minutes for 2 fights.. ehm, if i play TF2, LFD, Natural selecion or whatever, i play continuosly for one hour. I think that i dont have to repeat that drugs (junkie chars) are neccesary in pvp.
We are talking about this in VSB and many of us are seriously thinking about leaving Fonline, because of this. But i dont want to be negative, i offer few ideas, solutions, hope you and other players will find another, better..
2) there exist 2 different ways how to change it, but they can be implemented together:
a) change current system
b) add new or change existing roles into the pvp
ad a) * set lower cooldowns (can depend on cities locations) .. 10 -15 is enough, so you can safe 10 minutes before each fights)
* make fight quite longer
* change drugs (effects, bad edict, nerf whatever)
* play on toilet
* fullfil TC pvp of new minigames
ad b) add new roles, "classes" to current (does not matter how you called it: sniper, burster, rocket launcher, sneaker), so fight could be more variable than now
* medic - like Sius suggested, but changes have to be so radical, that one biggunner or sniper will voluntarily take medic char into pvp insted of combat one.. Do you have idea, i dont have.
* demoexpert like antisneaker class => sneakers does not have big PE, armor, am i right (generaly), so why not add mines (very limited number, only on pvp ciites) that will kill them
* non junkue pvp chars - they can play TC minigame, before end of TC coldown:
i.e.: If you want to capture city, you have to stay in the blue zone. But imagine minigame, that if capturing team will win this, he will be able to stay on every place on the map until TC cooldown without penalty of reseting TC cooldown timer. Example: escort NPC safely from one position to another and defend it for some time, what ever...
3) you can forget my ideas, if you want.. but dont forget on players.. there are news in organized pvp (Town control,..) ahead, but i dont know if there is any deep conception.. last eras it was about adding new system mostly without discusion. Discusion not about the exact view of organized pvp, but the aim, purpose. Dont make this mistake again. And i think, that purpose of current TC with militia was not waiting one hour for 2 fights..