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Does millitia ruins your pvp experience?

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Author Topic: Millitia ruins pvp  (Read 22029 times)


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Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2010, 05:48:57 pm »

Shouldn't they know the truth ??? Okay, back to topic ;)
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2010, 05:51:04 pm »

In my opinion, what militia needs now :

- Faction owning the town should be able to give orders to militia and decide some ennemies factions to shoot on sight (we enter a faction name with "say" and all players from this faction are shoot on sight, for example)

Its Decide to fail when you enter alone to city, more useful for PK & it only do nothing when team enter from Mine ( in redding) On residental in Broken hill etc.

- If militia become more intelligent, and by the way more powerful, it needs to be nerfeed on the other side. One idea (maybe good or bad) : when you buy a milician he starts unarmed (with at least a good unarmed skill). Then the faction owning the town should have to "give" weapons to milicians for fighting (at the condition that they still have infinite ammos, I guess). It may be hard to script but it can be way easier if all combat skills of milcians are the same (150% unarmed, 150% small guns, 150% big guns, and so on).

For me it's bad idea. We need other exit from this problem :)

First Devs SHOULD repair problem with TC leader ( None city  and problem when Team attack Militia and one man in sheriff building buying next soldier all time ) ::)



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Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2010, 06:04:18 pm »

Its Decide to fail when you enter alone to city, more useful for PK & it only do nothing when team enter from Mine ( in redding) On residental in Broken hill etc.

Sorry I don't understand this sentence  :-\

First Devs SHOULD repair problem with TC leader ( None city  and problem when Team attack Militia and one man in sheriff building buying next soldier all time )

Yes ! First of all. But I guess they are already working on it so I would like to think about something more (mooaaaarrrr)

Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2010, 06:09:53 pm »

''Its Decide to fail when you enter alone to city, more useful for PK & it only do nothing when team enter from Mine ( in redding) On residental in Broken hill etc. ''

if someone enter from enemy faction alone to trade , dug ore etc. he can die by militia ( look , guard of town can write 400 faction name on enemy list))

And militia will do  nothing when enemy enter to Mine , residental etc... But they will see nothing =)


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Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2010, 06:55:08 pm »

if someone enter from enemy faction alone to trade , dug ore etc. he can die by militia

- If the town is owned by a PK team : nobody will be able to trade anyway.
- If the town is owned by an anti-PK team : only ennemies of the faction (ennemies of anti-pk faction is pk faction) will be killed, so PKs will be killed.

I don't see where is the problem :)

And militia will do  nothing when enemy enter to Mine , residental etc... But they will see nothing =)

Yes, militia can't do all the job. Players have to fight by themselves if they want to mine.
And if noobs or single players want ore or uranium they can ask to faction owning the town to help them gathering at the mine or they can trade their goods for ore.
Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2010, 07:01:34 pm »

Making the militia an analogue to guards in guarded towns would be interesting, but it would also need different behavior. For example guards would not attack the controlling faction, but then we are almost left with the same thing we have now. Which is the militia is being used as an offensive weapon rather than a defensive one.


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Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2010, 07:16:38 pm »

Point is, PK-factions can already slaughter anyone they want to, even with non-guards Militia. With guards Militia, they could slaughter anyone they want to, but non-PK factions could also make the town a "safe" one.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2010, 07:39:20 pm »

Or... Make not attacking militia  , When owning faction shot someone , militia do nothing ...  :)

Militia will only attack when they  have been hitted by enemy or when enemy talk to sheriff about Town Control ( yes if guarding faction is die , militia do nothing . Militia start fight when enemy team start timmer =)  ). .


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Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #23 on: July 12, 2010, 07:45:45 pm »

Hu hu hu I really don't like this idea because I won't be able to keep my town (Broken Hills) anymore :D


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Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #24 on: July 12, 2010, 11:47:07 pm »

 The problem is the pvp in general..

 Look at the last era.. if you want to join PvP, you have to create junkie PvP char: jet, nukas, smokes, psycho, buffouts.. without this, you are fuc**d.
 You have to spend your hardly crafted ammo on militia, if you want to challenge other players.
 You wait for 24 minutes in city/over the map, then you will die in few seconds..
 You can craft many types of weapons, but you can use only few of them..
 We have name colourizing, so we can recognize our friend and we can create big alliances and that leads to imba..
  This is not funny as it was in second era.. yes, we were whining because of dual loggers, but figthst were more longers..
  But seriously, i think problem is that developers dont want to evolve PvP system.. Now, everybody knows everything about how to create best PvP char.. and we have undestructible psychos minigunners.. Yes, developers dont want to create only pvp system, but question is, who is playing this game since start of open beta? Even Vedaras is gone..

Point is, PK-factions can already slaughter anyone they want to, even with non-guards Militia. With guards Militia, they could slaughter anyone they want to, but non-PK factions could also make the town a "safe" one.

 Dont forget the point, we want to fight for fun.. our role, anti PK, is not because we want to clear wasteland from PK, we just dont want kill every bluesuit. But we want figth with real players, so thats our role
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 12:06:44 am by Lordus »
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Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2010, 06:16:24 am »

Point is, PK-factions can already slaughter anyone they want to, even with non-guards Militia.

That's not true at all. It used to be that you were able to fight back if you were attacked in an unguarded city. Also, it used to be that pkers had to risk equipment to pk.


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Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2010, 08:47:57 am »

Nobody wants to risk fighting against militia with pulse and gauss weapons, the only way to kill this militia is to get in building use psycho and have first aid backup. 2 people on psycho are enough, but this militia only wastes time and ammo, and its pu$$y protection for those who stay near. Excuse my bad mouth, but with militia its only hard for attacker, without militia pvp would be hard for both attackers and defenders, but now defenders have high and very noticeable advantage. For fair fight you'd need double manpower to make it up for militia and this is unfair pvp for me.
Whats the point of militia when for its elimination you need to use tricks like stay 1 hex from door of building on psycho and burst militia 1 by 1, its pve not pvp, in pvp you want to fight other players, not npcs.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 08:54:30 am by Marko69 »
Anti-pk, protector of the law in wasteland.


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Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2010, 08:51:52 am »

Nobody wants to risk fighting against militia with pulse and gauss weapons, the only way to kill this militia is to get in building use psycho and have first aid backup. 2 people on psycho are enough, but this militia only wastes time and ammo, and its pu$$y protection for those who stay near. Excuse my bad mouth, but with militia its only hard for attacker, without militia pvp would be hard for both attackers and defenders, but now defenders have high and very noticeable advantage. For fair fight you'd need double manpower to make it up for militia and this is unfair pvp for me.
Whats the point of militia when for its elimination you need to use tricks like stay 1 hex from door of building on psycho and burst militia 1 by 1, its pve not pvp, in pvp you want to fight other players, not npcs.
All I can say is...

Consider it a perk for the gang in control of the town.  They are in control, and if they didn't use militia they'd probably use mercenaries anyways, just makes things a bit simpler.

*Coming from a guy who has never been in control of a town before*
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Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2010, 08:55:05 am »

Does it makes sense for Klamath town militia to have gauss guns or miniguns, pulse wepaons.. why don't you give them power armors and vindicators? Is this Klamath's underground technology? More realistic would be for militia to have weapons that are available in that town (weapons and armors that caravans and patrols of that town use - ghouls with spears and snipers in Gecko for example).
Anti-pk, protector of the law in wasteland.


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Re: Millitia ruins pvp
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2010, 09:02:04 am »

Does it makes sense for Klamath town militia to have gauss guns or miniguns, pulse wepaons.. why don't you give them power armors and vindicators? Is this Klamath's underground technology? More realistic would be for militia to have weapons that are available in that town (weapons and armors that caravans and patrols of that town use - ghouls with spears and snipers in Gecko for example).
I can agree with this, it is kinda retarded how militia have gauss n Avengers n shit in some farming town, not to mention only for 500 caps.  I mean they shouldn't have piss ass weapons like Hunting rifles or anything but maybe a P90C or two here and there, maybe one minigun, a good bit of Assault Rifles and smgs etc etc...  Leather armor mk2 should be most used but metal or metal mk2 shouldn't be left out but slightly rare.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
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