Like the cannibal perk in Fallout 3.
The day any stupid "Fallout" 3 perk gets introduced will be the day I am quitting.
Hello there, Mr. Smartass. I have here Document AXGUS-535630248 in my shelf, it says that a person called "Michael139" is called "captain obvious" in some kind of forum. Normal people would understand the last quote "Surf_Solar" said, but some didn't. What to do?
Cannibals having shaky hands? That is a rumour like ferocious masturbators going blind and growing hairy palms...
Unless you put a bone in your hair, I don't see how can one be identified as a cannibal.
I don't think cannibalism should have any advantages, maybe getting a bloody mess perk free after drinking a hectolitre of blood (no vampire crap please).On the other hand healthy non-radiated food cooked from rare herbs and vegetables should have temporary positive effects.
It's not a rumour.
The word kuru is taken from the Fore word "kuria/guria", 'to shake'.
That means all the perks are stupid because they had perks from the old fallouts in fallout 3. I don't see you quitting so...
I've been searching a bit around that, and I confirm it's not a rumour. Cannibals are affected by the kuru, a disease that appears when you eat dead corpses.