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Author Topic: More damage to tommy gun.  (Read 6691 times)


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More damage to tommy gun.
« on: July 07, 2010, 08:47:26 pm »

I think that tommy gun has too low damage even it is machinegun.
So i suggest to raise power to 9-20 or 10-20.

And then you can raise tommy gun making resources little maybe?


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Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2010, 08:50:17 pm »

Or make it burst like 25 bullets and/or what you said.

That way Smallgunners will have a lil miniminigun to combat with.
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Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2010, 03:24:31 am »

Didn't, got killed.


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Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2010, 03:52:18 am »

It is not canon, and it might make the "Mobsters" encounter real challenging. Either this modification should take place, or there should be new SGs implemented, with better/more diverse damage, range and all that. Not so AP eating as the sniper rifle, tho.
Didn't, got killed.


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Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2010, 09:28:49 am »

Good idea, I always thought the tommy gun is underpowered somehow. I guess it's because grease gun is more of a powerful.
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Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2010, 09:32:54 am »

tommy gun is good as it is, remember it is half smg half rifle, it has large magazine, 10 shots per round, easy to craft, ammo is easy to make, its great for starting sniper, what the hell else you want? its not fucking bozar or avenger
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Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2010, 09:45:51 am »

tommy gun is good as it is, remember it is half smg half rifle, it has large magazine, 10 shots per round, easy to craft, ammo is easy to make, its great for starting sniper, what the hell else you want? its not fucking bozar or avenger
It uses the CHEAPEST ammo in game.
I give a fuck.


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Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2010, 12:24:50 pm »

qlang got point, this is ENOUGH reason to not change tommy gun
Mr. T używa kastetów ponieważ siła uderzenia przeciwnika gołą pięścią jest zbyt duża.
Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2010, 05:48:03 pm »

And best of all! it has a 16 burst range!
It's ammo also gives no extra damage like all other ammo does!
The Tommygun is one of the worst weapons out there, the only reason why someoene would bother using it is because it has a 32 range singleshot mode, but heck even then you are better of shooting with a 10mm pistol because that one takes 2 ap less to fire!


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Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2010, 06:02:59 pm »

don't forget the 6 str needed to use it properly, most smallgunners have a 5 str, thus taking their skill down by 20% and on top of that placing a +6-10% crit fail chance.
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Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2010, 10:17:43 pm »

tommy gun is weak i used to use one b4 the wipe as a shitty burst weapon... its great on unarmoured targets and small critters but the single shot damage is just terrible. Its weak as hell! Who cares if its cheap and the ammo is even cheaper, its a p.o.s gun that nobody but noobs use. The grease gun is just a better alternative. If we raised the damage of the tommy gun a little higher it will have some use. Until then its just going to be useless except for low level bluesuits.

Even in Fallout 2 it sucked. Maybe switch the damage of the grease gun to the tommy gun and vice versa? 10-20 for tommy and 8-20 or whatevr it is for the grease gun ? The grease gun is an SMG anyways that isnt so accurate whereas the Tommy Gun is a master crafter ww2 gun that won us the goddamn war its a rifle that can spray 50 rounds in 3 seconds and it killed alot of Japs and Nazi's.... frankly i'd rather see people use the tommy gun instead of a grease gun...

so all in one... +1 for raising the damage of the tommy gun so we can start using them again.. they just look so cool!

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Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2010, 10:43:54 pm »

tommy gun is weak i used to use one b4 the wipe as a shitty burst weapon... its great on unarmoured targets and small critters but the single shot damage is just terrible. Its weak as hell! Who cares if its cheap and the ammo is even cheaper, its a p.o.s gun that nobody but noobs use. The grease gun is just a better alternative. If we raised the damage of the tommy gun a little higher it will have some use. Until then its just going to be useless except for low level bluesuits.

Even in Fallout 2 it sucked. Maybe switch the damage of the grease gun to the tommy gun and vice versa? 10-20 for tommy and 8-20 or whatevr it is for the grease gun ? The grease gun is an SMG anyways that isnt so accurate whereas the Tommy Gun is a master crafter ww2 gun that won us the goddamn war its a rifle that can spray 50 rounds in 3 seconds and it killed alot of Japs and Nazi's.... frankly i'd rather see people use the tommy gun instead of a grease gun...

so all in one... +1 for raising the damage of the tommy gun so we can start using them again.. they just look so cool!

Better idea is, tommy gun has 50 bullet magazine correct? well let it spray! instead of 10 bullets for a burst let it burst 30! voila a deadly burst weapon.
Range is still bad, but should stay bad since damage increased.


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Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2010, 11:31:31 pm »

Better idea is, tommy gun has 50 bullet magazine correct? well let it spray! instead of 10 bullets for a burst let it burst 30! voila a deadly burst weapon.
Range is still bad, but should stay bad since damage increased.
25 bullets because then it would only have 20 bullets for last burst making it more of a single burst/reload weapon for full effect.
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Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2010, 12:28:45 am »

tommy gun is good as it is, remember it is half smg half rifle, it has large magazine, 10 shots per round, easy to craft, ammo is easy to make, its great for starting sniper, what the hell else you want? its not fucking bozar or avenger

ORLY? It has 3-20 for single and 10x(3-20) dmg. Good for sniper? Hit it for 3 dmg and youll feel satisfied. Burst is good as it is, I understand that it cannot be for sniper so increasing single shot damage wouldnt do, just 3-7 damage is like unarmed or HtH... is really low, even mauser is better, yes, worst weapon in game has a better single shot than this.

As for me it should have 8/9-20 dmg for single shot and 3-20 for burst if its possible of course
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: More damage to tommy gun.
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2010, 02:48:02 pm »

why not just let it empty the entire mag, a pray and spray weapon...
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