Other > Suggestions

Quicker Roundbased Combat

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actually, if it is the NCR caravans turn he would probably die, if it is his team's turn he gets to shoot


--- Quote from: gordulan on June 27, 2010, 06:34:32 pm ---actually, if it is the NCR caravans turn he would probably die, if it is his team's turn he gets to shoot

--- End quote ---

OH sorry I didnt understand earlier, yes, that makes sense :) actually thats how it was in F2 as I remember...

although t would make for a change if the enemy can't find a path to you, or another enemy he would just skip his turn instead of just standing there like an oaf, makes slaver/rave/rave unbearable to fight in turnbased..,.

Speaking of which, vote for me


--- Quote from: gordulan on June 27, 2010, 06:50:45 pm ---although t would make for a change if the enemy can't find a path to you, or another enemy he would just skip his turn instead of just standing there like an oaf, makes slaver/rave/rave unbearable to fight in turnbased..,.

--- End quote ---

Mind you, the AI doesn't need to think, it acts reacting on input immediately, e.g. "Target spotted", if i understand the scripting correctly. (May the developers correct me, if i'm wrong)
If nothing happens in next 2 seconds in his FOV or he finds the target unreacheble, the critter should 'decide' to skip its turn or, in case of simultaneous turn, engage the target as long the conditions allow it, until he meets a obstruction in his way, like a player character stopping before the closing door, originally receiving command to run to the destination behind it. (trying to achieve the maximal proximity, the combat range, aborting it after maximal round time, after the desired condition hasn't been met)

That would also shorten the "thinking" in Roundbased, should my first suggestion be rejected.

But now a have a question on devs: does the scripted critter AI give a order on the whole critter bunch as a party, or orders on every single critter, depending on their individual input?

5 BOS fighting against 5 raiders
In simultanous combat all of 5 BOS can shoot one raider in the same time killing just him. In turns one will kill one raider, the second when he see that raider is killed he will shoot another etc.
So that suggestion isn't so good
A server don't need to wait till critter move(animations), all actions can be done in milisecs. So we can still have turns but all the critters can move like in simultenaus (it will just look like that)
So we will see that 1st BOS is shooting 1st raiders, 2nd BOS - 2nd raiders etc. in the same time


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