Other > Suggestions
Quicker Roundbased Combat
Recently, i noticed that due some circumstances, like high ping, critters would perform their turns in Roundbased combat simultaneously.
I'm sure, that's either a bug, or a silent feature to counter the high ping, and it saved me a lot of time in encounters, by the way. So thanks, if it was intended.
I'd like to suggest this kind of optional Combat Mode - in ordinary Roundbased, you have to wait, till every critter make its individual move, what makes this combat mode quite time-consuming - especially if one critter can't decide, what to do.
By making them spend their APs at one time, it would shorten the time spent in combat and bring more dynamic into the gameplay.
Also, it won't change the effects much - 3 raiders could shoot you simultaneously or one after another: tha damage will be the same, till you're able to make your turn.
i love this, you are a genius my friend. Would make combat with a double 20 man strong rave party, as well as a small slaver squad far faster (thats 44 people including me taking turns)
Yep, brilliant idea. I wonder is it possible to implement (everyone moving beside you).
what about sequence?
only your sequence matters in turnbased fights really...
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