If YOU would READ, then you would KNOW it already.
And now delete yourself.
~deleteself [password]
explain it to me in details please.
~deleteself [password]

Lexx, instead of providing semihelpful moronisms, you might to give me SIMPLE, REAL info how to FOCKIN QUIT, or use yer time to fix fockin issues(give my COW BACK ffs)..
(y know i dont care, FO is finished for me, i can laugh at your ignorance guys, 15 years and 0 knowledge bout f engine, pity, LOL....just go to NCR and everything should be clear - almost all good players are GONE - it is your job, DEVS,GMs, and whoever will talk here, LOL).
You failed, guys, and faster you realize that, it is better.
This is NO FALLOUT anymore, this is YOUR EGO engine, guys.
If YOU would READ, then you would KNOW it already.
Are you a dev, please, lol, dude, am i obliged to READ whole focking, unfirendly forum to imagine whats the actual problems ARE, are YOU KIDDING ME?
MAyb e instead fo focking advices you imgaine my situation:
i walked to tent with cow, left it and went to get some ore.
i returned and there was no cow.
Do you, DEV want to say me WTF had happened?
Am i resposible for you focking HANGOVER?
Thing is simple - fix focking issues tha were not present EARLIER, or FOCKING BEGONE with that FAIL.
You may think i cannot see through whole engine - all i can see it your IGNORANCE - F is piece of negine + scripts, and these scripts are BAD.
Give me my cow BACK.
i want to give my base to someone - simple question before i delete my account - HOW.
no more problems from me until provoked.
advice for oldtimers - check Dwarf Fortress(title that can take YEARS of fun, their forums are friendly(RARE!), game is stunning), or ADOM, you will forget about that FO fail, youngsters probably wont get that title, it is all right, lets leave MW2 for 'em, lul.