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Author Topic: [MERCS] my cow dissapeared. [EXTREMELY HIGH]  (Read 18310 times)

[MERCS] my cow dissapeared. [EXTREMELY HIGH]
« on: January 08, 2010, 06:11:41 pm »

look, i do not want to make "balabla i am big strong moderator, so i will eat you and remove your forum account" topic.

i took cow from base, lead it to tent, LEFT it there and after i was back that cow is gone.

explain it to me.

where is my fockin COW.

happy new year, i hope you can see you killed fo with these ridiculous changes i saw after FEW DAYS break.
you destroyed that game, all i can say(PERSONAL opinion - i have right to say this then).

good luck, you surely find some nolife russian kids as great players there - like these bombers in NCR NOW(madness).

jut give me my fockin cow back, oh SIRS. i had materials, guns and ammo stored there.

 just in case that some forum moderators wanted to make some EGO with that post:
FUCK YOU, go to WORK. you are NOT helping that project and let people, REALIZE that finally.

ANSWER me, where is my cow.
or remove that account and STOP focking blabla here, please.

i have no reasons to be polite - that game took many hours of my life, GAVE NOTHING, and i lost my COW with whole stuff today.
game and forum moderators are worst i saw in my life.
so consider smooth explanation for me, please.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 10:22:26 pm by lisac »


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Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2010, 06:34:51 pm »

i have no reasons to be polite - that game took many hours of my life, GAVE NOTHING, and i lost my COW with whole stuff today.

I am happy that you didn't asked for money instead. Also I will not help you in any kind of way, thanks to your very polite post, which isn't much different than you other "polite" posts.


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Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2010, 06:55:04 pm »

Oh noes, I feel sorry for that cow to have owner like you, now I understand why she left you
Only people who are ready to die should be able to kill...

Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2010, 07:04:44 pm »

I am happy that you didn't asked for money instead. Also I will not help you in any kind of way, thanks to your very polite post, which isn't much different than you other "polite" posts.

feel my feelings, please, and consider why i am not polite.

i am back after christmas, and first thing i can see is 34790345693465345340 of nab russians in ncr and ZERO(sry, 1) old players ARE GONE.

then i was bombed, then i was bombed AGAIN, then someone wanted to buy plasmas from me, i thought - why not.
i walked to tent then base, then tent and after telling my cow to STAY(FOCKIN STAY ffs) and trip for fockin 5 minerals(thanks GOD, minerals were there, oh superb, yeah i have 12 y.o. and WHOLE lots of time for that FOCKIN moronism). and went to tent.

cow is GONE.

is that funny for ya? i was storing WHOLE lots of goods in it because i CANNOT hold MY things in MY base - mates showed as fockin thieves, you know.

and then that cow DISSAPEARED.

now - imagine i am not 12 y.o. player and i lost HOURS of game just because COW IS GONE, focker, UNDERSTOOD!

i AM SURE gangs are ok, just because EVERYTHING bUT THEM are ignored while having probs.

so yeah, i am surely in mood of polite talk.
and yeah i am drunk, i did not resist after i saw actual FO.

simple words to developers:

go FOCK yourselves, you lost feeling months AGO.
serve to your "donations" gang members, f all the REST.

you killed that game, realize that.

słowo do polaczków na usługach: jesteście ŚMIESZNI.

give me my COW back i WOKRED on its contents, cunty focks.
i am not your fav Dremor char, i am simple, independent gamer.
your game engine is constanlty penalizing INDEPENDED way of ROLEPLAY.

REALIZE that, finally.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 07:11:00 pm by xoen »


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Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2010, 07:10:10 pm »

Well I guess you can forget about your cow already, because after that what you wrote here nobody normal will want to help you with your problem, even if you are angry because you lost all your stuff, saying "fuck you" etc. is not good thing if you want your items back... So good luck
Only people who are ready to die should be able to kill...

Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2010, 07:13:34 pm »

Well I guess you can forget about your cow already, because after that what you wrote here nobody normal will want to help you with your problem, even if you are angry because you lost all your stuff, saying "fuck you" etc. is not good thing if you want your items back... So good luck

no, man, i am angry because, whole lots of thieves, reapers, pks are FREE to HAVE fun. and they are having FUN, it is CLEAR.

i was trying to be ALONE, be ok for other gamers and all i got is ZERO, my base was theft by my BASEMATES, whole stuff i managed to keep is gone by cow dissapeareance, and all i can tell you:

this is NOT fallout, this is EGO promoting donation-game engine with worst forums EVER.
all i can see is fail moderation motiv, EGO gaming(because i CAN - style) and ZERO control and methodology of bufixing.

i do not need help, i want my COW BACK.
i lost HOURS for gaining what i lost.
how can i lose ALL i had and have no explanation here, tell me?

how much of stuff GANGS lost then, i am asking?

because after that what you wrote here nobody normal will want to help you
oh, yes?
i EARND my things, dont YOU THINK>?
should i get into these assholes ass to regain my OWNED goods?
are you KIDDING ME?
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 07:19:13 pm by xoen »


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Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2010, 07:19:03 pm »

What do you want to hear? Ok, let me try it in your language....

Fock, fock, fock, focking fock yo fock.

Might be a bug.

Fock, focking fock fock.

Could be something else tho'

Fock, fock, fockiddy-fock.

But what do we know, we suck and can fock us, yo.

Fock fock.
Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2010, 07:19:56 pm »

What do you want to hear? Ok, let me try it in your language....

Fock, fock, fock, focking fock yo fock.

Might be a bug.

Fock, focking fock fock.

Could be something else tho'

Fock, fock, fockiddy-fock.

But what do we know, we suck and can fock us, yo.

Fock fock.

when you learn to read BETWEEN lines, you will get point.
few morons are fiddling with players time, dontcha think?



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Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2010, 07:20:35 pm »

Read between my lines (it's pretty obvious) and you get your answer on the question, why your brahmin might be gone.
Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2010, 07:20:59 pm »

Read between my lines (it's pretty obvious) and you get your answer on the question, why your brahmin might be gone.

so give me my items back.

look, lexx, you should understand one thing:

there are players, and players, there are people with their own problems, but - if i am logging on into FO to FEEL OTHER world, and losing EVERYTHING, it is not ok, right?

i saw NUMEROUS amounts of HAPPY 7-12 y.o. russians while losing EVERYTHING i made for month.

what can you tell me NOW?

tell me then HOW many things GANGS lost while i lost everything?
ohhhh, hm.

i wont beg for your attention, i wont beg for MY items, i just will say: FUCK YOU, if you do not realizing what responsibility for your moronism is.
i lost whole lots of TIME REALIZE that, k?
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 07:39:45 pm by xoen »


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Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2010, 07:24:48 pm »

That leads to nowhere... Lexx give him back cow and everyone will be happy, if you not gonna do that so you should ban him or something. Btw. can you look at my post here? :D
Only people who are ready to die should be able to kill...

Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2010, 07:25:27 pm »

That leads to nowhere... Lexx give him back cow and everyone will be happy, if you not gonna do that so you should ban him or something. Btw. can you look at my post here? :D
give me my cow with CONTENTS, i worked on that hard.


if you not gonna do that so you should ban him or something.
yeah, ban me for criticism that SHOULD lead to considering who gamers are, actually, sure.

it is SO easy.
you know what, you are strong when everything's it is ok, but when problem appears it is USUAL thing to talk about bans, bad behavoiur etc. etc.

it is not fair.

you are providers of engine for SPENDING OUR time, realize that. you are trying to keep players inside.
but how is this working while one can lose EVERYTHING without reason?

BE FAIR, please, OK?

everyone will be happy
your gang, prolly will be, sure. just stop fockin interferring there, please.
i do not know ye. none of your business. working hard on posts amount or WHAT?
do not advertise your post in my one, k? you've set f avatar and you are oracle, lol?

give my cow's contents BACK, this is SO simple.

and start to focking behave, WE are not your russian moronic wild beings.

we are losing TIME there.

so, maybe it is time to get some communication LEVEL finally?
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 07:41:01 pm by xoen »


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Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2010, 07:52:07 pm »

As your signature says, you should "relax now".


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Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2010, 09:35:45 pm »

Hi Gazoil!


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Re: my cow dissapeared.
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2010, 09:51:20 pm »

Moved to Bugs, where it belongs. Even though it belongs to Junk even more. Not locked.

Since I'm not expecting any help from the interested party in resolving this bug, I guess we'll wait until it will repeat itself, so it can be at least confirmed.
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