Roachor, i don't want to ofend you but you just don't seem to get it. This is not about my problem with sneak, is about game balance and the lack of logic. In no other game or in real life, a guy runing towards a facing sniper on a open field with a grenade or a 30 kg minigun could be the sniper nemessis. If u have 10 PE it should be imposible not to see the guy in 35-40 meters running towards you in open field.
And about the creating the sneak based char, it's a bad ideea. That's what i said. We could all do that build, but what would then be the pleasure of playing if we all would use that build?
LE: And it's clear that you have no ideea what i am talking about. You do not have the time to kill those guys. Ap for throwing are few, the battle finishes before i even have the time to aim. 4 plasma grenades = 4 seconds. spoting grenardier, aiming, shooting = 3-4 seconds. You maybe shoot once, and that's all, you are dead. Plus, grenades knock you down most of the time...
Actually, every other game that has a sneaker class are invisible to everyone, even when he is right next to you licking your neck before slitting your throat. ....But those other games have spells/abilities to counter it..........
You have to understand your "racial" ability with high PE doesnt give you the right to be OP against another player that spent 90% of skill points in a non-combat skill.
If you nerf sneak, from the moment you enter the game with 10 PE and lvl 1, you will have the upper hand against a lvl 21 sneaker build. THATS unfair.
Tho i agree with big gunners shouldent be allowed to sneak, item based sneak penalty, nuff said.