I though we are idiots.
I want moar of your idiocy then. And plox don't stop.
I hope last sentence wasn't too gayish :>
1. Yeah but we spent time playing and we don't like lost that what you earned while playing (sorry but it is lost time).
2. Yeah know that so why GMs/people wont spawn/give whole of items
This means also there WILL be wipe so why not help players to encounter bugs?
3.------------------- (don't have anything so tahy for this, but we donate to play (i not but other players/devs donate).
1. You've earned virtual items. They are not real. There is no spoon. Time is real, sure - if you feel you waste it, do something else, beat your mom with a chair for example.
2. Do you think in final version GMs will also spawn items from the sky? We need to test anything here, also crafting system. And how spawned items will help you to encounter a bug? Enlight me here.
3. You don't donate - shut up in that matter. This is not your business what is going on with those caps.