What is it then? 
*crawl out of hole*"Users must be treated as co-developers, in a reflection of open source development practices (even if the software in question is unlikely to be released under an open source license.) The open source dictum, 'release early and release often', in fact has morphed into an even more radical position, 'the perpetual beta', in which the product is developed in the open, with new features slipstreamed in on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis. It's no accident that services such as Gmail, Google Maps, Flickr,, and the like may be expected to bear a 'Beta' logo for years at a time."
*crawls back in hole*
Edit: *crawls back out again*
The best game masters are the invisible ones.*crawls back again...*
edit2: *ok im gonna stay out in the open now...*
I think you guys need to calm down, What the devs are doing is good work and everyone appreciates it, just try and keep it a nice place to talk and hang out 
Pandemon is right in some ways and so are the devs, I also hardly never see a dev or GM ingame but i suppose this is because they are busy adding new features and reading suggestions on the forum.
Problem is, that devs and GMs are getting elitists about what they are doing, and forgetting, that if this is a beta, and we are beta testers, then:
"The users of a beta version are called beta testers. They are usually customers or prospective customers of the organization that develops the software, willing to test the software
for free or for a reduced price."
And for that, they dont respect our thoughts. Heck, i dont blaim them, such an angry crowd like some of us are just asking for teh banhammer. But they dont ban - at least i dont see a public 'wall of shame' with banned freedom figh--err i mean peoples names, instead they are drifting away more and more from us testers, while thinking that they are "on the good side", and testers are just unthankfull whiners. This leads to generalisation, in that devs cant differ people that think like a co-developer and wants to balance the game for everyone, from simple whiners. Devs and mods and GMs should be much more agressive and punish people that disrupt the community
silently, not just making fun of him with false irony and sarcasm - which doesnt solve anything and they are just as if not more offtopic; and be supportive and hear out those that are constructive.
On the other hand, same goes for testers, they greet every change like a sign of evil from the devs part, because they have a vision of what FOnline should be(the playstyle they have should be far superior to those of others - BG vs SG vs HtH vs Doc vs leaders vs crafters vs sneakers vs thieves vs bombers vs RP stuff vs PvP etc) and the change WILL allways have negative effects on some people, so they whine.
Feedback should NOT look like this:
This change sux.
NOR this:
I love you devs, thank you for this awesome change and game.
But rather like this:
I agree/disagree with this change from a neutral perspective, because some aspect of the game gave certain advantages over other people / this change unbalances the game, revert it.
IF it looks like this, then dont treat it as whine, in some cases they are right.
What im trying to say:
Devs: Listen to your co-developers, and if you see something plausable, give some feedback to it(will you implement it/with what changes)
Community: Listen to the devs, give objective feedback.
Same goals people, we are not enemies.
If you think this is way too offtopic, feel free to move it.