Other > Suggestions

Smallgun balance and ammo types

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--- Quote from: Solar on May 26, 2010, 06:14:31 pm ---I think most JHP/AP guns are crossing over at the correct points now. The change a few months to 5mm AP was to get this cross over happening in the correct place ... as well as to nerf miniguns on CA+ :P

--- End quote ---

I agree here that ammo is balanced correctly, but there's still a problem with most small guns, such as the AR, FN FAL - they lack the penetration to do anything against geared enemies.

Ok good thing to know, solar if you need to make test you can take the sim (if it's accurate) you can simply change ammos stats or weapon stats by editing source (with opera you can do that on the fly) they are stored in an array and i commented it in English not French so that it can be of use for everybody.

I've got my big spreadsheet of doom where I've got what every weapon does in 10 AP vs every armour :) - Although I changed around a lot of stuff to what I think is balanced, but forgot to lobby Atom about it before the last wipe.

With 10mm AP at 0.90 and not 0.75 P90c will become insane, i will not complain since it's what i plan to use, but it will be really more dangerous than a FN HFPA.

And what i said a bit above with Assault Rifle against 10mm SMG will be worst, since AR is already weaker :/

That presumes FN FAL HPFA and AR wouldn't change too.


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