Other > Suggestions

Smallgun balance and ammo types

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Yeah but with what you said earlier, tweak 7.62 ammos to make FN FALs better, that mean you should put 7.62 at same level or higher than .223 to be really usefull, and in this case you have big guns that will be impacted.
Not sure you'll have fun with all this, since M60 is actually weak, but if it become a second LSW, that won't do it, or there will be many raiders ingame :D (or alts and this would be really poor :/)
So i wait to see the changes but here i don't think it will be easy, since balancing AR seems not that hard cause ammos have been balanced some time ago, for the others it will probably be a pain with lot of whining.

There will be whinning no matter what, so its not really a concearn ;)

I ve seen recently something a bit weird, the mauser require a guns and bullet book to craft, while the 10mm don't.

Since mauser is the ultimate crappy weapon of the game and only usefull to perfect noobs, require a book costing 5x the price of the gun seem a bit weird to me, is it a mistake or there is an hidden reason?

Hm, I fixed this once before, seems its back. Will be fixed again on next update


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