Well, so if you shoot somebody to hand by stimpack, penetrating his hand, flesh, maybe bones, nerve, it will not harm him, just because you shoot to his hand. He will not lose his gun if you hit your hand nerve? You cant damage his artery?
For christ, if someone is applicating stimpack, he has to penetrate CAREFULY his BLOOD VESSEL with ACCURATE penetration depth. It is not easy to do this even if you are non moving and you need little experience with this. It is very hard, if you are traveling, i.e. in ambulance car, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to do on long distances.
I.e.: if you shooting tranquillizing dart to some wild animal, you have to aim for flesh, because the active drug gets into the blood circulation from flesh.. But the effect is not instantaneous, but you have to wait for a while. And there is always possibility that you will kill that animal, or criple him.
So i think that this idea has not nothing common with real world but but also nothing with Fallout.
This is first topic, that make me post...
This is great idea. That can really boost up my favorite class to do something usefull in pvp.
A lot of you arguing it is impossible to "shot" stimpack, despite of nobody here seems to have any medical knowledge. Let me a little bit enlighten you.
Do you know what to do, when you can´t hit the vein? In case of mark 4 burns, newborn or when the circulatory system completely collapses?
Will you use central venous cathether? No, because you are risking a serious infection(especially in the post-apo world) and that needs a skillfull surgeon. Then how to get fluids to the circulatory system? Where blood comes from? Bones? Yay, rigth answer. Distribution is as quick, as you hit the vein.
So you will use intraosseous needle. That is quick, for more that 90% you can be sure, you will hit the bone(humerus, femur). So point is to hit the limb and automatic injection will do the job. From armor screens, any of it, except PA seems to have any serious plating around long bones. This kind of needle easily penetrates tissue and with few exceptions the bone and if you wish, even normal clothing such as leather. How it looks?

Of course, we are not using it like a darts. But it is possible. Range of that hypotetical weapon can´t be wide, mainly due to ballistic trajectory and losing the velocity with distance(I´m not common with this type of (medical) physics).
And what is the stimpack? Well if you suffers a bleeding wound, you need fluids, to compensate such a loss. Today, we have cheap FR, Ringer ect. But we are already testing substituion for plasma like Hemacel. And the bleeding? You can stop via pressure gauge or(in case of stimpacks) with little help of "clever" hemostatics.
Again, if you are not a surgeon or doctor(feel free anyone with that kind of degree to correct me) and you don´t have any idea about medical stuff, stop nitpicking. Some of you there acting like you have M.D. degree from urgent medicine and that dilettantism makes me sick

. Especially I mean LordUsin, you are maybe a good lawyer, but this is not your field.
If you want so much realism, do you see your HP count right now?

And do you realize how impossible is first aid, not mention the doctor skill with bare hands? Even if you have doc. bag it is nearly nightmare to imagine that for any paramedic or doctor.
Post scriptum: Excuse my manners and english, it is not my native language. And Sius, you can take a parts to your main post if you need to argue