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Author Topic: New mercs or New proffesion !  (Read 12454 times)

New mercs or New proffesion !
« on: May 11, 2010, 08:19:14 pm »

Ok i got a new idea we got ghoul,human,super mutant mercs. They do good job defending our tents/bases but i think we missing something... Robots

There's should be plenty of robot mercs to hire.. Or create new profesion Robotic Expert person who can build robots.
Robots should be tradeable.

Robotic Expert class.

70 repair
80 science
5 dex 7 int
1500 caps

100 repair
120 science
6 dex 8 int
3000 caps

120 repair
150 science
7 dex 9 int
4500 caps
(you have to join faction with advanced technology like Enclave or Bos)
I got no idea who teachers should be xD

It should looks like this.

Robots Classes
(i will put a price for merc hire option and for crafting option)

MR Handy ! looks good but its civilian model can do only hth combat not heavy armored and kinda low hp but cheap.

HP  80 stats close to repair bot.

Caps price 2000. 
Lvl 1 Robotic Expert
Materials to craft:
5 E parts 10 alloys 20 metal parts 1 power fist 1 ripper 1 tool.
You also need Deans Electronics book.

Cyberdog ! Our favorite puppy not really strong but fast and much more powerfull tan normal dog.

HP 90 stats close to Cyberdog

Caps price 2500
Lvl 1 Robotic Expert
Materials to Craft

15 E parts 8 Alloys 10 metal parts + engine (cost 1 hd metal part and 5 metal parts no crafting proffesion needed)
Time for something better !!

Robobrain- finnaly this robot can use small guns ! but its not cheap !

HP- 100 stats close to robobrain maybe some higher small guns

Cost caps 8500
Lvl 2 robotic expert
Mats to craft
20 electronic parts 5 HD metal parts 5 HD alloys 10 metal parts 25 bio med gel 2 engines. (maybe brain as extra mat)
You also need Deans Electronics and First aid book
If you think its a cheap crap anyway try this !

Sentry Bot -Strongest robot expensive  but durable and created for combat and slow.

HP 250-stats close to sentry bot MK2

Caps cost 35000
Robotic Expert 3
Mats to craft
25 E parts ,15 HD metal parts ,15 HD alloys ,2 engines Minigun ,Rocket Launcher.
You also need Dean Elecrtronics maybe some special terminal.

This is basic idea what do you ppls think about it ?


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Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2010, 08:51:12 pm »

I used to be strongly against anything robotic but as soon as this provides possibility how could people with high science/repair join combat then I'm all for it.

I think they should not work as hired guns but they should be something more like bodyguards or additional fire power for people with high science/repair. The weaker ones should ignore your CH so even with 3 CH you should be able to have 1 merc + 1 robot (leaving only those stronger robots CH dependent). Maybe also add turrets as stationary "quick deploy" thingie. You craft yourself a turret, it appears as regular item in your inventory. Only people with skills/profession will be able to activate turrets. You can activate it by using science skill on either inventory icon or deactivated turret on the ground. Turrets should be limited with time and once they waste all their energy they should automatically deactivate them selves. If you don't refuel (SECs / MFCs) and reactivate the turret, it will disappear in lets say 60 seconds.

Anyway main idea is to give crafters some means how to use their science/repair/traps/fa/doc in combat and thats something worth trying!
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 09:01:32 pm by Sius »


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Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2010, 10:07:49 pm »

this is a cool ideea,but some more robots,like for lvl 2 turrets and for lvl 3 the human bots in Fallout Tactics

i like it


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Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2010, 10:19:47 pm »

Bots should be available only for those who have profession/skills to handle them. They should never work as mercenaries but more like bodyguards.

Repair/healing bots:

Mr. Handy

- Mr. Handy should be craftable, using shitload of materials and maybe introducing some new parts (looted from broken Mr. Handys in wasteland)
- his primary skills should be healing and repairing, maybe with some cooldown. These skills should require MFCs to keep his processing unit powered up. Once Mr. Handy is out of MFCs he won't be able to heal/repair but he will be simply guard with weak mele dmg but decent survivability.

Combat bots:


- easiest to craft combat robot. Parts should be nothing extra since Cyberdog is kinda common robot.

Floating Eye

- more advanced than Cyberdog. Have 2 attacks, regular mele and the one thats using energy just like the Cattle prod if I remember well => need to supply it with energy cells or MFCs in order to use stronger attack.


- best craftable robot you can get. Shitload of best materials needed and also knowledge required to obtain this one (some kind of quest maybe).

Sentry Bot

- will not be craftable but obtainable from Sierra. You will have to craft "Control chip" that requires rare pieces and materials to be crafted. Once you have it you should be able to get in Sierra and try to hack and control one of their robots.

Once someone "kill" the robots we should be able to loot them and repair them using lets say 1/3 or 1/2 of original parts. Higher tier robots are also heavier robots and that means that only strong players should be able to lift and carry them away. Anything under Robobrain and Sentry-Bot should be easy to pickup and repair after combat, but those two should take more resources to get them fixed. Maybe add capability to be repaired right on the field since they should be extremely expensive and rare things. So lets say capability to go to -20/40/60 (depenting on the robot model) HP from which anyone with decent repair and toolkit can try to fix them. But once they are below it, they will become lootable and we can repair them only with materials and workbench.

Stationary defense systems (SDS):
Imho turrets as such should be separated way how to roll engineer profession. So instead of giving all the fun away with just 1 profession, they should split in 2, like robo-engineer would be able to craft all mentioned robots while engineer focusing on SDS will be able to craft low tier robots but he will be focusing mainly on turrets. But there are only 2 types of turrets afaik and its not enough for us. Also only Auto-Cannon can be used as deployed turret.

Anyway as mentioned turrets should be MFC dependent and once they run out of them, they will deactivate themselves. Deactivated turret will disappear if its not refueled and activated in 60 seconds.

Gun Turret

« Last Edit: May 12, 2010, 10:16:04 am by Sius »


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Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2010, 03:03:59 am »

hell yeah for Sius version, MR. Handy is supposed to be my cool stylish pimped repair alt :>
(as w/o any reason having 140 repair isnt enough for succesful repairing things)
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Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2010, 03:06:50 am »

Building a new high tech robot from scratchi is totally out of place if you ask me. Even crafting your own Energy weapons just from junk is a joke in my opinion, so a big "no" from me. Also, those stats mentionend in the first post are way too overpowered.

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Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2010, 05:53:59 am »

Building a new high tech robot from scratchi is totally out of place if you ask me. Even crafting your own Energy weapons just from junk is a joke in my opinion, so a big "no" from me. Also, those stats mentionend in the first post are way too overpowered.

building anything from the materials you gather is completely insane really. how the fuck right?
the stats are definitely way overpowered. as most the game is.
but i indeed like it for sure. being able to use other skills that don't involve shooting something in the face during combat seems like fun to me.
i enjoy diversity in game situations and scenarios.
being able to use more skills in combat would obviously balance out how one creates a combat build.
imo, robot followers shouldn't rely on the player's CH. i don't think a robot really cares how charming one is.
if i built robots for a living in the wastes, i am probably one nerdy person not wishing to partake in physical combat. also having lack of social skills. but i guess that would be my roll playing/gaming stance.
i would like to see this happen, but able to be played out in different ways than one...


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Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2010, 07:04:01 am »

Building a new high tech robot from scratchi is totally out of place if you ask me. Even crafting your own Energy weapons just from junk is a joke in my opinion, so a big "no" from me. Also, those stats mentionend in the first post are way too overpowered.
Why building high tech robots is strange for you? You think that if Fallout world is after big nuclear world war and every scientist died - you're wrong.
We can do profession robot crafter and the only way to learn it is to go to the... chinatown in SF. Did you forgot about them? They are next after Enclave and BoS the better scientists.
+1 to whole suggesion.
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Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2010, 07:07:47 am »

Why building high tech robots is strange for you? You think that if Fallout world is after big nuclear world war and every scientist died - you're wrong.
We can do profession robot crafter and the only way to learn it is to go to the... chinatown in SF. Did you forgot about them? They are next after Enclave and BoS the better scientists.
+1 to whole suggesion.

They all used prewar techniques, even the (silly) Shi in SF rely on some prewar computer. I just like the thinking, of that generations after the great war will lose all previous advanced technics and start to develop their own. And CREATING new robots from scratch doesn't fall into the "maintaining prewar stuff" or so.
It just seems to be totally out of place, sorry.


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Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2010, 07:13:33 am »

So name this robots like "Broken cyberdog" or write in description something like that (about f.e. Robobrain) "You see small, strange built robot. He has dog's brain into and growls all the time." as a prove of that his builder wasn't expert in that what is he doing.
Anyway, it would be something fresh and maybe useful.
I am sure if now someone would suggest to add merc you would say "No no! It is too overpowered!!!!!"
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Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2010, 07:17:33 am »

So name this robots like "Broken cyberdog" or write in description something like that (about f.e. Robobrain) "You see small, strange built robot. He has dog's brain into and growls all the time." as a prove of that his builder wasn't expert in that what is he doing.
Anyway, it would be something fresh and maybe useful.
I am sure if now someone would suggest to add merc you would say "No no! It is too overpowered!!!!!"

There is a difference between "OVERPOWERED!!!11" and "overpowered". As now, even some of the mercs are too weak if you ask me. ;)
But the idea of making robots (e.g. sentry bots) with more then 300 hp isn't just a poor mens excuse, it's just too powerfull.
It is what it is for a reason, pre war technology, found in abandonend facilieties, and nowhere else, sorry.


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Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2010, 08:36:32 am »

but how about recruting them from High-Teck places like San Fran,or Navaro and Brotherhood
crafting them is kinda strange,but to recruit them,i am ok whit that


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Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2010, 09:56:36 am »

Modified my last post.

Anyway is it possible to get some info what devs think about robots. There were like 6+ topics already about them but afaik no response from devs. So we could be also just wasting our time here since devs might not like it at all.


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Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2010, 10:03:56 am »

Anyway is it possible to get some info what devs think about robots. There were like 6+ topics already about them but afaik no response from devs. So we could be also just wasting our time here since devs might not like it at all.

As I said the last 200(?) times. Wait for the next few upcoming updates. You'll see if there are some plans for robots. If no dev responses, still feel free to add your suggestions. If a suggestion get's closed down, well, it's obvious. ;)
Re: New mercs or New proffesion !
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2010, 10:18:43 am »

I think this should be added in. And really, nothing OP.
Those sentrybots are really easy to kill aslong as you have 2 guys doing it with cheap smg's.
also, you could increase the mats a bit. but they look fine to me. also they should be CH dependable, remember it's not just how charming you are. It's your ability to command the amount of robots. somoene who has low CH and now skill in it, will go completely nuts trying to control more robots he can handle.
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