No, he won't

I think that making robots would be cool, BUT:
1. This is rather strange to be able to construct such complicated device as a robot on profession lvl1, thus the pure 'robotics' profession shouldn't exist. Besides, now most of professions are damn flat, they mostly just allow you to gain acces to longer chain of better and better guns or armors. In reallity, to crate a complex device like a minigun (or rather to create a prototype, as later it's the production lines that do all the work) several scientist have to work together (how the hell a gunsmith would have a knowledge to make a damn minigun engine and cooling device?) Yes, of course - making a demand for various crafters to make one item now would probably only spawn another 1000 alts to jam-pack the server...
To make things more interesting, I would rather see a bit less linear profession - an 'engineer', or 'electronics' profession (or whatever it should be named) - for characters, that are skilled with making various electronic devices (including robots). A bit like an energy expert, only that he wouldn't focus on weapons - equipment and gadgets only.
At the beginning he would be able to create simpler devices, like(i.e.):
-radio headgear - a radio used in the head slot (slot is gonna be available along with 3d chars)
-geiger counter - no describtion needed I think
-motion scanner - as above, it would be useful, if - contrary to the Fallout 2 - it would work like the radio - when in hand (in FO2 it had to be the active slot)
On lvl 2 we would have another set of more or less useful electronic items, i.e
-helmet+radio - ability to add a radio headset to any helmet (also - when the 3d chars finally appear)
-nightvision goggles - working like a nightvision perk, or giving some other penalty reduce, only that they would eat a lot of SEC and blind you if you use them during the day
-helmet+nightvision - just like helmet+radio
the simplest robot - floating eye or mr handy would do
lvl3 would allow to construct more complicated robots (although I don't think that Sentry bots MKII should be craftable at all - they are way to complicated)
In order to build a robot, in addition to craftable parts, you would have to get your hands on some items can be only bought/looted from robots corpses - servos, robot parts (these were included in FO2, only that they were useless then), electronic brains and so on. The better the robot, the more complicated and expensive parts it would need. Simple lvl2 bot would need only one set of robot parts, while the most complex would need a few sets of those parts, electronic brain, two servos and so on...
As those special parts are lootable, you could regain some of them from your own robot's corpse if he gets 'killed'. That is why I think that getting those parts in the first place should be a pain in the ass (very high price, hard to get - no 'robots encounters'), but then they can be reused several times, as long as you'll have a chance to loot your own destroyed bot, you would still have essential parts to make another one.
Robots would count as mercs, and player should be able to sell them to another players. Maybe with some restrictions like minimal science needed to control a bot, so that only a few not engineer chars would be able to control the best bots. IMHO minimal science to control each bot type should make an engineer profession more diverse, as player wanting to sell his robots will have to take into consideration the skill of his customers, not only mass producing the best stuff availabe (what is an issue in ALMOST EVERY other profession, excluding docs)
Yes, I realise that such restrictive access to parts will probably make creating robots too complicated to use it in a regular PvPers like TC gangs. And I don't give a sh*t, 'cos not everything in this game has to be prepared for PvP. Making robot creation effective would end up in PvP gangs mass producing them and robot hordes swarming in most of TCs and regular gang wars... and this WILL ruin the atmosphere of the game - Fallout is not Cyberpunk. Robots should be overall (at least a bit) harder to obtain than mercs, while having similar usefulness, so they will remain to be a certain rarity. Rather for those liking to play an interesting character, and certainly not for those focusing only on combat performance.