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Author Topic: Throwing knifes  (Read 7972 times)

Throwing knifes
« on: May 08, 2010, 05:15:10 am »

Since throwing knives can no longer be used as a normal knife and can only be thrown they should have their AP cost reduced to 3 AP not 4 as it is now. I would also suggest that they be given the piercing effect that the wakizashi sword had to make them at least useful against people using anything above a leather jacket. And I don't want to hear "why don't you just use grenades?" well because this isn't about grenades, those are fine.
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Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2010, 05:32:30 am »

Agreed, throwing knives should be more awesome considering their limited range/damage.


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Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2010, 08:20:24 am »

First of all - grenades aren't fine. Since sneak got nerfed, the plasma shit needs to get knockdown back.
Next - your knives are crit weapon, doesn't matter how many ap they need, really - you go for a kill in a hit or two and 4 unaimed/5 aimed is perfectly fine. Or they're just backup/troll stuff and are completely neutral.
Last of all - buff molotovs a bit. It's one of those budget tier weapons nobody really uses because they're not really budget if you consider damage/cost ratio.
Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2010, 08:43:02 am »

First of all - grenades aren't fine. Since sneak got nerfed, the plasma shit needs to get knockdown back.
Next - your knives are crit weapon, doesn't matter how many ap they need, really - you go for a kill in a hit or two and 4 unaimed/5 aimed is perfectly fine. Or they're just backup/troll stuff and are completely neutral.
Last of all - buff molotovs a bit. It's one of those budget tier weapons nobody really uses because they're not really budget if you consider damage/cost ratio.

"Or they're just backup/troll stuff and are completely neutral". That is just wrong, basically you're saying that the weapon is worthless and should be removed from the game because why use it when you can use grenades unless you're messing around. And then "Next - your knives are crit weapon" this is just lies and you know it, tell me who do you know who that uses knives instead of grenades especially when you can throw 3-5 grenades or 2 non eye/head/groin knife shots in the same amount of time?  This is a suggestion to fix throwing Knifes this is not about grenades.
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Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2010, 09:18:13 am »

I actually would make a knife based powerbuild if sneak wasn't nerfed. Because I can crit you in the eye with a knife and I can't with a grenade. Honestly, if you like knives you shouldn't be so hard on them. They have the instakill/stun potential, which really is hardcore - just ask a sniper. If you don't know a sniper just present your head over the sandbag wall equivalent in a 2238 equivalent of Saraievo - I bet the answer is going to come at you with the speed of a bullet, lol.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2010, 09:32:43 am by Nice_Boat »
Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2010, 12:02:56 pm »

I actually would make a knife based powerbuild if sneak wasn't nerfed. Because I can crit you in the eye with a knife and I can't with a grenade.
Lol? You mean totally unnerfed sneak, where you don't care about weight? First of all look at weight of every throwing knife. Second look at damage/range. Third... you can iake powerbuild based on ONLY dewert eagle and sneak and you'll have advantage over knifer, because:
1) desert eagle+bullets = less weight than throwing knives;
2) desert eagle has minimal damage a bit more than throwing knife;
3) same AP;
4) desert eagle has more range;
5) easy to get/craft, than throwing knives.
6) can always use something better than desert eagle ;p

So, making build on throwing knife is simply for RP only.


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Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2010, 12:21:02 pm »

Lol? You mean totally unnerfed sneak, where you don't care about weight? First of all look at weight of every throwing knife. Second look at damage/range. Third... you can make powerbuild based on ONLY desert eagle and sneak and you'll have advantage over knifer, because:
1) desert eagle+bullets = less weight than throwing knives;
2) desert eagle has minimal damage a bit more than throwing knife;
3) same AP;
4) desert eagle has more range;
5) easy to get/craft, than throwing knives.
6) can always use something better than desert eagle ;p

So, making build on throwing knife is simply for RP only.

You read my mind.
Throwing knifes should cost 3-4 AP for aimed throws. They could become primary crippling weapon. 9 AP = 3 leg/hand throws. It would be usable and pretty awesome.. ehh I'd also suggest increased range and decreased weight.. and making them easier to craft(bigger ammounts per craft)
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Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2010, 02:44:19 pm »

Whoa, one thing at a time XD
I support armor piercing perk, and less weight, but 9 AP = 3 leg/hand throws seems a bit much to me..
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Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2010, 02:57:00 pm »

First of all - grenades aren't fine. Since sneak got nerfed, the plasma shit needs to get knockdown back.

I hope I misunderstood that: you are saying granades need boost?
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Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2010, 08:55:30 pm »

The other things is they shouldn't require science to craft, 40 science is a lot to ask from a throwing knife build.
Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2010, 11:27:58 pm »

man i just wanna see the throwing knife to be used as a normal knife but the step up from the combat knife... was rly surprised when i tried to use thsoe throwing knives i had as normal knives...

but I also agree that the throwing knife skill needs some better throwing knives... grenades are sweet but eh how about a step up throwing knife from the throwin knife? TK Mk. 2? Treated TK? Greased TK for that -1 ap but less range or something... maybe give the yakuzas some shirukans? only good against armour if you hit em in the eyes?

eighter way dont care but maybe fallout tactics/ van buren had a good idea we should steal?
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Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2010, 11:32:12 pm »

yeah the different throwing weapons were fun in fot but largely useless.


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Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2010, 11:50:36 am »

yeah the different throwing weapons were fun in fot but largely useless.

Browning M2 with depleted uranium ammo and 50 Range ftw!

Id like to see some new weapons, i.e. from van buuren, just for model variety. Id be nice to have something like zip gun in fallout tactics


Back to the topic: Throwing knives should cost 3 AP and be good for anything without armor so technically, bluesuits and animals. I disagree with cripple thing, one would yield throwing knifes eyeshot and then just play with the victim :D
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 11:56:39 am by kraskish »
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2010, 03:06:36 pm »

Browning M2 with depleted uranium ammo and 50 Range ftw!

Id like to see some new weapons, i.e. from van buuren, just for model variety. Id be nice to have something like zip gun in fallout tactics


Back to the topic: Throwing knives should cost 3 AP and be good for anything without armor so technically, bluesuits and animals. I disagree with cripple thing, one would yield throwing knifes eyeshot and then just play with the victim :D

is it such a big diffrence in crippling chance between 1 eye shot with a sniper rifle or 2 eye shots per turn with a throwing knife?(4 ap cost). Also bare in mind that throwing knifes have crappy range. I guess that makes the "playing with the victim" quite hard. Also bigguners dont give a shit about crippled eyes since they usually just psycho anyway while their 1 perception still let's them shot with high efficency(due to unaimed bursts)
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Re: Throwing knifes
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2010, 03:11:21 pm »

and don't forget the-27% cth if blinded down payment
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